Lactation following psychotropic agents

Lactation following psychotropic agents

Lactation Following Psychotropic The first case of lactation due to chlordiazepoxide is presented. This report does not prove beyond a doubt, but cer...

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Lactation Following Psychotropic

The first case of lactation due to chlordiazepoxide is presented. This report does not prove beyond a doubt, but certninly does incriminate chlordiazepoxide as an iatrogenic factor as a cause of lactation in this case. The probable mechanism is hypothalamic stimulation

or suppresion





tary release of lactogenic hormone. Similar effects can be expected with other ataractic and psychotropic drugs. (Metabolism 16: No. 3, Larch, X7-2% 1967)

Dieth~lstill,estrol was atlministertd for a p~riotl of 1 week in ;I tlosagt- c,t 1.5 mg. tlnil\ without nplxeciable etfect tpn thrx pin or secretion. The patient was then gi\,cn placebc~ tlllc. ttr Gtlr c,lfrrts. chlordiazepoxide c2lx~1les l)llt 11x1 to tliscolltinue these after 2 wrrlis One month later. the breasts hut1 rt$llrnecl to normal :%ntl the srrretion colrlpletc~ly tlisal~pear’d. Studies were Imcl~rtakell which ir;tlicatrtl that th\ roitl flmvtiotl \v,lr; 11ornIal (PHI 4.S mcg. per cent. RAILI 26.:3 per cent at 24 11011rs) whjle slid x-ri\\h I’?\ tdrtl 110 pine:il 01 cella abnormality. Chlordiazeposidr 10 mg. c1.i.d. was again qivcn starting on hlarcl~ :30. 1966, and after 2 months tht> pntic~nt again hat1 gy nc-conrastia ant1 col~im~~ milk! secretioll. It is of particular interest to note that this patient rrceivul cl~lortli~~zel~o~i~l~~ for 2 lxrid of 3 months dnring hrr h! pc.rth! roitl period ( lH6:3 ) witliollt tlr\-~~lol)in~ tlrcksc, trl;lrrifchtations. 111scuss105-

Reports have appeared ixq>licating the following drugs in thus protluetioii 01 lactation: trifluoroperazine dihydrochloride, l~rochlorprr~~zi~le.’ mel~rol)amatt~,’ h\-dro~liloridc.” ehlorthioridazine hydrochloride,1 fluphenazine.’ imipraminc This is the first rcprt of promazine.:’ alpha-methyl-dolled,’ aud rrserpine.’ lactation following chlordiazepoxide. IIypotlialamic coiitrol of tli(h pituitar\ gonadotrophic hormones has been postulated but uot definitelv proved. This focuses attention ou the hypothalamus as thca eontrollin g center for tlit. pitutary release of lactogenic hormone. Logically such effects c’aii I)e c~xpeetr~tl from other psychotropic drugs. It has tentativelv l)cleu suggested that the trancluilizing drugs rna!~ rcmovct some hypothalamic rrstrainiug mechanism over the release of auterior pituitarv hormones.” L’k i raise, hyl~otlialamic stimulation mav cause thrs release of ;I factor which then stimulates the anterior pituitarv to ~rcllrase laetogeuic hormone. Estrogen deficicncv in l~ost~~ieiiol~;~~is”1 nwmen #\-es risr, to ail increasc~tl excretion of lactogenic hormone.’ It is notable that the vaginal smear in this patient indicated a moderate estrogen eflcct. Also there 11~1s uo resl~ouse to the aclrninistration of large doses of svuthetic estrogen given for a period of 1 \\icek. Careful neurologie examinatic~u am1 sliull x-ravs c~cludcd ;I@itar\. tumor as the cause’. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘l‘hallh~ ar? c~\tcntl~d to 101111 1. l’rpper. \I.D.. Holhl~ann-I ,;I Roclrc~ 111~. t11r I”‘,)\ Itlill< tilt, c~l~lortli~~z~l~o~i~l~placrhc~ c:lp;!lt~ ;liid rca\iew of tlx> Iiiarrllvcript.

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