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ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1287 – 1292
15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development”
Level of use a unified information space in the development of the urban underground Angelina Gorobnyak a,* a
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Yaroslavskoye sh. 26, Moscow, 129337, Russia
Abstract The article presents a methodology for assessing the level of use of a unified information space (UIS) for the construction industry. To determine this index we have formed a system of criteria for its evaluation, consisting of ten main indicators, and defined categories of enterprises on the level of using UIS. © Published by Elsevier Ltd. This © 2016 2016The TheAuthors. Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Peer-review under scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Urbanisation as aresponsibility PrerequisiteoffortheSustainable Development. Prerequisite for Sustainable Development Keywords: Unified Information Space (UIS); methodology; index; UIS utilization rates.
1. Introduction It is quite difficult to estimate security of the construction enterprise with information resources, because now there is no unified indicator that allowing to tell with confidence how effectively in the companies additional opportunities of interaction and satisfaction of information requirements which are given by the Unified Information Space (UIS) are used. In this article, we described the use of the only external opportunities of the UIS for the construction companies and gave the author's method of estimation indicators to assess the UIS utilization rates level.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +9-915-477-59-16. E-mail address:
[email protected]
1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development
Angelina Gorobnyak / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1287 – 1292
2. Experimental part According to the "Concept of formation and development of a unified information space in Russia and relevant government information resources", External unified information space it is a set of databases and data banks, the technology of their maintenance and applying, information and telecommunication systems and networks functioning on basis of unified principles and general rules providing information interaction of organizations and citizens, also satisfaction their information needs. The unified information space includes the following items: x information resourses: information resources containing data, information and knowledges recorded on the appropiate data carriers; x the organizational structures providing functioning and development of a common information space, in particular collection, handling, storage, distribution, search and information transfer; x the means of information interaction of citizens and the organizations which are providing them access to information resources on the basis of the appropriate information technologies, turning on program, technical means and organizational regulating documents. For estimate of use level by the construction entities of a unified information space, it is necessary to develop a set of criteria by which calculation will be made [1]. For determination of these criteria was used the method of the collective generation of the ideas (a method of "brainstorming"). The essence of this method consists in the actualization of creative potential of specialists at the "brainstorming" of problem situation realizing at first generation of the ideas and the subsequent destruction of these ideas with a formulation of the counterideas. During the work progress with the method of "brainstorming" were realized the following stages : 1 stage. Forming a group of participants "brainstorming". During the research the study group was formed of ten participants which included specialists in licensing of the "Microsoft" company, IT-specialists and managers of construction companies. 2 stage. Creation of a problem note of the participant of brainstorming. The problem note prepared by the group of the analysis a problem situation and includes the description of a method and the description of a problem situation. 3 stage. Generation of the ideas. After the content of a problem note reveals, process of promotion of the new ideas and statements on a problematic issue begins. 4 stage. Systematization of the ideas stated at a generation stage. 5 stage. Destruction of the systematized ideas. This is an assessment procedure of the ideas on practical feasibility in the course of brainstorming. Each idea has been exposed to comprehensive criticism from participants of brainstorming. 6 stage. Estimation of the critical observations and making a list of implementable ideas. 3. Results and discussion The necessity to assessment of use of information resources at the enterprise is the subject of numerous studies, publications in scientific journals and periodicals [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]. Based on method of expert evaluations we have methodically estimated the level of using of UIS by the construction company. This method includes the following steps: 2.1. Determination of evaluation criteria As a result of consecutive implementation of all stages of the «brainstorming» method, experts have determined ten indicators for assessment of UIS utilization rates level by the construction company (Table 1)
Angelina Gorobnyak / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1287 – 1292 Table 1. UIS utilization rates in the investment-construction complex. №
The indicator of weighting factors (Zj)
Company website has been designed
Advanced network infrastructure
- server availability (own or rented)
- single client base
-use of mail server
- Implementation of programs designed specifically for the company.
The share of specialized construction programs in the development and
project implementation (Grand-smeta, Smeta.ru, AutoCAD, etc.). P4
Portals for individual projects, which have access to the customer, contractor and other project participants within their respective rights and powers. Including the user of the property (the buyer).
Operational On line chat between participants of the
construction process, as well as between the service customers and users. P6
Use of navigation systems, first of all for tracking of delivery dates of materials
(Delivery of construction materials has beed automated by system of logistics). P7
Use of on-line training opportunities for the company’s employees (engineers, estimators, etc.)
The construction company participates in the electronic auction (tenders)
Implementation of an asset management process of Program Providing –License administration (SOFTWARE ASSET MANAGEMENT (SAM) to protect company from the legal risks.
The relations with integrators of specialized software have been improved. Active technical support from the partner has been conducted.
For each indicator experts have defined weight coefficient of the importance (Zj). And 6Zj= 1. 2.2. Transfer indicators to points. It has been carried out by their comparison with basic indicators. Can act as basic indicators: x Indicators of competitor companies or the entity - the leader in the market; x Indicators of the estimated entity for last intervals of time. For transfer of indicators to relative sizes 30-mark scale have been used, at the same time: 10 points - value of an indicator are worse basic; 20 points - value of an indicator at the level of basic; 30 points - value of an indicator are better basic.
Angelina Gorobnyak / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1287 – 1292
2.3. Evaluation Phase. We determine what set of criteria presented in the table, has estimated construction company. The calculation UIS utilization rates level has been carried out by this formula:
ܻ ൌ σୀଵ ݆ܲ ൈ ܼ݆
Where Y - UIS utilization rates level; P- exponent of the UIS utilization rates level; Z- weighting factor of significance j-th indicator of UIS utilization rates level; j-type of index has to be included in the assessment of UIS utilization rates level. The number of parameters (n) specified in Table 1. By counting the number of points is assigned to the enterprise one of three categories according to the UIS utilization rates level: x High level of UIS utilization rates (21≤Y ≤30 points); x Average level of UIS utilization rates (11≤Y ≤20 points); x Low level of UIS utilization rates (1≤Y ≤10 points). This method of calculation has been put into practice for assessment of level of use of EIP for the entities of a construction industry of PIK Group and SU-155. At the considered construction entities, we determine the level of compliance to criteria of use of EIP, having filled in table 2. Table 2. UIS utilization rates of PIK Group and SU-155. №
PIK GroupSU-155
The indicator of weighting factors (Zj)
Company website has been designed
Advanced network infrastructure
- server availability (own or rented)
- single client base
-use of mail server
- Implementation of programs designed specifically for the company.
The share of specialized construction programs in the development and
project implementation (Grand-smeta, Smeta.ru, AutoCAD, etc.). P4
Portals for individual projects, which have access to the customer, contractor and other project participants within their respective rights and powers. Including the user of the property (the buyer).
Operational On line chat between participants of the
construction process, as well as between the service customers and users. P6
Use of navigation systems, first of all for tracking of delivery dates of materials (Delivery of construction materials has beed automated by system of logistics).
Angelina Gorobnyak / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1287 – 1292
Use of on-line training opportunities for the company’s employees (engineers, estimators, etc.)
The construction company participates in the electronic auction (tenders)
Implementation of an asset management process of Program Providing – License administration (SOFTWARE ASSET MANAGEMENT (SAM) to protect company from the legal risks.
The relations with integrators of specialized software have been improved. Active technical support from the partner has been conducted.
Transfer rates in points. It has been performed by comparing them to the baseline. As a baseline in this calculation are the indicators of the Capital Group For the purpose of transfer indicators to relative values used 30th point scale, at the same time: x 10 points - a measure value are worse basic (W); x 20 points - a measure value at the level of basic(N); x 30 points - a measure value are better basic(B). The calculation of the level unified information space utilization rates for each of the considered construction enterprises performed by the formula 1. We take weight coefficients of the importance from table 1. Let's calculate the level of use unified information space for the PIK-group. Y1=(20×0.13)+(30×0.24)+(30×0.11)+(20×0.04)+(20×0.1)+(10×0.05) +(20×0.15) +(30×0.06)= 21.2 points. Let's calculate the level of use unified information space for the SU-155. Y2=(10×0.13)+(30×0.24)+(30×0.11)+(20×0.07)+(10×0.04)+(20×0.1)+(20×0.15)+(30×0.05)+(30×0.06)= 21.9 points Proceeding from the carried-out calculations, considered the entities we can refer both to category of the entities with the high UIS level ( 21≤Y ≤30 points), at the same time the level of use of UIS at the entity of SU-155 by 0.7 points higher than in the PIK Group. But both companies barely crossed the threshold of 21 points allowing to refer their level of use of UIS to this category. Thus, PIK Group, and SU-155, have the considerable potential of growth of this indicator. 4. Conclusion The presented system for assessing the level of using unified information space defines the new index, that shows how well do the construction companies use the information resources. Depending on the results, the enterprise can achieve high, medium or low level of using UIS. The entry criteria for the index can be supplemented when the new information resources and technologies appear. High level of using UIS leads to the innovation development of an enterprise. References 1. A.A. Gorobnyak, Methods of estimating the extent of using the common information space for enterprises in construction sector, Baikal Research Journal. 3 (2012) 27. 2. A.J. Moran, P. Profaizer, M. H. Zapater, M. A. Valdavida, I. Z. Bribian, Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for energy efficiency in buildings, Review and analysis of results from EU pilot projects, Energy and buildings. 127 (2016) 128-137. 3. S. El Kadiri, B. Grabot, K.-D. Thoben, K. Hribemik, C. Emmanouilidis, G. von Cieminski, D. Kiritsis, Current trends on ICT technologies for enterprise information systems, Computers in Industry. 76 (2016) 14-33.
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