CALENDAR OF SOLID STATE EVENTS Dr. A. Furrer, Institute für Reaktortechnik ETHZ, Forschungsgruppe am EIR, CH-5503 Wurenlingen, Switzerland.
6—9 S~p~mber 1976 Taormina Research Conference on the Structure of Matter, Taormina, Sicily. This is a conference on the recent developments in Optical Spectroscopy of Solids: modulation spectroscopy, high intensity excitation, far u.v. spectroscopy and spectroscopy of surfaces. Recent advances in the following fields will be given special consideration: Interband critical points and band structure. Polarization modulation. Application of modulation spectroscopy to interface processes and phase transitions. Excitons and droplets. Multi-photon processes. Modulation spectroscopy in the far u.v. Surface states in semiconductors. Photoemission from surface states. Surface waves. Information: G. Chiarotti, Instituto Di Fisica “Guglielmo Marconi”, Universita Degli Studi Roma, Piazzale delle Science, 5, Roma, Italy. —
Vol. 19, No. I
6—10 September 1976 International Conference on Magnetism, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The International Conference on Magnetism (1CM76), and IUPAP conference will be held in the RAL International Congress Center, Amsterdam. The scope of the 1CM76 will be similar to that of the preceding conferences in the triannual series held in Boston 1967, Grenoble 1970, and Moscow 1973. Information: C.J. Schinkel, Natuurkundig Laboratorium, der Universiteit van Amsterdam, Valckenierstraat 65, Amsterdam-C, The Netherlands. 12—18 September 1976 First European Conference on Crystal Growth, ECCG-1, Zurich Switzerland. ECCG-1 will be held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. The meeting should cover all aspects of crystal growth and material preparation, both in invited and contributed papers. Topics will be: theoretical and experimental studies of basic problems in crystal growth; crystal growth techniques; growth of bulk crystals and thin films (including biological materials); characterization of crystals. —
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Layered Semiconductors and Metals, Ban, Italy. This satellite conference to the International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors in Rome is the successor of a series of small but highly informative meetings on materials with layered structures (Taormina 1968, Monterey 1972, Plymouth 1975). The Organizing Committee (E. Mooser, Chairman) is proposing the following list of tentative topics: Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry; Crystal Growth, New Materials; Charge Density Waves; Phase Transitions; Optical Properties and High-intensity Excitation; Transport Phenomena, Superconductivity; Photoemission and Electron Spectroscopy; Phonon and Electron Bands. Information: A. Minafra, Istituto di Fisica, Via Amendola, 173, 70125 Ban, Italy.
The emphasis will be on invited papers and on disf problems of high actuality, such as: cussions 0 —
crystal growth for conversion and storage of energy; crystals for the future development of electronics and photonics; teaching aspects of crystal growth and material science.
Information: Secretariat ECCG-1, Laboratory of Solid State Physics, Swizz Federal Institute of Technology, CH-8049 Zurich, Switzerland. 13—15 September 1976 Itinerant Electron Magnetism This meeting will be held at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.