(A3) : the exhem righshand side should be multiplied by
I sinh
281. eq . (A12), last line : G(akt) should read: F(akt) h eq . (Alf should read : det A
;zw 41 -1 g,~
p. 28% eq . (AIG) : the right-hand side should be multiplied by P-4 28% eq (A17) . the last two diagonal terms: gj (p j +_v)+,gr j (P j -_c) and qy,+e)+ g,Y 2 -0, should be in bracket ts .
S. M. Bilenky, L. 1. pi aas, L. D. Pu?ikov and R. M. Ryndin, Phenomenological Analysis of eactions of the a+ a" b+ e, Nuclear Physics 7 tI958) 6,46 . 648, eq. (9) should read