672 ACUPUNCTURATION. INSERTION OF THE NEEBLE IN A JOINT.-Note by Mr. Brett - LETTER FROM MR. HART. Acupuncturation, for the cure of chronic To the...

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Acupuncturation, for the cure of chronic To the Editor of THE LANCET. rheumatism in natives of India, dated March 22,1831. 1 embrace the present opportunity SIR,-Appended to Dr. Hancock’s letter, of adding my testimony to the many al- in your Journal of the 18th inst., is a note - ready on record, of the great advantages to containing a most illiberal, and certainly be derived from acupuncturation in cases unjust, reflection on the " inconsisten. of chronic rheumatism, having employed this cies " (1) of certain medical writers, and of remedy with much success in the cases of one gentleman in particular, who has lately natives, who had been suffering long and set forth " experiments," which are termed severely from the above disease. The cure the results of cholera cases, treated chiefly or alleviation of the complaint is so general corrosive sublimate and acetate of and so prompt, that I cannot hesitate to Now, as these remarks evidently ap. recommend its frequent trial; knowing as ply to me, 1 beg you will do me the justice I do, from experiments on my own person, to insert the following :-In the first place that its application is, comparatively speak. I may observe, that the cases above alluded ing, void of pain : and from having myself to were communicated to the Board of obtained by this remedy a cure from severe Health not as mere experiments, but as the suffering. In my own Case - the needles result of considerable practice, which has were inserted to the depth of an inch and a established my firm conviction of the de. quarter, and allowed to remain in for two cided success to be derived from the treat. ttours. Dr. Eitiotson, in his admirable ment of cholera with mercury. To remove clinical lecture in the 327th Number of the charge of utter ignorance of the action THE LANCET, page 337, observes, " of of remedies imputed to me, it is only course you would not think of introducing necessary to say, that with the publishing and consequent heading of the article (upon -a needle into a joint." With every for so eminent a physician, I think, from a which Dr. Hancock grounds his charge), I knowledge of the safety with which loose had nothing to do. Furthermore, I will cartilaginous substances are extracted from observe that out of forty-seven cases of ma. joints, we need not hesitate to introduce a lignant cholera, treated after the same man. needle for the purpose of curing protracted ner, only nine have died! That in no one chronic rheumatism, adoptingthe precau- instance has excessive ptyalism been protion, before introducing the needle, of duced by the corrosive sublimate, neither drawing the skin aside so as to prevent a have I met with a single case ofconsecu. direct communication with the joint after tive fever, after the abatement of the pri. the needle is withdrawn. In one instance mary disease. These are facts, and, with I have successfully treated chronic rheu- the exception of Hubbard’s case, no one matism of the knee-joint, by introducing ahas taken the additional quantity of opium. needle in this manner into the joint, and.I have been induced to make the above obwithout any apparent evil consequences -. servations, in the hope that, should any one Trans. of the Calcutta Med. and Phys. Soc.,, feel inclined to make a proper trial of them, vol. 7. they will not be found entirely useless remedies. I am, &c., ’* F. J. HART. . ** Dr. Elliotson was too cautious a practitioner to recommend the insertion of needles into joints, in a lecture delivered to TO CORRESPONDENTS. pupils, especially if he had no facts on A Constant Reader.-Under the present which to ground such a proposition, and arraneements, a two years’ sessional residence at Glasgow is itidispengable. A large por’tinn of the still more especially since he advised that lectures is, of course, attended during this period, but certificates of lectures delivered in other unithe needle should always be left in versities and recognised schools, are admitted in part for one or two hours,-the operation, part, as claims for the examination. too, generally requiring repetition, often Amicus’ letter shall be inserted and several times. The statement of Mr. Brett noticed next week. is not without interest in the treatment of Jitniits was squeezed out. chronic rheumatism by acupuncturation, Mr. L. S. T. More than sixty such apand, doubtless, when the fact of the inno- plications have been made to us within the last tue cence and utility of acupuncturing joints Ynontlis. Each has equal claims on our attention. ’rhus circumstanced, we are totally precluded from is established on the experience of others, lending the columns of this Journal to the purposes and confirmed in his own practice, Dr. of individual charity. has appointed Dr. Traill of Elliotson will take a suitable opportunity ta The Crown Liverpool to the vacant ehair of Materia Medica in the University of Edinburgh. recommend it.-ED. L. on




