Leuman M. Waugh honored by Orthodontic Alumni Society of Columbia University IRVING
On the occasion of Columbia
founded professor
ewning, Grcnadiw’s
paid special tribute to Leuman M. Waugh, who thr Odhodontics Department at Columbia and sued as the school's firs1 of orthodontics. The prcsrntation cucmonic~s took plaw on Satudaq June 13, 1964, at the Concord Hotrl, Kiamesha Lake, SCK ForlL Dr. Irving ilitroductory
I A M indeed grateful to the officers and members of the Executive Board for the very special honor of being asked to participate actively in this phase of our program tonight. It is always a joy and a pleasure to extol the many virtues of a gentleman whom we all admire and hold in great esteem-a man who has greatly enriched our profession and helped to raise it to the stature and dignit) which ib enjoys today. I refer, of course, to Dr. Leuman M. Waugh. On the occasion of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Orthodontic Alumni Society of Columbia Vniversity, it is especially appropriate that Dr. Waugh should receive special recognition. He has had a long and brilliant career as a scholar, teacher, and administrator, and his accomplishments in bchalf of dentistry and orthodontics have been remarkably outstanding. He has received the highest honors bestowed by the Northeastern Society of Orthodontists, the American Association of Orthodontists, the American Board of Orthodontics, the New Pork Academy of Dentistry, and the Dental Society of the State of New York, having served with unusual distinction as president of each of these noteworthy organizations. While this may not be general knowledge, Dr. Waugh’s father was a practicing dentist in Rochester, New York, from 1888 to 1910. It was here, naturally, that Leuman Waugh spent his formative boyhood years and received his early
education. After
graduating from the University of Buffalo College of Dentistr! in 1900, exactly 64 years ago, he started his teaching career by serving as clinical instructor in prosthetic and operative dentistry and as a lecturer in histology. In February, 1901, he was elevated to the chair of histology and ~11~: ology and served in this capacity until 1912, when 1~ was appointed profc~or of special pathology. In 1914 Dr. Waugh moved to New York Clity. Hrre he hccamct a i’ounclc~~~ not only of the Dental College at Columbia Vnivcrsity and its Orthodontic. 1)cpartmlcnt but also of the Northeastern Socictp of Orthodontists. At (‘olumbia hc served successively as professor of embryology, professor of dentistry, antI associate clean. Hc was the first person ever to hold the title of professor (:I orthodontics in any university postgraduate department. From I!):! 1 lultil his retirement in 1945, he discharged his responsibilities with distinguishetl honc~t* and brilliance. Dr. Laugh always gave unstintingly ot’ his many talents. .\s one of his former students, I know of the lo\-alty and drdication mut~laII>. shared by Dr. Waugh and his many students, associatcls, and c~oll(~~~~~~~~~. In 1935 he was a prime figure in thr rrlorganization of the ilni(+atl Soc*icLt > of Orthodontists into the present American Association of ( )rthocloutist s (1,I il.
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J. Orthodontics September 1964
ing his tenure as president. In 1914 Dr. Waugh designed the original x-ray unit for special use in the dental of&e. For reasons of propriety and ethics, he refused to have it patented or to accept a royalty for its manufacture. He was among the first to advocate the routine use of radiography before, during, and after orthodontic correction. He is famous for his research work among the Eskimos of Labrador and Alaska and is the author of numerous scientific papers. In recognition of his unusual contributions, Dr. Waugh has been the recipient of both the Jarvie Fellowship Medal and the Albert H. Ketcham Memorial Award, both highly coveted honors for outstanding achievement. He has served as dental director of the United States Public Health Service Reserve with the rank of colonel and also as dental consultant to the United States Office of Indian Affairs. He was one of the members of the original Advisory Committee to the New York State Department of Health and the New York City Department of Health, where he devoted much time and energy to help ensure the success of the present State Aid Program for physically handicapped children. In recognition of his skill and distinguished record as an educator, Dr. Waugh received honorary degrees and special meritorious citations from the University of Montreal and the Tlniversity of Buffalo. So many of the institutions and programs which are flourishing today, and which we take for granted, serve as enduring monuments to Dr. Waugh’s foresight, energy, and selfless devotion to the specialty of orthodontics. It was his dear friend, Dr. Joe Eby, who once said: “Dr. TVaugh could have more irons in the fire and take better care of them than any person I ever endowed with qualities of mind and knew. ” He is, indeed, a rare individual, heart that have always marked him as a great personality. In recognition of and service to huhis distinguished contributions to dentistry, orthodontics, manity, and as a token of our esteem, I consider it a great honor and a special privilege to present to Dr. Leuman Waugh, in behalf of the Orthodontic Alumni Society of Columbia University, this beautiful bronze plaque. Dr. Waugh, I hope you will always keep this testimony of our high regard properly displayed and that, when you gaze upon it, you will be reminded of the warm friendship and admiration which all Columbia Orthodontic Alumni hold for you. 888