283 ORTHOPAEDIC MANAGEMENT OF CEREBRAL PALSY by E. E.BLECK' Volume II in the series Saunders Monographs in Clinical Orthopaedics. 1979. W. B. Saunders...
283 ORTHOPAEDIC MANAGEMENT OF CEREBRAL PALSY by E. E.BLECK' Volume II in the series Saunders Monographs in Clinical Orthopaedics. 1979. W. B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia-London-Toronto, ISBN 0 7216 1730 15.50.
I p. 266. figs. and tables, f
Since the conquest of polio. cerebral palsy represents the greatest challenge to the orthopedist to be a physician as well as a surgeon. to be a counselor as well as a therapist. Like polio. it can also be a great teacher with the help of an experienced guide. About diagnosis of motor disorders in cerebral palsy the book supplies only enough information to avoid confusion in terminology. Detailed notes are given on contemporary neurobiology and the ‘neuroplasticity’ of the central nervous system. A review is included of the structural changes in the musculoskeletal system that result from spastic paralysis. This is important if one wants to look beyond the duration of childhood. Exact timing of neurophysiological. orthotic and surgical treatment is stressed. In discussing surgical procedures it is clearly described that correcting a deformitv does not always mean a functional advantage and why. Many failures, well known to most of us. are readjly explained. Specially recommanded are the chapters on correction of hand dysfunction in spastic hemiplegia and on rotational hip deformity. The author has succeeded in his ‘synthetic approach’ of the orthopedic care of cerebral palsy. G. Th. M. Bossers LACHEN ALS EPILEPTISCHE MANIFESTATION by D.M~~LLER and J.MOLLER, 1980. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena. Sammlung Zwangloser Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete p. 94, Ordernumber 533 231 6 - Slg. Psych. 48 Mueller.
der Psychiatric
und Neurologie,
Band 48
Pathological laughter has all the motor components of normal laughter, but lacks the emotion and is uncontrolled and of a stereotype nature. Forced laughter as disinhibition phenomenon in the course of pseudo bulbar paralysis is distinguished from epileptic laughter as excitation phenomenon. After an exhaustive review of literature since 1765, 18 cases are presented ofwhom 13 are epileptic. The laughter is part of a more elaborate seizure that may be of various types. Arguments for the epileptic nature of pathological laughter are: a sudden start. no apparent provocation stereotyped unnatural quality. other epileptic phenomena and interictal spikes in the electroencephalogram. favourable results of antiepileptic drugs and no other conditions that may lead to pathological laughter. The duration is seconds to minutes. The ictal EEG may be generalized slow, desynchronized or generalized fast with or without spike or spikewave discharges. The few reports on postmortal examination show a slight preponderance for processes in the region of the III ventricle. All the presented cases were symptomatic. The book is recommended because it is a thorough overview but the heavy documentation makes reading somewhat laborious. A. E. H. Sonnen
NEUROCHEMICAL AND IMMUNOLOGIC COMPONENTS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA by D.BERGSMA and A. L.GOLDSTEIN. Series: Birth defects: original article series, volume XIV number 5, 1978. Alan R. Liss Inc., 150 Fifth Ave. N.Y., N.Y. 1001 I (Ed.), July 1978 Dfl. 138.-or European (Hogeweyselaan 119.Weesp) 450 p., tables and figures.
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This collection of 24 papers presented at a Conference held at The University of Texas Medical Branch, in October 1976. is an ambitious contribution to the field of research in schizophrenia. Spanning such areas as slow viruses, histocompatibility, humural and cellular immunology, serum- and brain-specific proteins