Lecture Notes on Ophthalmology

Lecture Notes on Ophthalmology

VOL. 91, NO. 2 BOOK REVIEWS convince you that it is the core of the motor world as well. Read the appendix to find out why the pyramidal tracts are ...

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VOL. 91, NO. 2


convince you that it is the core of the motor world as well. Read the appendix to find out why the pyramidal tracts are crossed and read the entire book for a delightful experience.


dents. There are a variety of colored figures. The writing is exemplary and the topics well chosen. It may be highly recommended. FRANK W. NEWELL


Lecture Notes on Ophthalmology. By Patrick D. Trevor-Roper. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1980. Paperbound, 128 pages, preface, ap­ pendix, index, 14 color figures, 76 black and white figures. $12.25 This introduction to ophthalmology for the medical student is skillfully pre­ sented with the engaging style of TrevorRoper. The introduction, which briefly describes the anatomy and examination of the eye, is followed by two chapters on the eyelids, lacrimal apparatus, and orbit and then by a section on the painful red eye. This is followed by a section of gradual and sudden loss of sight in quiet eyes. Also included are chapters on inju­ ries, refractive errors, squint and nystag­ mus, the central mechanism of vision, and an appendix of questions and multi­ ple-choice questions. Trevor-Roper's comments on multiplechoice questions are germane: First, words such as "always" and "never" rarely apply to the discipline of medicine, and such ques­ tions should arouse strong suspicion as to their validity. In contrast, almost anything "can" or "may" occur. Such key words may give the answer away, even when the student does not know the content of the question. Secondly, although blind guessing is to be discour­ aged, "hunches" and "first impressions" are more often right than wrong. Re-appraisals commonly lead to errors. It may be valuable, therefore, to assess approximately how many marks you need to ensure a pass. If you are home and dry, then taking calculated risks is unnecessary. However, if you are struggling for marks, act on "hunches." Such strategy forms the basis of sound examination technique.

Adler's Physiology of the Eye. Clinical Application, 7th ed. Edited by Robert A. Moses. St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Co., 1981. Hardcover, 747 pages, index, biological index, 475 black and white figures. $41 This is a worthy successor to previous editions. Dr. Moses has expanded this edition by asking 20 specialists in various fields to contribute. This has permitted the in-depth analysis of subjects not previously covered. Dr. Moses states in the preface that a multi-author work makes for redundancy, but what he does not say is that it also makes for unevenness in literary style and exposition. For the most part, the level is high. The chapters have been rearranged. They start with the physiology of the eyelids and then move to the lacrimal system and the cornea. The subject mat­ ter includes the extraocular muscles, ocular circulation, aqueous, intraocular pressure, vitreous, lens, and accommoda­ tion. The last 11 chapters are devoted to the physiology of the retina, the optic nerve, and the visual pathways. Mosby has done its usual splendid job, although the technical changes which have occurred in the printing industry are evident. The book is no longer a textbook, but has become a resource book. The bibliog­ raphy of each chapter is extensive. One wonders whether the subtitle "Clinical Application" should not be dropped. The book is highly recommended. DANIEL SNYDACKER

This is a most attractive series and Perimetry. Principles, Technique, and provides a fine book to use in a sequence Interpretation. By Carl Ellenberger, Jr. of six or eight lectures to medical stu­ New York, Raven Press, 1980. Hard-