Langostinos off Africa's west coast. 5. Phyllosoma larvae of Scyllaridae and Palinuridae taken off the Saharan coast

Langostinos off Africa's west coast. 5. Phyllosoma larvae of Scyllaridae and Palinuridae taken off the Saharan coast

796 E. Biological Oceanography and female, sternal). Morphology, systematics and phvlogenetic relationships are discussed. Includes a 4page bibliogr...

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E. Biological Oceanography

and female, sternal). Morphology, systematics and phvlogenetic relationships are discussed. Includes a 4page bibliography. Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Laboratoire de Zoologic (Arthropodes), 61, rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris, France. (izs) 79:6122 Hansen, H. J., 1979. Test structure and evolution in the Foraminifera. Lethaia, 12(2): 173-182. Foraminiferal shell structures appear to have become increasingly complex with time: agglutinated forms arose in the Cambrian or earlier: porcellaneous, monocrystalline, and monolamellar forms appeared from the Cambrian through the Permian: and bilamellar forms arose bv the Jurassic. A more phvlogeneticallv oriented classification could stem from the development of an evolutionary history of important shell structures. Figures include drawings and micrographs. Geologisk Centralinstitut, Kebenhavns Universitet, Oster Voldgade 10, DK1350, KCbenhavn K, Denmark. (dme) 79:6123 Le Loeuff, P., P. Cayre and A. intes, 1978. Etude du crabe rouge profond Geryon quinquedens en C6te d'lvoire. II. Elements de biologic et d'ecologie avec reference aux resultats obtenus au Congo. [The deep sea red crab, Geryon quinquedens, along the Ivory Coast. Ii. Biology and ecology with reference to results obtained off the Congo.] Doc. scient. Cent. Rech. oc~anogr., Abidjan, 9(2): 17-65. Oc6anographes de I'ORSTOM, AntennĀ¢ ORSTOM du C.O.B., B.P. 337 BREST CEDEX, France. 79:6124 L'homme, F., 1979. Biologic et dynamique de Penaeus duorarum notialis (Perez-Farfante 1967) au Senegal: reproduction. 11I. [Biology and dynamics of Penaeus duorarum notialis (PerezFarfante 1967) in Senegal: reproduction, ili.] Doc. scient. Cent. Rech. oc~anogr., DakarThiaroye, 6 9 : 3 4 pp. Inst. S6n~galais de la Recherche Agronomique, I.S.R.A., B.P. 2241, Dakar, S~n~gal. 79:6125 Maigret, Jacques, 1978. Contribution a I'~tude des langoustes de la c6te occidentale d'Afrique (Crustac6s, D~capodes, Palinuridae). 5. Les larves phyllosomes de Scyllaridae et de Palinuridae recueillies au large des c6tes du Sahara. [Langostinos off Africa's west coast. 5. Phyllosoma larvae of Scyllaridae and Palinuridae taken off the Saharan coast.] Bull. Inst. fondament. Aft. noire. (A)40(I): 36-80. Figures include 15 drawings. 79:6126 McVean, Alistair and lan Findlay, 1979. The incidence of autotomy in an estuarine population of

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the crab Carcinus maenas. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K.. 59(2): 341-354. Observations over the period of one year showed autotomy to increase with the size of the crab, although all sizes and sexes autotomized limbs, and to be essential to the survival of immature crabs. Possible means of regulation of autotomy incidence in Carcinus is examined. Bedford College, University of London, Regent's Park, London, England. (sir) 79:6127 Morgan, S. G. and A. J. Provenzano Jr., 1979. Development of pelagic larvae and postlarva of Squilla empusa (Crustacea, Stomatopoda), with an assessment of larval characters within the Squillidae. Fish Bull. natn. mar. Fish. Serv., U.S., 77(1): 61-90. Larvae were collected in Chesapeake Bay and reared in the laboratory for descriptive studies of pelagic stages prior to postlarval stages. Useful characters with respect to specific and generic identification were noted. Includes ca. 150 drawings. Institute of Marine Science, University of North Carolina, Morehead City, N.C. 28557, U.S.A. (rio) 79:6128 Murano, Masaaki, 1978. A new species of ldiomysis [Idiomysis japonica sp. nov.] (Crustacea, Mysidacea) from Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci, Mus., Tokyo, (A. Zool.), 4(4): 263-266. Includes 13 drawings. Research Laboratory of Fisheries Resources, Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan. 79:6129 Omori, Makoto and David Gluck, 1979. Life history and vertical migration of the pelagic shrimp Sergestes similis off the southern California coast. Fish. Bull. hath. mar. Fish. Serv., U.S., 77(1): 183-198. As a substantial portion of the micronekton, S. similis is important in the dynamics of northern Pacific oceanic ecosystems. Reproduction, daily and ontogenetic vertical migrations, growth and longevity are examined in detail. Division of Marine Sciences, UNESCO, Place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris, France. (sir) 79:6130 Pallares, R. E., 1977. Copepodos harpacticoides marinos de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Isla de los Estados. If. El genero Diarthrodes Thomson, 1882. [Marine harpacticoid copepods of Tierra del Fnego, Argentina; lsln de los Estndos. 11. The genus IMarthrodes Thomson, 1882, including 3 new species.] Contrib. cient. Cent. Invest. Biol. mar., CIBIMA, 141:17 pp. Ca. 60 drawings. Consejo Nacional de lnvestigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.