Leachate Recirculation

Leachate Recirculation

12.2 LEACHATE RECIRCULATION: DESIGN, OPERATION, AND CONTROL Richard P. Beaven and Keith Knox INTRODUCTION Components of leachate recirculation system...

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INTRODUCTION Components of leachate recirculation systems can conveniently be divided into elements that are installed/built into the landfill prior or during waste placement, and those elements that are retrofitted into existing waste. The majority of elements that are preinstalled will relate to leachate collection infrastructure (e.g., basal drainage systems) but operators have installed certain types of injection infrastructure during landfilling (e.g., horizontal pipe runs on top of a lift of refuse, and/or injection pads prior to overfilling). However, most leachate injection infrastructures tend to be retrofitted or installed after landfilling of a cell has completed and are described further in this chapter. Leachate recirculation predominantly occurs through the zone of unsaturated wastes in a landfill, and the main effect of this is to change the amount of water held by the waste. As the unsaturated permeability of the waste changes with water content, the detailed mechanics of recirculation is rather complicated, especially if the role of landfill gas generation on leachate flow is included. Further details about unsaturated flow theory can be found in Chapter 6.2 on landfill hydraulics. One of the biggest unknowns relating to leachate recirculation is the extent to which preferential flow paths through waste control moisture movement. Design of leachate recirculation systems should be linked to the objectives and concepts adopted in relation to the specific study case, as discussed in Chapter 12.1. It is not the purpose of this chapter to provide detailed design criteria, although some basic concepts are covered. The engineering design of the installation will be introduced, considering the type of infrastructure, and related operational strategies and procedures. Risk assessment, environmental impacts, and suitable monitoring program are also considered and discussed.

ENGINEERING DESIGN AND INSTALLATION The different elements of leachate recirculation systems need to fulfill some fundamental design requirements that relate to structural strength, including resistance to landfill settlements and potentially elevated landfill temperatures, chemical durability, sufficient capacity to transmit the design flow rate of leachate, consideration of the clogging potential of leachate, and accessibility for remediation.

SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann


A fundamental design requirement of leachate injection systems relates to application rates. EA (2009) defined two different application rates. • The first is the infrastructure injection rate that is related to a physical characteristic of the injection system. For surface application and injection into drainage pads, the area of application is chosen as the reference dimension. Application rates are normalized to liter per square meter per day (L/m2 day). The reference dimension for horizontal injection pipes, trenches, and vertical wells can be related to liters per linear meter of pipe/trench/well screen per day (L/m/day). Occasionally, it is feasible to give infrastructure injection rates based on both area and length of injection system. This would normally be appropriate for closely spaced systems where even wetting between linear infrastructure is highly likely. An example of this would be band drains. • The second measure is the areal application rate. This is the rate when averaged over the whole of the area assessed as being affected by the recirculation activity. Having obtained a design infrastructure injection rate, a further distinction needs to be made between average design flows and flows necessary to achieve even distribution of flow, i.e., consideration of how the system is going to be operated. Consider the mechanics of injecting leachate into a 10 m by 10 m injection pad, constructed out of tire chips to a final installed depth of 300 mm. The capacity of the pad to hold leachate can be calculated as 12 m3 (assuming a tire chip porosity of 40%dBeaven et al., 2006). Suppose (through other calculations) that an average injection rate of 4 L/m2 day (equivalent to an infiltration rate of w1500 mm/year) was required. Hence the total average injection rate to the pad would be 0.4 m3/day, equivalent to a flow rate of w0.28 L/min. If the waste underlying the injection pad has a hydraulic conductivity of 1  107 m/s and assuming a unit hydraulic gradient and, for simplicity, saturated vertical flow, Darcy’s law indicates that an area of w46 m2 is required to allow this infiltration rate to occur. Consequently, if leachate was injected constantly to the tire pad at a rate of 0.28 L/min the tendency would be for the flow not to spread out over the whole injection pad, and there would be a risk that infiltration would be concentrated locally around the area of the injection point. In the above case the calculations indicate that approximately 50% of the pad area would be utilized, but if the waste hydraulic conductivity was on average 1  106 m/s, then less than 5% would be utilized. A further constraint on operating the system at this low flow rate is the nature of the pump required to deliver flow at this low rate. For reliable operation at this flow rate, a dosing (e.g., piston operated) or peristaltic pump would typically be required. More usually the type of pumps used on landfills are centrifugal, which tend to operate at flow rates one or two orders of magnitude higher than the average design flow in this example. It is highly inefficient and unreliable to attempt to restrict flow from these types of pumps to the low flow required in this example. One possible way to operate such a system would be to inject a pulse of leachate, say 8 m3, into the injection pad over a matter of a few hours (this could be linked to existing pump capacity on site) and then allow the injected fluid to infiltrate the waste over a period of w20 days (8/20 ¼ 0.4 m3/day).

SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann

This would initially occupy approximately two-thirds of the porosity of the tires, so the liquid would distribute itself evenly over the whole area. In reality, for a hydraulic conductivity of 1  107 m/s drainage would be completed within approximately 10 days (as infiltration is assumed to occur over the full 100 m2 area) and there would be a period when there was no significant infiltration. The volume injected should ideally be similar to, but less than, the freely draining capacity of the injection pad so that the full areal extent of the pad is brought into action. However, pushing more water into the pad than it can hold will result in overpressurization of the system, the impact of which would need to be assessed. Adverse impacts could include the effect on waste stability and the wetting up of waste above the top of the injection pad. The potential problem with the latter point is that when leachate is pumped into the injection pad, gas will need to be displaced out. The permeability of waste to gas decreases with increasing water content, so wetting up the waste above the top of the pad may restrict routes for gas to escape.

INFRASTRUCTURE AND ITS PERFORMANCE A wide variety of different leachate recirculation systems have been used on landfills, on varying scales and with varying degrees of success. Leachate recirculation systems contain two main elements: systems to collect leachate and possibly store leachate, and infrastructure necessary to allow reinjection into the landfill. Leachate collection systems are covered elsewhere in this publication, so this chapter concentrates solely on injection system infrastructure, which can be classified into seven broad classes below. Typical examples of injection rates into different types of infrastructures are provided in Table 12.2.1. Low Pressure Surface Application At its simplest level this category includes the use of a bowser/sprinkler bar to irrigate leachate at the tip face or on temporary capped areas, or the use of water cannons to spray leachate over exposed waste. Data on irrigation at the tipping face suggest that application rates between 10 and 40 m3/day are achievable in practice (EA, 2009), which was equated to an application rate of between 10 and 40 L/m2/day. Higher irrigation rates of 66 L/m2/day have been reported using a water canon at a tipping face in the United States. Other systems include open trenches, pits or unlined lagoons dug in the surface of the waste, and open-ended pipes laid on the waste surface. Application rates of 5e8 L/m2/day were obtained in largescale trials using surface infiltration ponds in the United States. Pits achieve very localized “pointinjection”, whereas irrigation/application at the tipping face achieves, by definition, a broader distribution. The presence of open pits or lagoons of leachate at the surface can give the impression of poorly controlled activities and, depending on leachate quality, can lead to odors. Consequently, many operators have desisted from using this type of system. Similarly the use of cannons to spray

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control


Table 12.2.1 Application rates for different types of injection infrastructure

SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann

System Type

Low pressure surface applications

Trenches and horizontal pipes


Infiltration lagoons

Infrastructure Application Rate

5.1e7.8 L/m2 day

Areal Application Rate (m3/ha/day)



Scale of Study



Reinhart (1996) Townsend


EA (2009) Thiel (2005)

Irrigation at tipping face

10e40 L/m2 day 34e66 L/m2 day

From bowsers Large spray cannon

Spray irrigation

No information

Reported use in the United Kingdom and United States

Maximum infiltration into waste with hydraulic conductivity of between 105 and 107 m/s

864 and 8.6 L/m2 day

Assumes no low permeability cover, and takes no account of impact of gas generation


EA (2009)

Tire filled trench

830 L/m day

Tire-filled trench 30  3  1 m


EA (2009)

Gravel filled trench

137 L/m day

Brogborough test cell 2. Gravel filled trench 20 m  0.9 m  1 m. Applied head ¼ 0e3 m


Mouchel Consulting Ltd. (2001)

Deep (w5e7 m deep) tire-filled trench

205e274 L/m day

Liquid injection trenches e 130,000 m3 in 1,300 m of trench in 1 month


EA (2009)

Tire chipefilled trenches.

600 L/m day short term 290e380 L/m day per meter of applied head 29 L/m day long term

Alachua County, Florida 1,738 linear meters of trenches: 11 trenches at 15 m lateral and 6 m vertical spacing. Applied head ¼ 0e15 m


Reinhart (1996); Townsend et al. (1995)


EA (2009), Morris et al., (2003)

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control

Perforated pipes in gravel filled trenches



10 L/m day


Pecan Row Landfill, South Georgia 30 m spacing off 3 pressurized force mains


Reinhart (1996)

32 mm High Density PolyEthylene (HDPE) pipe

12e70 L/m day


Yolo County Project XL Bioreactor Horizontal pipes with 2.3 mm hole every 6 m. Spacing between 8 and 12 m


Yazdani et al. (2006)

75 mm OD PVC pipe in gravel-filled trenches.

10 L/m day


Busta 5  130 m long trenches at 25 m spacings


Barina et al. (2001, 2003), Barina (2005)

75 mm OD PVC pipe in gravel filled trenches.

8 L/m day


Drambon 5  70 m horizontal trenches


Barina (2005), Barina et al. (2005)

Perforated pipes in injection trenches

7 L/m day


Landgraaf Injection trenches 5  35 m at mid height of cell and 6  w60 m at 90 degrees orientation under cap


Woelders et al. (2005)

Modeled injection trenches

2000e8000 L/m day 200e800 L/m day

For K ¼ 1  105 m/s For K ¼ 1  106 m/s


McCreanor and Reinhart (1999, 2000), McCreanor and Reinhart (1996)

Modeled injection trenches

30e130 L/m day 3,000e13,000 L/m day

For K ¼ 1  107 m/s and Head ¼ 0e5 m For K ¼ 1  105 m/s and Head ¼ 0e5 m


Haydar and Khire (2005)

24 L/m2 day

9000 m3 over 5 months


EA (2009)

Yolo county test cells 8000 m3 injected over 9 year period


Augenstein et al. (2005)

50  50  2 m tire-filled pad 13 tire-filled pits at 8 m spacings

19 L/m2 day



Table 12.2.1 Application rates for different types of injection infrastructuredcont'd System Type SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann



Infrastructure Application Rate

60  9  0.15 blanket of crushed recycled glass

28 L/m2 day (long term) 1440 L/m2 day (short term)

408 m2 geocomposite drainage layer

21 L/m2 day (long term) 705e1765 L/m2 day (short term)

4 shallow wells 2 m into upper surface of waste

Areal Application Rate (m3/ha/day)


6875 L/m day


Scale of Study


3200 m3 injected over 7month period

Field and model

Haydar and Khire (2007)

Short term tests (over 7 months) undertaken on a 12 m  34 m geocomposite blanket fed by a central 12-m perforated pipe Applied head ¼ 2e8 m


Khire and Haydar (2007)

In operation for over a year. Drilled at 500 mm diameter. Applied head ¼ 3 m


EA (2009)

18 injection wells at 30 m spacing

90 L/m day


La VergnedSome wells had split response zones


Bureau et al. (2005)

134 vertical wells in 45 clusters at 15 m spacing

50 L/m day (long term) 144e700 L/m day (steady state)


New River Regional Landfill, Florida Bioreactor Applied head ¼ 1e15 m


http://bioreactor. org/nrrl Jain et al. (2006)

12 shallow pin wells at a spacing of 10e15 m

w4000e6000 L/m day (assumed) 110e160 L/m2 day


Assumer 24 m of well screen (assume 2 m screen per pin). Injection rate 100e145 m3/ day A:900 m2. Applied head <30 m


Reinhart (1996)

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control

Modeled injection wells Modeled injection wells

Band drains

Band drains at 1 m centers on 40  40 m grid

Adapted from EA (2009).

22e89 L/m day

Saturated hydraulic conductivity of 1  105 m/s


McCreanor and Reinhart (1999)

Very wide range predicted.

Saturated hydraulic conductivity of 105,106, 10 7 m/s. Various injection heads modeled


Khire and Mukherjee (2007)

Each band taken to alternating depths of 5, 10, and 15 m w 18,000 m drain in 40  40 m grid. Q ¼ 200 m3/ day over 45 days


EA (2009)

11 L/m day 125 L/m2 day

Not known


leachate can lead to odors and aerosols and is considered by many to be too uncontrolled for a modern waste disposal operation. A further application of surface irrigation is onto a vegetated top-cover or phyto-cap, which may be designed to reduce leachate volume through evapotranspiration and/or provide some in situ treatment of leachate quality. The most commonly used vegetation is different kinds of grasses and foliiferous trees, often within the family of Salix (e.g., willows), which may be harvested as a short-rotation tree crop. Improvement in leachate quality may occur through a number of processes: nitrogen can be converted by nitrification/denitrification; phosphorous can be adsorbed in the soil, as too can some organic material which in low doses can also be degraded by microorganisms; and metals can be oxidized and precipitated or be sorbed to the soil particles. Optimum irrigation areas have a slope between 1:10 and 1:30. A steeper slope means an increased likelihood of surface runoff, which ought to be minimized. A flatter slope than 1:50 leads to the risk of standing leachate, which has an adverse impact especially for grass vegetation. Trees and bushes with a low sensitivity to high water content in the ground will function even on horizontal ground. The possible hydraulic loading on an irrigation area is mainly dependent on the structure of the soil and the vegetation’s tolerance of water saturation. With good conditions, large amounts of water could be added. In favorable years, there are examples of additions of up to 3340 mm (9 L/m2/day) (Lagerkvist and Cossu, 2005). Horizontal Trenches and Pipes A wide variety of designs are included in this section, and include shallow (i.e., just below the cap) trenches (with or without perforated pipes) and more deep seated systems either involving “spiders” running off a central access shaft or subparallel horizontal pipes or trenches with vertical access points or side slope risers. These types of system tend to be based around linear trenches (e.g., tire or rubble filled) or perforated pipes in a trench backfilled with drainage material. Some systems are designed to be horizontal and some to include a fall in the trenches. A typical design would involve HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) pipes with a diameter ranging from 32 to 150 mm, often installed in a stone or tire-filled trench. Experience of injection rates into horizontal systems varies considerably (Table 12.2.1). Some operators (EA, 2009) reported difficulties maintaining hydraulic access to buried infrastructure of this type, leading to long-term performance issues. However, there are many examples of successful injection into horizontal trenches and pipes. Short term injection rates of between 600 and 830 L per meter of trench per day have been reported, although this invariably drops during longer term applications (to nearer 7e70 L/m/day). One of the most successful long-term horizontal leachate injection schemes that has been reported was into a site where the use of traditional intermediate daily cover was replaced with green waste (Yazdani et al., 2006). An areal rate injection rate of 13 m3/ha/day, at linear infrastructure rates of 12e70 L/m/day was achieved. The high areal rate at relatively modest linear rates was achieved by having a relatively close spacing of pipes (between 8 and 12 m). SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann

More typically horizontal trenches and pipes have been installed in sites at spacings upwards of 20 m, although this does not mean that larger spacings are necessarily the most optimum, either in terms of performance or on a cost-effectiveness basis. Some work (Barina, 2005) has concluded that the mean zone of influence of a properly operating injection trench was possible of the order of 15 m laterally, whereas others using numerical modeling approaches (e.g., Haydar and Khire, 2005; White et al., 2011) concluded that wetting widths much over 10 m were difficult to achieve. However, more work is required on assessing the actual distribution of leachate injected into horizontal pipes (or all types of injecting infrastructure for that matter) and a better theoretical understanding of the role of waste anisotropy and heterogeneity is also important. Kumar et al. (2009) concluded that the spatial response of leachate recirculation to in situ water contents can be highly variable. A variation on horizontal trenches and pipes are deep vertical trenches installed into existing deposited waste. One big advantage of deep trenches is that they cut through landfill heterogeneities, especially intermediate cover layers that have the potential to affect leachate recirculation. Trench depths of w6 m by w1.5 m wide are feasible with commonly available plant, but specialist excavators and safety equipment (e.g., cages) can lead to trenches in excess of 8 m being installed. Typically the bottom of the trench is infilled with drainage material, often used tires, and then the upper reaches of the trench loosely backfilled with the excavated waste material. Some operators have installed HDPE drainage pipe in the bottom of the trench. Although deep trenches cut in landfills containing municipal solid waste can be remarkably stable, the installation of deep trenches is a major undertaking. In addition to health and safety concerns, problems associate with odors and the ingress of air into the landfill need to be addressed. The latter is especially important if there is active landfill gas extraction occurring in the area to be trenched. However, deep trenches cut into one aged and methanogenic landfill in the United Kingdom did not result in any of these problems manifesting themselves. An example of long-term liquid injection into deep trenches is 75e100 m3/linear meter/year. Assuming trenches are spaced at 50 m apart, then an areal rate would be up to 55 m3/ha/day. Pads and Drainage Blankets A variation on subsurface trenches, subsurface pads are rectangular pits (or areas) filled with drainage material, often whole or shredded tires. Two distinct types of design have been used. The first involves grids of small pads (typically between 1 and 10 m2) filled with drainage material each with an individual leachate delivery pipes. Mixed results have been experienced with this type of system. Success stories include the use of 13 tire-filled pits at 8 m spacings used to inject 8000 m3 leachate into a w8000 tonne test cell over a 9-year period (Augenstein et al., 2005). The long-term infrastructure injection rate was approximately 19 L/m2 day. However in contrast, EA (2009) reported that many UK operators had obtained poor performance from smaller multiple pads, especially in comparison to the second type of design that is single large pads of tires.

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control


Single large pads of tires can potentially be any size, although one of the largest is a 2-m deep pad of used tires with dimensions of 50  50 m (EA, 2009). This was the as-constructed dimensions, and a considerable reduction in the depth of the tires would have occurred as the tires compressed following surcharging with new lifts of waste. The performance of this type of tire-filled pad is generally good (e.g., 24 L/m2 day). Other types of drainage material have been used in injection pads. Haydar and Khire (2007) investigated the use of a 60 m  9 m “permeable blanket” consisting of 0.15 m thick layer of crushed glass aggregate. A volume of 3200 m3 of leachate was injected over a period of 7 months, giving a long-term infrastructure injection rate of 28 L/m2 day. Wells Vertical wells are one of the most commonly used types of infrastructure for leachate injection. This is because existing leachate abstraction/monitoring wells or gas wells can easily be adapted for leachate injection. A few operators have investigated the use of pin wells. These are percussion installed wells approximately 5e10 m deep typically at 20 m centers. It is also very easy to inject leachate under pressure into vertical wells, and injection pressures of over 30 m water head have been reported. A vertical reduction in hydraulic conductivity with depth will occur in many landfills (Powrie and Beaven, 1999; Al-Thani et al., 2004; Jain et al., 2006) meaning that vertical wells with large screened horizons may deliver more leachate to higher levels than to lower. Typically few operators have monitored flow rates into individual injection wells, so performance data on this type of system are scarce. However, where data are available (Table 12.2.1) areal recirculation rates of approximately 8 m3/ha/day have been achieved which compares favorably with the rates achieved by trenches and horizontal pipework distribution system. When injection rates are related to well screen length, long-term infrastructure injection rates of between 50 and 90 L/m day have been achieved, with shorter term injection rates of as high as between 144 and 700 L/m day. Injection into shallow wells can result in short circuiting to side slopes, gravel filled gas collection trenches or the surface itself (Jain et al., 2006). High pressure injection (w30 m water head) into a set of 12 pin wells achieved short term injection rates of between 4000 and 6000 L/m day and appeared to be a good way of increasing the water content of waste in advance of overtipping (Reinhart, 1996). There has been some limited research (e.g., Skhiri et al., 2006) into the radius of influence of injection wells. For a leachate well discharging into the unsaturated waste a radius of influence of approximately 5e10 m was determined. This result can be supported by the modeling work of both McCreanor and Reinhart (1999) and Khire and Mukherjee (2007) (see Fig. 12.2.1). Subsurface Band Drains (Constructed During Infilling) Band drains (a form of geotextile drainage “socks”) have been installed on at least one landfill (EA, 2009). The band drains were installed by percussion at 1-m centers on a 40  40 m grid, to alternating depths of 5, 10, and 15 m (Fig. 12.2.2). The top surface of the “socks” was then overlain by a

SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann

Flanged section containing impeller type flowmeter Dipping point (e.g. air-tight screw cap) Bauer coupling or other suitable coupling to leachate source Connection to gas extraction system

Flanged well head fittings

Clay cap


Bentonite pellets to surface plain well casing

depth 2-3m in waste Waste

gravel pack to 0.5m above slotted casing slotted casing from 1m below cap

drilling diameter 400 – 500mm casing diameter ~200mm

Figure 12.2.1 Example of injection well design for use in leachate recirculation (EA, 2009).

bed of drainage material to distribute injected leachate evenly over the whole area. This was accessed from the surface by a vertical pipe. The first of these systems was installed in 1998. During a trial an injection rate of 200 m3/day was maintained into one system over a period of 45 days, giving an areal injection rate of 1250 m3/ha/day. The close spacing of individual band drains means that many of the problems associated with the heterogeneity of the waste are effectively engineered out. The combination of vertical and horizontal injection structures also overcomes problems with layering. The system may be more prone to clogging than other types of infrastructure, so special attention should be given to the quality and need for any pretreatment of leachate injected (see Fig. 12.2.2). OPERATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES The key operational and environmental issues of leachate recirculation systems are identified in Table 12.2.2 and discussed in the following paragraphs. Infrastructure Design This topic is covered more thoroughly in the previous section, but in summary there is a large array of different infrastructure designs that can and have been used. There is a wide variation in reported

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control


Figure 12.2.2 Example of band drain used for leachate recirculation (EA, 2009).

Table 12.2.2 Potential operational and environmental issues Operational Issues

Environmental Issues

Infrastructure design and hydraulic performance

Odors and uncontrolled gas release

Clogging/reduction in performance of injection infrastructure

Adverse impact on leachate quality

Consider need for leachate pretreatment prior to reinjection

Adverse impact on leachate head

Flooding of gas wells

Effect on liner systems

Daily cover

Perching/surface outbreaks

Effects of settlement

Surface water contamination

Clogging of basal drainage layer Obtaining sufficient volumes to recirculate

Short circuiting Interaction of leachate and gas

Slope instability

performance, but it is difficult to conclude on performance grounds that any particular type of infrastructure should be avoided in any future schemes. Although there are many examples of an infrastructure not working well, this could be balanced by reports of a similar type of infrastructure at another site performing adequately. A key factor influencing how well any injection system will

SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann

work relates to the hydraulic properties (especially permeability) of the waste surrounding the infrastructure, and tests to characterize these properties may be advisable. However, it is also important to recognize that flow rates achieved in short term tests may not be sustainable in the long term. There may be a need for leachate storage tanks or lagoons for flow balancing, providing at least 1e2 day’s storage. Header tanks may also be required for controlling the pressure of injection into infrastructure. Clogging and Reduction in Performance of Injection Infrastructure Many operators have reported problems with clogging or poor hydraulic performance of various types of infrastructure, many exhibiting deterioration over time. However, few leachate flow and quality data are available, and in many instances it is not possible to differentiate between reduction in performance caused by changes in hydraulic properties of the waste/hydraulic gradient and those caused by clogging per se. However, clogging over a period of just a few weeks appears common when the injected leachate is acidogenic (i.e., high concentrations of organic acids). When the leachate is methanogenic, systems have operated for periods of up to several years without apparently clogging. These findings corresponds to research on clogging of leachate drainage layers by acidogenic and methanogenic leachates (e.g., Rowe, 2005; Beaven et al., 2013). Need for Leachate Treatment Prior to Reinjection To minimize the risks of clogging of reinjection infrastructure, abstracted leachate may be subjected to simple pretreatment to remove solids that are readily settleable or that may precipitate during recirculation. Pretreatment may comprise a short period of aeration (e.g., w2 h), to strip off CO2, raise the pH value, and encourage precipitation of calcium carbonate, followed by settling. The settled leachate could then be passed through a sand filter or similar, to ensure more complete solids removal. No documented examples quantifying the benefits of this type of pretreatment have been reported in the literature. Before being recirculated to the landfill body leachate may also undergo other pretreatment to optimize the recirculation objectives. Leachate may be biologically oxidized to reduce the BOD/ COD ratio to a value <0,1 to reduce odor problems where low pressure leachate surface addition is used (Doedens and Cord-Landwehr, 1989). Biological treatment could also be coupled with phytotreatment, installing vertical flow, open bottom, units directly on top of the landfill surface (Lavagnolo et al., 2011). Flooding of Gas Wells Localized flooding of gas wells as a consequence of leachate recirculation has commonly been reported. Increased leachate levels in gas wells have occurred from both low pressure surface applications and injection into deeper infrastructure. There will be a direct correlation between the risk of flooding and the distance to, and injection rate into, any injection infrastructure.

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control


A further problem relating to the interaction of landfill gas is that the increased water content of waste that is a consequence of leachate recirculation reduces the permeability of the waste to gas and hence the ability to extract landfill gas. An alternating or rotating mode of operation (i.e., injecting leachate intermittently) between several injection zones is a method that has been used routinely by several operators, which often helps to overcome these problems. Daily Cover Low permeability cover has the potential to cause problemsdit inhibits vertical flow, encourages horizontal movement, and creates bigger risk of flooding gas infrastructure and of causing lateral surface seepages. Some types of infrastructure have the ability to overcome the problems of daily cover (e.g., band drains), but in general it is a problem that can affect most types of recirculation systems. The use of green waste as daily cover was judged as a key ingredient to a successful leachate recirculation trial, which ran over 9 years at a long-term areal application rate of 27 m3 ha day (Augenstein et al., 2005). When more conventional covers were used at the site, problems with leachate recirculation occurred. As recirculation becomes more widespread, and as the recirculation flow rates increase (e.g., for flushing), the issue of cover will become more and more problematic. There is clearly a challenge to achieve the nuisance control objectives of daily cover, but using methods and materials that do not cause hydraulic barriers. Effects of Settlement There are many instances of failure of pipe work in horizontal pipes and radials, attributed to settlement. However, the cause of failure of pipe work at depth in landfill is difficult to establish with certainty. Settlement on most landfills will be large, and experience has shown it is likely to be locally increased in the zones around injection systems. Drainage systems will need to be designed to accommodate this. Some types of infrastructure may be better able to accommodate settlement than others, e.g., pads, band drains, and surface applications may accommodate settlement better than some horizontal pipe systems. Clogging of Basal Drainage Layer There is no direct evidence of any increased clogging of basal leachate drainage layers as a consequence of leachate recirculation. However, the mechanisms of clogging are now well understood and any increase in the flux of acidogenic leachate reaching a basal drainage layer is likely to increase the clogging potential, whereas any increase in the flux of methanogenic leachate will not, to any significant extent. Leachate recirculation is likely to result in the flushing of more organic acids from the waste, but whether these reach the drainage blanket will depend on flow paths, the rate of flow and the capacity of the landfill to microbiologically convert these acids to carbon dioxide and methane. It has been suggested that the practice of maintaining drainage layers in an unsaturated condition may

SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann

be an important cause of the clogging of basal layers, and that maintaining a layer of waste saturated with methanogenic leachate may form a useful buffering role (Beaven et al., 2013). Obtaining Sufficient Volumes to Recirculate Some landfills have run out of leachate to recirculate when trying to increase gas generation. In some countries where it is allowed (e.g., the United States), importation of some nonhazardous liquids (e.g., sewage effluent) has been necessary to provide the moisture needed to stimulate gas production. It should be straightforward, via a conceptual process design, to estimate the quantities of liquid needed for this purpose and to assess whether addition of external water is necessary. It could then be integrated with the site water balance and leachate management plan. Slope Instability The adverse effects of a raised pore pressure on slope stability in soils are well known in soil mechanics. As a potential hazard this must also be considered in landfills. Some instances of catastrophic slope failure have occurred, mainly (though not exclusively) at landfills in tropical locations, following extreme rainfall events. Slope failure tends to occur where pore pressures have become high and a significant slope exists. The risk of slope failure as a result of leachate recirculation will be exacerbated in systems using high pressure injection. Recirculation in any case should not occur in areas close to any internal landfill slopes, and for above ground landfills an understanding of the impact of leachate recirculation on internal pore water pressures will be required. Odors and Uncontrolled Gas Release Odor problems resulting from recirculation via injection into open trenches or soakaways can occur, although they are likely to be strongly related to the quality of leachate being recirculated. Odor complaints are less likely when well-stabilized methanogenic leachate is recirculated, whereas the surface application of a high strength acidogenic leachate is likely to be problematic leachate recirculation at one site created a problem with hydrogen sulphide odors, attributed to recirculating through deposits of sulfate rich industrial waste. Adverse Impact on Leachate Quality A very small number of instances have been reported (EA, 2009) where operators thought there was an adverse impact (i.e., leachate concentrations increased). However, there do not seem to be data to support this perception. At least as many operators thought from their own experiences that there was no detectable impact on leachate quality. Some anecdotal evidence has noted short-lived flushes of acidogenic leachate reaching the site base on uncapped areas, following extreme rainfall events, and it is possible that the same could occur with high rates of recirculation.

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control


Effect on Liner Systems The EA (2009) review found no evidence to support a concern that leachate recirculation would increase the head on liner systems. Available data suggest the reverse is true, in that for a given volume of leachate within the landfill, recirculation will keep a significant amount of it “in transit” within the waste. This was also a conclusion from a US review (Benson et al., 2007). One UK operator provided a monitored example of recirculation lowering leachate heads at the base of the landfill, and some regulators have reported heads rising when recirculation is stopped. Knox and Shaw (2006) give an example in which leachate heads in the basal drainage system rose by 2.1 m in 48 days when the leachate was allowed to collect there, following interruption of recirculation. A further indirect, but nevertheless important potential effect on liner systems relates to temperature. If leachate recirculation results in increased temperatures in the body of the landfill (as a result of increased biodegradation rates) and if elevated temperatures are transferred to a membrane liner then this could result in increased long-term degradation of the liner (Rowe, 2005). However, the temperature of the liner is regulated by the temperature in the external geological formations, so any increase in waste temperature will not be transmitted in full to the liner. Perching/Surface Outbreaks Perching or surface outbreaks of leachate as a result of leachate recirculation are potential problems, and a variety of different causes have been reported in EA (2009). Injection into a pipe/trench system erroneously laid on a shallow gradient beneath a lapped synthetic cap led to a surface outbreak. Introduced leachate flowed to the lowest point, where localized heads built up under the cap. Similar systems laid accurately level along the contour under a clay cap resulted in fewer (if any) problems. An outbreak of leachate as a spring line above an old restoration layer was reported at one landfill and a further leachate breakout 30 m from an injection trench at another. Injection into subcap infrastructure where the receiving capacity was exceeded, led at one site to the overflowing of leachate at the surface. One operator solved this problem with manual controls, whereas other operators felt that more sophisticated control systems with fail/safe mechanisms were necessary to reduce risk of surface outbreaks etc. (e.g., from a burst pipe). Avoiding surface breakouts requires consideration of several factors: • The lateral zone of influence of most types of infrastructure appears to be typically on the order of 5e10 m, with a maximum of w15 m. Therefore a lateral exclusion zone of 20 m or more from the edge of a slope should help to minimize the risk. • The exclusion zone may have to be greater where pressure injection is being undertaken. • Low permeability daily cover clearly increases the risk of surface breakouts. Consideration might therefore be given to using a permeable material particularly at the edges of slopes.

SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann

Surface Water Contamination Pipelines carrying leachate across restored surfaces to injection points present a potential risk to surface water in the event of leakage. The potential for surface water contamination is a factor that should be considered explicitly in any recirculation scheme. It should be controllable through good system design and management. Short Circuiting There is limited evidence that short circuiting of leachate has been a problem in recirculation systems, although it is a difficult topic to assess. High pressure injection has been observed to cause hydrofracturing and consequent short-circuiting to the base of the cell at one site and to surface seeps in another. The occurrence of short circuiting will be difficult to predict, as it will depend on the presence of preferential drainage paths and other unquantifiable inhomogeneities within the waste. However, its main effect will be to limit the effectiveness of the recirculation scheme, with the only major adverse environmental impact being the possible transmission of acidogenic leachate to basal drainage layers and an increased theoretical potential for clogging.

MONITORING OF RECIRCULATION SCHEMES AND PERFORMANCES Monitoring will help the operator to assess the performance of their recirculation scheme against design objectives and also protect the environment, although some individual monitoring activities may fulfill both requirements. The need and purpose of monitoring can be separated into four functional groups as depicted in Fig. 12.2.3, and discussed further below. In general the monitoring of existing leachate recirculation schemes on landfills has been inadequate and has certainly not been linked properly to design objectives. The exact requirements and frequency of monitoring will depend on the site, objectives, and scale of the scheme, and they should not be prescriptive. It is not appropriate or helpful for all of the listed monitoring to be done on all recirculation projects, as this would not contribute to the protection of the environment, nor necessarily improve performance. Rather, the lists (below) set out the areas that may need monitoring, and the reasons why certain types of monitoring may be required. By understanding the potential problems and risks relevant to a particular recirculation scheme, the operator and regulator will be able to develop a monitoring regime that is both targeted and proportionate. Operational Performance of Recirculation Infrastructure The purpose of the monitoring detailed under this section is purely to assess the ongoing performance of the recirculation scheme, and to ideally relate this to the original design objectives of the scheme (Table 12.2.3).

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control


Objec ves of recircula on

Conceptual process descrip on/design

Monitoring funcƟons Opera onal performance of recircula on infrastructure Effects on waste decomposi on and leachate quality Water balance and volumetric aspects

System performance requirements

Monitoring effec veness of achieving objec ves

Monitoring of poten al problems

• •

Design/implementa on Physical structure Opera onal procedures

Informa on needed for infrastructure design

Hazards and related impact Risk and mi ga on of risk

Environmental risk aspects

Figure 12.2.3 Monitoring issues in relation to the conceptual framework for evaluation of leachate

recirculation. Adapted from EA (2009). A fundamental requirement is to monitor the rate and volumes of fluid that are recirculated into different elements of the infrastructure over time. It is surprising the extent to which many recirculation schemes have previously been run with no monitoring and hence knowledge of these data. Depending on the design of the recirculation system monitoring at more than one point may be required. With knowledge of the infrastructure design, both infrastructure and areal application rates can be calculated. Maintaining up-to-date time series graphs of average rate and total volumes recirculated is a powerful management tool for assessing performance. It may also be useful to measure (and record on the graphs) the back pressure or head observed in the infrastructure systems during operation. Where a system is being operated intermittently, observations of the rate at which the back pressure declines when recirculation is turned off can provide valuable information on performance. During long-term operation, it is to be expected that flow rates will reduce and back pressure increase, a more rapid deterioration may be symptomatic of more serious failure, perhaps through clogging. With some types of recirculation systems it may be useful to calculate the liquid to solid (LS) ratio, which is a measure increasingly used to assess flushing of wastes. The LS ratio has derived from waste acceptance criteria leaching tests where clean water is added to a known mass of waste and then leachate removed. Hence LS ratio (in its strict sense) should only be applied to the volume of clean water (e.g., rainfall) added and should not be related to the volume of leachate recirculated: its use in

SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control

Table 12.2.3 Monitoring of operational performance Parameter

Derived Parameter


Rate (Q) and Volume (V) injected for: Leachate recirculation New water additions

Hydraulic infiltration rate Liquid Solid ratio

m3/ha day for areal systems; L/linear metre/day for linear systems (e.g., trenches) Liters/dry kg. Requires estimate of volume/mass of waste affected by recirculation

Back pressure in injection infrastructure

Standing head (measured with dipmeter or transducer) or back pressure (measured with transducer or pressure gauge and then converted to head) within reinjection structures Rate of head decline in reinjection structures when flow is stopped

Duration and timing of on/off cycles

For intermittent schemes this will be important

Leachate levels in monitoring wells

Radius or distance of influence of recirculation

Without bespoke in situ water content probes the radius or distance of influence of a recirculation structure is difficult to establish. However, any changes in leachate levels in surrounding leachate or gas wells can provide useful information.

Visual/CCTV inspection of injection media and access pipes

Looking for accumulation of solids

Clogging potential of recirculated leachate

e.g., SS, VSS, Ca, alkalinity etc. Possibly measure before and after pretreatment such as aeration and filtration

Clogging/loss of performance of basal drainage layers

Not clear how to achieve this, but CCTV surveys may be of some help

Adapted from EA (2009).


Table 12.2.4 Monitoring of waste decomposition and leachate quality (EA, 2009) Parameter


Gas temperature at well heads

Indicate local changes in reaction rates

Gas temperature at manifolds

Indicate overall changes in reaction rates

Leachate temperature in monitoring wells Leachate temperature at abstraction points Gas flow rates at well heads Gas flow rate from recirculation cell Settlement rate

Settlement gauges and/or site survey

Gas quality

CH4, CO2, H2 etc

Leachate quality in monitoring points near recirculation zone

Look for flush of acetogenic leachate, or increased NH4eN

this context will (and has) cause confusion. Consequently, in terms of monitoring, it is important that both the volume of leachate recirculated and the volume of clean water introduced to the system (perhaps calculated through water balance techniques) are recorded. Further details are provided under the third functional group in this list. Effects on Waste Decomposition and Leachate Quality The main issues related to the monitoring of waste decomposition and leachate quality are summarized in Table 12.2.4. Evidence that leachate recirculation has influenced waste degradation can be obtained from a number of sources (see Chapter 12.1). Any increase in gas and leachate temperature might indicate increased biological activity, as too would increases in waste settlement rates. More direct evidence would come from increases in gas generation rates (e.g., m3/tonne/year) in the recirculation zone before and after recirculation. Changes in leachate quality (e.g., higher NH4eN or BOD and COD) may indicate increased biological activity, although it may also simply represent increased flushing from the unsaturated zone.

SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann

Water Balance and Volumetric Aspect For sites where the primary purpose of leachate recirculation is to provide seasonal buffering and storage capacity within the site, the functional monitoring summarized in Table 12.2.5 is likely to be important. It may also be beneficial for most schemes, whatever their purpose. The basic requirement is to collect data that allow a proper water budget of a landfill cell to be undertaken. This includes all water (leachate) inputs and outputs, and seasonal change in storage that will relate to both leachate levels in the site, but also to the volume of leachate held in transit within the unsaturated zone (i.e., the volume that will drain when leachate recirculation is stopped). It is likely that information to populate the following time series graphs will be required: • leachate level and head within cells; calculated seasonal fluctuation in quantity of stored leachate (important to know geometry of cell base, to convert head changes to volume changes, also important to state assumptions regarding saturated storage coefficients);

Table 12.2.5 Monitoring of water balance Parameter

Volume of leachate removed from leachate collection systems, wells, etc

Derived Parameter


Flow from individual landfill cells

Flow to leachate treatment plant or to discharge off site Volumes recirculated New water additions include imported water, effective rainfall and surface water ingress (from adjacent areas)

Record location of reintroduction

Rainfall Evapotranspiration

Effective rainfall

Can use nearby Met Office or amateur station data Use Met Office or estimated daily values

Leachate level

Change in water content of cell

Highly dependent on an understanding of absorptive capacity of waste and on drainable/total porosity

Depth of leachate in any storage tanks or lagoons

Volume of leachate held in storage

For sites that have large leachate storage capacity, (e.g., lagoons) this will be important

Rate (Q) and Volume (V) injected for: Leachate recirculation New water additions

Imported water or sludge

Adapted from EA (2009).

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control


• • • •

flow from cells (daily and cumulative in year); recirculated flow (daily and cumulative in year); flow to leachate treatment or discharge (daily and cumulative in year); and estimated effective rainfall.

Environmental Risk Aspects The range of possible monitoring tasks related to environmental risks from leachate recirculation is summarized in Table 12.2.6.

Table 12.2.6 Monitoring of environmental risk aspects Parameter

Derived/Inferred Parameters


Visual inspection for surface breakouts Continuous EC measurements in main surface water collection ditches on site

Look for surface breakouts, overtopping of cell bunds etc Automatic monitoring solution

Visual inspection of transfer pipelines

Look for evidence of leaks that might affect surface water quality, especially where lines cross-restored surfaces

Visual inspection of pipelines around injection zones

Differential settlement around injection zones may lead to leaks in gas and leachate pipelines

Pressure changes in gas pipelines

May indicate blockage by leachate from recirculation

Pressure changes in leachate distribution pipelines

Increase may indicate blockage by leachate from recirculation, whereas a rapid decrease may indicate a (catastrophic) leak in distribution pipework

Water levels in monitoring wells

Pore pressures

Slope instability Compliance monitoring

CH4 concentration at site boundary

Set threshold as in some environmental permits

Odor, H2S at site boundary

Set H2S threshold

LFG qualitydCH4, CO2, N2, O2

Temperature on basal liner

Air ingress

Has leachate recirculation (e.g., through increased settlement) impacted on recovered LFG quality Assess impact of recirculation on liner longevity

Adapted from EA (2009).

SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING j Concepts, Processes, Technologies j R. Cossu, R. Stegmann

The nature of environmental risk monitoring undertaken will depend to some extent on the day-to-day presence of staff on site. The greatest environmental risks are likely to relate to surface breakouts of leachate resulting from either some type of failure of pipework or the appearance of leachate seeps at the surface, perhaps caused by localized perching or landfill inhomogeneity (e.g., daily intermediate cover). Routine visual inspection and monitoring of the recirculation system and surrounding areas by suitably experienced staff will be an appropriate level of monitoring in many cases. Automatic monitoring of water pressures in distribution pipework and/or electrical conductivity monitoring of surface water in collection ditches may provide rapid warning of leachate discharges in sensitive situations, with the ability for the recirculation system to be automatically shut down. The risk of slope failure caused by increased pore water pressure in the landfill will also need to be considered at some sites. Where significant waste slopes exist near to leachate recirculation areas monitoring of leachate levels and/or pore water pressures are more likely to be required. The operation of a leachate recirculation system should not impede the ability to capture and control the migration of landfill gas (and odors), so monitoring the performance of the LFG control system, which should be done anyway, will take account of recirculation activities. If there is a concern that leachate recirculation will significantly increase waste biodegradation and increase landfill temperature, then monitoring of the temperature of the basal liner system may be required. Although studies have indicated that during leachate recirculation the head on the basal liner is likely to decrease, increased monitoring of leachate levels may still be advisable, especially if leachate from other parts of the site have been introduced into an area. In particular monitoring, how leachate levels respond when leachate recirculation is switched off (or deliberately run in intermittent mode) may be required. If recirculation is expected to increase waste degradation rates, or to access previously unwetted wastes, it may be appropriate to revisit the frequency and scope of ambient gas monitoring at the site perimeter for methane and H2S. CONCLUDING REMARKS Recirculation of leachate is likely to continue to be an important activity at many landfills. Therefore, operators and regulators need to understand the need for conceptual design and for monitoring, and for monitoring to be focused and proportionate to the context in which recirculation is being used. Greater attention must be paid to the conceptual design than has been the case up to now, to ensure that the engineering design and infrastructure meet the objectives of recirculation. Too many schemes have been implemented that have not been fit for their stated purpose. Leachate recirculation should be incorporated in operators’ leachate management plans. The exact requirements and frequency of monitoring will depend on the site, objectives, and scale of the scheme. An overall evaluation framework has been provided as a context for a series of checklist

CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control


tables that can be used to develop a site-specific monitoring scheme. It must be emphasized that not all of the monitoring in these tables will be needed, or even helpful, for all recirculation schemes. They should be used as an aide memoir only and applied in a way that is proportionate and necessary for individual proposals.

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CHAPTER 12 j Leachate Recirculation: Design, Operation, and Control