Leitfaden der kosmetik, für die arztliche praxis

Leitfaden der kosmetik, für die arztliche praxis

NEW SERIES Vor. XvII. No. 2 Book but also in “roentgens.” The quality of radiation desirabIe is aIso described under each recommendation. Thus, the...

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Vor. XvII. No. 2


but also in “roentgens.” The quality of radiation desirabIe is aIso described under each recommendation. Thus, the work presents a great contrast with most previous pubhcations on roentgen therapeutics. Indeed, it is onIy within the Iast two or three years that it has been possibIe to produce a text containing such dehnite instructions, which are perfectly intehigibIe to a radiologist who has given himseIf the necessary education in his speciaIty to permit him to emplov the x-rays in therapeutics with modern precision. Among the subjects for which roentgentherapy is recommended are furuncuIosis, panarrtra, Iess severe forms of phlegmon, Iymphangitis, and even in pneumonia, peritonitis and sepsis. Heidenhain and Fried’s series of Igo0 cases of pyogenic infection treated by the x-rays, is one of the numerous series cited. ErysipeIas shouId not be overIooked as a favorabIe case for roentgen therapy. Parotitis, orchitis, postoperative pneumonia, thrombophIebitis, and osteomyeIitis are a11 given as IieIds for the use of this agent. TubercuIosis in its surgica1 forms is a fruitfu1 IieId for good results in x-ray therapy. AI1 of the foregoing utiIizes about one-third of the book. The remaining two-thirds is devoted to the cancer question, fuI1 of such information and advice as is most desired by everyone having to dea1 with this important heId of therapeutics. The work is the product of the Second Division of the Surgical CIinic of the University of Vienna, directed by Prof. Hochenegg. ALLGEMEINE UND SPEZIELLE ELECKTROCHIRURGIE. By Dr. Med. Hans V. Seemen, mit einem Beitrag EIektrochirurgie der GeschwuIste in Verbindung mit StrahIenbehandlung by Dr. Med. Otto Schurch. Be&n, JuIius SI>ringer, 1932. The author of this book is the chief physician at the Lexer CIinic in Munich. Prof. Lexer in his Foreword says that he feeIs that this book gives a complete resume of eIectrosurgery and above a11 that it gives a cIear picture of its present stand, particuIarIy at the Lexer CIinic. No exception can be taken to this statement and this work is undoubtedIy one of the most practica1 that has been pubIished to date. The iIIustrations, of which there are over 300, are unusuaIIy we11 selected and many of them represent the best in modern coIor printing. Without cIaiming too much for the eIectro-




of Surgery


surgica1 knife, the author has succeeded in presenting a remarkabIy fair picture of its present position in surgery and the supplement by Dr. Schurch on “EIectrosurgery of Tumors Connection with x-ray and Radium f;herapv ” IS ’ a splendid monograph in itself. The bibliography of over 30 pages presents an interesting picture of this most modern surgica1 procedure and it is interesting to note that English and American literature is thoroughIy considered. AI1 in aI1, the book is the most up-to-date and practica1 treatise on the subject known to us. ELEKTRISCHE VERLETZUNGEN, UND HISTOPATHOLOGIE. By Dr. JeIIinek. Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius

KLINIK Stefan Barth,

‘932. This work on eIectrica1 injuries is based upon thirty years’ experience in eIectropathoIogy. It is probabIe that Dr. JeIIinek has a Iarger experience in this Iine than any other man. It is divided into the foIIowing chapters: I. Electra-trauma; 2. Subjective Perceptions of the EIectrocuted and Objective Immediate Symptoms; 3. ExternaI Changes; 4. Severe ExternaI Injuries; 3. Injuries of the InternaI Organs; 6. Affections of the Nervous System; 7. PathoIogic Anatomy; 8. HistopathoIogy; g. Therapy: a. ProbIem of Resuscitation, 6. Conservative Measures, c. Benzine Therapy, d. Active Injuries (indications and counterindications). It wiI1 be seen from this that the subject is thoroughIy and compIeteIy covered and it may be said that the text bears out the promise of the Table of Contents. The illustrations, many of which are colored, are we11 seIected and beautifuIIy reproduced. AI1 in aI1, this work is probabIy the most thorough and compIete reference book on the subject extant. It is IikeIy to remain the standard for many years to come. LEITFADEN DER KOSMETIK, FtiR DIE ARZTLICHE PRAXIS. By Prof. Dr. A. Buschke, Dr. AIfred Joseph and Dr. Werner Birkenfeld. BerIin, Waiter De Gruyter & Co., 1932. As its titIe indicates, this is a primer of both medical and surgica1 cosmetics and as such fuIIi1Is its purpose. It repIaces no other work but wiI1 serve we11 as an introduction to the subject for the physician who is not specializing therein. An EngIish transIation of this work shouId be we11 worth while.