Lightiella incisa sp. nov. (Cephalocarida) from the West Indies

Lightiella incisa sp. nov. (Cephalocarida) from the West Indies

492 Oceanographic Abstracts The particular collection and examination m e t h o d employed during this investigation seems to have certain advantage...

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Oceanographic Abstracts

The particular collection and examination m e t h o d employed during this investigation seems to have certain advantages over collecting by net and examining preserved samples. FoxroN P., 1963. A n automatic opening-closing device for large plankton nets and mid-water trawls. 3. Mar. Biol. Ass., U.K., 43 (2): 295--308. Large nets provide the most elficicnt means o f sampling many forms o f pelagic animal life, in particular the macroplankton. A prototype device is described that allows the cod-ends o f such nets to be opened and closed automatically at depth, thereby enabling them to be fished in a more q u a n t i tative manner. The Catch Dividing Bucket t(;DBJ is described. It consists essentially o f an reverted Y-tube that contains, pivoted at its crotch, a spring-loaded flap. Depending on which position that flap is in so catch from the main trawl will be directed into one subsidiary collecting net or the other. The flap can move through 90 and then back again so opening one limb and then closing it agait, It is arranged that this sequence is controlled by a pressure-actuated, piston-type release mechanism. The flap in effect operates as a tx~o-way valve dividing the catch into two parts one o f which is taket~ below the selected depth and the other above it. Technical details o f the mechanism are described and the m e t h o d o f calibration discussed The device operates over a naaximum range o f 0-1000 m with an error o f about 14 per cent. X hysteresis effect due to friction on the piston stem limits to some extent the precision with which , particular depth or depth horizotl can be fished. The method o f fishing, when used in conjunction with a 10 ft l s a a c s - K i d d mid-water tra~l. is described and the results o f field trials discussed. A brief indication is given o f the nature t,1 future developments based on this prototype device. FURNESIIN J., 1963. Teneur en oxygene des eaux de la M&literranEe Algero-Tunisienne (supplement ~t l'etude hydrologique de fevier 1960 campagne du '" PrEsident-ThEodore-Tissier " ) Rev Tray. lnst. Pdches Marit., 27 (2): 119-126. Dans la secteur algero-tunisien, c o m m e dans lcs autres regions du bassin occidental EtudiEes ct; 1957, l'oxygene prEsente, dans sa rEpartition au-dessous de la courbe superficielle, une grande concordance avec la salinite et la tenapErature. Elle vErifie les rapports existant entre les masses d'eau. dEj',t dEcrites pour l'hiver 1960, et en particulier la rdalitE et l'importance de la plongEe, pres de la cEte, de l'eau de surface algero-atlantique et sa participation subs~quente ~. la formation des couches profondes dans cette region. La confirmation ainsi apportEe d'un tel phdnomene donnera, on vck~t l'esl~rer, sujet ",i rEflexion ",i. cettx qui, s'attribuam l'infaillibilit~ en matiEre ocEanographiquc voudraient contester le bien fonde de cette modeste d&:ouverte FURNESrlN M. -L., 1963. l-,cs chaetognathes atlantiques en Mediterranec. Rev. lT"av I,t~; Pdches Marit., 27 (2): 157 160. S. tasnmmica et S. planctonis viennent s'ajouter/t la liste des especcs d e n t le transport en Mediterrance par le courant atlantique peut Etre tenu pour assurE. Leur presence y Etant dEsormais connuc, il cst possible q u ' o n les rep~re, c o m m e P. draco, en d'autres points atteints par ce courant, le long dc~ ceres italiennes ou nord-mEditerranEennes par exemple. Cette br,~vc analyse des Chaetognathes entraines fort loin parfois du detroit, mais qui rcstcnt cantonnes dans les zones d'influence oceanique, montre un aspect des possibilites de leur utilisatio~ c o m m e indicateurs des phEnom~nes hydrologiques. 11 convient toutefois de distinguer de ces formes ' emigrantes ' S. setosa, e s p ~ e pErenne dent l'existence en MEditerranEe dolt remonter au debut du quaternaire et n'est en aucune faqon liee :, l'affiux actuel des eaux de l'OcEan. GOLDBF,RG E. D., M. KOtDE, R. A. SCHMITr and R. H. SMtIit, 1963. Rare-earth distribution in the marine environment, d. Geophys. Res., 68 (14): 4209-4217. Analyses for the rare-earth elements in sea water, in a phosphorite, and in a manganese nodule were made by neutron activation and X-ray fluorescence techniques. These marine samples showed a depletion in the heavier rare-earth elements, relative to chondritic meteorites, beginning with samarium. Cerium was enriched in the manganese nodule, probably as a result o f its oxidation to the 4 + valency state. The ratios o f the abundances in the two minerals to those o f sea water go through a m a x i m u m in the vicinity o f samarium. The europium concentration, often anomalous in terrestrial minerals, was normal relative to the other rare earths in all o f the samples. The sea water showed four times the concentration o f rare earths at a depth o f 4000 m as compared with surface values. GOOmNG R. U., 1963. Lightiella incisa sp. nov. (Cephalocarida) from the West Indies. ('ru.~taeeana, 5 (4): 293-314. Description de I'anatomie externe de quatre individus adultes d'tme nouvell¢ esp~ce de CEphalocaride. Lightiella incisa, trouvEs A la Barbade (localit6 typiqu¢), et ~ Porto Rico. D'apr~s les caxacteres de cette espEce, la validit6 de la famille des Lightiellidae (Jones, 1961) serait contestable. Certains points de morphologie thEorique sent examines.