Clinmtic effects on machine tools Machine tool designs for use in a temperate area such as the United Kingdom may require modification for operation in tropical or arctic conditions. An MTI RA working group has produced a reference document which provides advice on equipping a machine tool to function under various 'nonstandard' conditions and which, it is hoped, "will assist in establishing a basis for agreement between su pplier and purchaser". S t a n d a r d s Information Sheet No 22 - Environmental protection of machine tools - covers environmental situations ranging from temperature in storage to electrical interference, indicating the measures needed. To help machine tool manufacturers obtain details of the environmental conditions in which their products are likely to be used, an example is given of a questionnaire for customers which covers climatic conditions, electricity supply, altitude, transportation, storage conditions on site and other criteria. SIS No 22 is available at £5.00 per copy. The Machine Tool Trades Association, 62 Bayswater Road, London W2 3PH, UK o r The Machine Tool Industry Research Association, Hulley Road, Macctesfield, Cheshire SK10 2NE, UK
Large optics gimbal mounts Stable and precise orientation of 4 and 6 inch (10 and 15 mm) optics is ,claimed possible with the 620 series of gimbat mounts from Newport Corporation. Shake-free gimballing is said to be assured by preloaded ball bearing pivot assemblies. Optical elements are front-loaded onto three compressive
620 series gimbai mounts offer precise orientation of 4 and 6 in (100 and 150 mm) optics
Some of the features of the 8716 linear encoder are a resolution of 0.6 #m, scale lengths up to 2 m, output data rates up to 500 kHz and an optional zero index. The optical reading head takes up less than two cubic inches. Teledyne Gurley, 514 Fulton Street, Troy, NY 12181, USA or Norcroft Dynamics Ltd, Fellows House, High Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 5AF, UK model
The mode18716 Teledyne Gurtey is suitable for applications that require the incremental measurement o f linear position or speed to a precis/on in the range 0.5 to 5 pm
Rotary and linear encnders
Courses on optical engineering
Two encoders - one rotary, one linear have been launched by Teledyne Gurl ey. 'Red', 'white' and 'blue'lines of rotary encoder each feature five sizes, from 1.1 in (27.9 mm} to 3.5 in (88.9 mm) diameter. The 'red' line feature ABEC class 5 bearings, an unbreakable plastic disc and resolutions up to four times the disc line count. The 'white' models also offer ABEC 7 bearings and chrome on glass discs but resolutions up to 8 times the disc line count. The 'blue' line features ABEC 7 bearings, chrome on glass discs, dual reading heads for higher accuracy and a resolution up to 40 times the disc line count - a feature count of 360 000/ revolution.
This summer, two courses on applied optics/optical engineering are being run in the UK. The Sira Foundation course 'Optical Engineering I' is being presented again on 1 3 - 1 4 June 1984. The programme is designed to give a basic introduction to optical engineering, with special reference to quality assurance, and comprises lectures and practical demonstration sessions. The course is intended for engineers and technologists who wish to acquire an understanding of basic optics and the testing of components and systems. Instruction will principally be given by lecturers from the Polytechnic of the South Bank, London, and by Sira s~aff. The Conference Unit, Sira Ltd, South Hill, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5EH, UK
points and are held securely in place by three locking stops positioned directly opposite them to minimize surface distortion. Once in place, the front surface of the optic becomes aligned with the rotational axes for translation-free gimballing. Both rotational drives are anchored to a single frame to minimize crosstalk and are edge-mounted out of the optical path for safety and convenience. The micrometers are graduated in 30 arc-sec divisions and each may be adjusted through 10° , with sub a rc-sec resolution. In addition to tapped mounting holes along the edges, thumbscrew anchors allow the mount to be rigidly attached to a table or base. T h e s e new mounts have a slender profile, a large clear aperture, and are compatible w i t h Newport's motorized drives. Newport Corporation, PO Box 8020, Fountain Valley, CA 927288020, USA
An 'Applied optics summer course' will be held at Imperial College, London, from 2 - 1 3 July 1984. This two week course is intended for scientists, engineers and managers whose training is in fields other than optics but it is apparently also suitable as a refresher course for optical specialists. It will consist of approximately 40 lectures emphasizing basic concepts in applied optics and laser physics and will include demonstration experiments and visits to relevant laboratories in the Optics Section at Imperial College. The lectures will all be given by the staff of the Optics Section and printed lecture notes wilt be provided The fee for the course is £450 (approximately $700) exclusive of accommodation. For further information and registration forms, please contact: Professor J. C. Dainty, Optics Section, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London SW7 2BZ, UK
JAN 1984 VOL 6 NO ]