Kuraray seals Calgon Carbon acquisition

Kuraray seals Calgon Carbon acquisition

NEWS Porvair buys Keystone Filter from Ceco Environmental P orvair Filtration Group has purchased the goodwill, business and trading assets of Keys...

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Porvair buys Keystone Filter from Ceco Environmental


orvair Filtration Group has purchased the goodwill, business and trading assets of Keystone Filter, a division of Ceco Environmental Corp, in a cash deal. Keystone, which had 2017 revenue of around US$4 million, designs and manufactures filter cartridges and housings for the food and beverage, drinking water, and chemical process markets in the US. As part of the acquisition, Porvair has entered into a transition services agreement with Ceco to transfer the business to its plant in Ashland, Virginia, over the next few months. Commenting on the deal, Ben Stocks, chief executive of Porvair plc, said: “The acquisition of Keystone increases our presence in the US, broadening our markets and providing a range of cross selling opportunities. Keystone brings sales expertise, distribution and a broad customer base for whom Porvair’s wider product range will be attractive.” Porvair will integrate Keystone into its Aerospace & Industrial division.

For further information, visit www.porvairfiltration.com and www.cecoenviro.com/keystone-filter

Smiths Group to acquire German filtration company Seebach for E60mn


miths Group plc, the parent company of mechanical seal specialist John Crane, has agreed to acquire Seebach GmbH, a provider of highly-engineered filtration solutions, from Avedon Capital Partners for an enterprise value of E60 million. Vellmar, Germany-based Seebach develops customized solutions for use in the automotive, chemical, mining, pharmaceutical, and food and drink industries, and for particle filtration in hot or chemically aggressive gases and fluids. When the deal closes, Seebach will be integrated into the John Crane division which already offers a range of oil and gas 14

Filtration Industry Analyst

filtration products. Smiths says that the acquisition complements John Crane’s existing filtration operations and underlines its commitment to accelerate growth in the business. John Crane moved into filtration in 2008 when Smiths bought Indufil BV, a Dutch manufacturer of patented systems used for rotating equipment in the petrochemical and power sectors. For further information, visit www.smiths.com, www. johncrane.com and www.seebach.com

Kuraray seals Calgon Carbon acquisition


apan’s Kuraray Co Ltd has completed its acquisition of Calgon Carbon Corp giving the Japanese company a global presence in activated carbon and filtration media. Calgon Carbon will now operate as a separate subsidiary of Kuraray (see Filtration Industry Analyst, September 2017). Speaking about the completion of the deal, Randy Dearth, Calgon Carbon’s president and CEO, said: “This is an exciting beginning. For over 75 years, Calgon Carbon’s products, technologies, and commitment to our customers were the driving force of our business. And now, when combined with the support of Kuraray, there is no limit to what we can achieve.” Dearth and other members of the Calgon Carbon executive management team will continue in their roles after the closing of the transaction. Masaaki Ito, Kuraray’s representative director and president, said: “Today, Kuraray takes its carbon materials business farther than ever before with the addition of a global focus on activated carbon, activated carbon services, and filtration media. We are delighted to have the Calgon Carbon team joining Kuraray. We believe that this complementary combination will enable significant synergies and growth opportunities, and we aim to further expand the business as one of our future core businesses.” As a separate subsidiary, Calgon Carbon will be reported as part of the Functional Materials Company of Kuraray, along with Kuraray’s Carbon Material Business Division. The Functional Materials Company includes the Methacrylate Division and the Medical Division. For further information, visit www.calgoncarbon.com and www.kuraray.com

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March 2018