LATE BREAKING ABSTRACTS I Methods: Twenty-fourinterviews were held with health care professionals in care homes to gain insight into the bottlenecks p...

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LATE BREAKING ABSTRACTS I Methods: Twenty-fourinterviews were held with health care professionals in care homes to gain insight into the bottlenecks perceived regarding this translation of performance data gained in an audit (LPZ, National Prevalence Measurement of Care Problems) into relevant improvement interventions. Most important bottlenecks were: no insight in which data are most relevant and what steps to take to improve nutritional care. In 3 multi disciplinairy focus groups, a decision tree was developed that focused on overcoming these bottlenecks. This decision tree linked the LPZ data to best practices and evidence based guidelines and interventions for care homes. The feasibility of the tree was evaluated by a questionnaire (N = 93) send within three months after collecting nutritional data. Results: All participants (N = 47 care homes) evaluated the dashboard and the decision tree as feasible. The content and design were very useful. According to their nutrition data and following the decision tree, half of the institutions had already started to work with improvement activities (like implementation of nutritional screening). For the other half of the group, the time frame of collecting data, working with the decision tree (three months) was too short to start with improvement projects. Conclusion: The dashboard and decision tree were evaluated as very useful in improving nutritional patient care. The dashboard and tree will also be developed for other health care settings. Disclosure of Interest: None Declared

LB027-SUN PROFILE OF PATIENTS WHO RECEIVED PARENTERAL NUTRITION IN MIDWEST REGION OF BRAZIL I.A.D.C.A. Coutinho1 , M. Coutinho1 , Lara Coutinho2 , Luciana Coutinho2 , L. Cortes2 , L. Harada2 . 1 TECNOMED Ind´ ustria, 2 Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Goias, Goiania, Brazil Rationale: This research aims to establish the epidemiological profile of patients receiving parenteral nutrition and the main causes for this indication. Methods: This is a descriptive study of medical records of 18,234 patients TECNOMED Company® , which works in the production of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition according to the need for hospitals in Goiania, Brasilia and the State of Goi´ as We selected 1730 patients who used Parenteral Nutrition between January 2010 to May 2012. We considered the following factors to analyze the patient’s profile of parenteral nutrition of some cities in the Midwest of Brazil: gender, age, previous diagnosis and ICD-10 of their disease and the formula used in accordance with the recommendation of the European Society of Nutrition and Metabolism. Results: Of the 1730 patients who received parenteral nutrition, 56.01% were male and 43.99% female. The age of patients undergoing this type of nutrition varied from months to 110 years, being the most prevalent age group 0 1 years corresponding to 46.66%. Among the causes of Parenteral Nutrition indication, according to the ICD-10, 51.5% of patients had disorders related to short gestation and low birth weight, not elsewhere classified, 9.08%

261 had disorders of the digestive tract after procedure, 3.41% for the newborn respiratory distress. In relation to the objective of the prescribed formulas, 5447 were for maintenance of weight, had no definite goal in 2530, 533 for weight gain. Conclusion: The present study showed that the main cause that led to the need for parenteral nutrition were the disorders related to short gestation and low birth weight, followed by disorders of the digestive tract in post operative period and the main goal with the prescription of the NPT was the maintenance of the weight. Disclosure of Interest: None Declared

LB028-SUN ANOREXIA IN ONCOLOGIC PATIENTS: DOES AGE PLAY A ROLE? N. Stob¨ aus1 , S. K¨ upferling1 , M. Neubauer1 , 1 C. Keller , J. Schulzke1 , K. Norman1 . 1 Department of Gastroenterology, Infectiology and Rheumatology (Section Nutritional Medicine), Charit´ e University Medicine, Berlin, Germany Rationale: Anorexia is a cardinal feature in cachexia in cancer. Aim of this study was to determine whether age is an independent risk factor for appetite loss in cancer patients. Methods: Appetite loss was evaluated in 547 oncologic patients (54.1% men; 61.5±12.2 years (between 21.0 88.9 years); diagnosis: GI-tract: n = 273, haematological: n = 80, gynaecological: n = 75, head and neck: n = 43, lung: n = 41, others: n = 35) using EORTC QLQC30 questionnaire. Clinical data such as tumor entity, stage and duration of disease as well as treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, radiochemotherapy, preoperative, currently no therapy) were assessed. Age, gender and clinical variables were investigated as potential risk factors for appetite loss in a general linear regression analysis. Results are presented as estimated effect size in percent. Results: Appetite loss tended to be more pronounced in patients older than 70 years (42.2±40%) compared to younger patients (37.2±37.8%, n.s.). Advanced tumor disease (23.9%, p = 0.01) and radiation therapy (16.2%, p = 0.035) played major roles in developing appetite loss, but age was also identified as an important independent risk factor (19.2%, p = 0.022). Conclusion: In our analysis, age was the second strongest risk factor for the development of appetite loss, placing the elderly cancer patients at particular risk. In these patients, every effort must be taken to diagnose and treat anorexia in order to prevent cachexia. Disclosure of Interest: None Declared