Lipids protein-lipid interactions on the surfaces of cell membranes

Lipids protein-lipid interactions on the surfaces of cell membranes

425 Lipids Protein-lipid interactions on the surfaces of cell membranes Editorial overview John A Glomset Addresses Howard Hughes MedIcal Institut...

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Lipids Protein-lipid


on the surfaces of cell membranes

Editorial overview John A Glomset Addresses Howard Hughes MedIcal Institute, Departments Biochemistry, and Regional Primate Research Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA; e-mail: [email protected]

of MedIcme and Center, University






in Structural



Abbreviations Gia y-carboxyglutamate interfacial btnding i-face

‘I’he three




relate to the peripheral cells. ‘I‘hesc proteina arc’ the focus of an important. emerging field in structural biology It’s already clear that they are quite diverse and include cytoskeletal proteins [ I]. the coat proteins ofsecrctory :ind cndocytic \esiclcs [2]. protein kinases [.;I. (;‘I’l’-l)inding proteins [a] and rhc cnzymcs and lipid transport proteins that contribiitc to lipid-dependent ccl1 c\idcnce is xuimulatin~ signaling [Lb]. l;urthermore. that they bind to the lipids of cell n~cn~I~~ncs by diffcrcnt mechanisms. I:or exfmple, some of the proteins con&n pleckstrin ho~nology domains that bintl phosI’t”)inositid~~ [ 71, others contain CL domains that binci mcmbmne lipiclx in thu presence of (:a’+ [Xl. others contain positi\,cl! char,& regions chat bind to ncgati\,ely chargctl phosphoglycerides [9] and others contain covalently attached f:ltt) ac) I ,group\ or prenyl groups th3t anchor them to mcmbranca [l,lO]. Ikynd this, adjdccnt mcmhrdnc lipids that tlo not bind proteins directly ma)’ nioilulatc the protein-lipid interactions [ 11 1. the binciing of proteins to membrane surfaces ma) promcw ftlrther changes in the structure and fLlncti(Jn of the proteins [12] and groups of protcins that bind to the wnc membrane surface ina!interact with each other to cffcct complex mcmbr;Inc response\ (e.g. [ 131). membrane





in this section of


In \.ic\\- of this complexity SC\ eraI key questions have to considered for each protein-lipid interaction. What region of the protein is involved in membrane binding and what specific amino acids in the region form the intcrfaciul binciing sllrface (i-face)? kl:hich membrane lipids interact with the amino acids and what types of intermolecular contacts arc in\ olved? I>oes the targetinK of the protein to a membrane deptznd solely on these lipici\ or tloes it also depend on 311 interactjon n-it11 ;i niombrane protein? IIoes protein-lipid binding h:ivc additional structural cffccts on the protein or on ddj;tcent membrane lipids and proteins? Ho\{ drc the pl-ntein’s lx

interactions with membrane lipids and proteins regulated? ‘1 i) answer questions like these for even a single, peripheral membrane protein u~~uld be a major task, so the challenge for the field ;1s a whole is clear. ‘l’hr rc\iew by Cklb, (:ho and Wilton (pp 328-332) summarizes initial attempts to address this challenge for secreted members of the phospholipase A, cnzync sllpcrfamily. In particular, the authors focus on the i-faces of these enzymes, which are of special interest because of the corrcl~tion between different amino acid compositions and differcnccs in the cnzynes ability to interact with mocJcI lipid surfaces. l;or example, the i-fact of ;I sccrctcd phospholipasc 11, from the pancreas contains several basic amino acids that interact elcctrostaticall\~ \vith model lipid surfaces that contain negatively charged p~~r~sl~llo~lyccrides. Similar interactions may bc of functiondl importance i,v S+CYI. hccause the enzyme norm;llly catalyzes the hydrolysis of ingcstecl phosphogl!,cerid~s that arc present in mixed micclles and emulsions that also contain conjugated bile acid\. other phospholipvse A, cnLymes secreted b); mammali:m cells are thought to bind to cell plasma mcmbrancs during inflamniatoq responses.


‘I’he three groups of proteins that are discussed in the re\.iew by Nelsestuen and Ostrowski (pp 433437) alSo show (:a’+-dependent binding to lipid surfaces, but by different mechanisms and with a considerably higher (:a?+ stoichiometrv. The pentraxins are extracellular proteins that, like some CJfthe secreted phospholipase .A? enzymes, responses are thought to contribute to inflammatory (73~2.51. (:a-‘+ ions bind to the fjvc subunits of‘ each pentrasin molecule and this can promote protein-lipid interactions with negatively charged model membranes [Zh-D]. Nelsestuen and Ostrowski make the point that pentraxins that have positively charged, (:a?+-containing i-faces bind to these membranes, whercas corresponding pentraxins that have negatively charged i-faces do not. ‘I-his obscr\,ation may bc of biological relevance becatlse

attachment of the coagulation factors to lipid surfaces. Nelsestuen and Ostrowski suggest that these attachments may depend on yet-to-be characterized, site-specific mechanisms involving one or more phosphoglyceride head ,qroups, rather than on nonspecific electrostatic or hydrophobic interactions.

‘I’hc studies reviewed by (;rlb, (Iho and LVilton, and by Nelsestuen and Ostrowski provide evidence that the i-faces of peripheral membrane proteins arc heterogeneous and contain a great deal of detailed, structurally important information. ‘l’he full significance of this information ma) not become clear until the corresponding membrane lipid interfaces that contribute to protein-lipid interactions arc better understood. ‘I’he lipid bilqers of mammalian cell the OlltCr SUrfxcS (Jf d~mi~~?d CCllS tiild xtivated pl:ltcktS membranes are also heterogeneous and structurally comare thought to contain relatively high amounts of pho+ plex; however. most investigations of the lipids that phatidylscrine. On chc other hand, human plasma interact with peripheral membrane proteins have been Cl-reacti\yc prowin, a pelltrasin that dots not show (:a’*done using rclativcly simple lipid systems that have a limtlcpendent binding to negati\.ely charged model ited porcntial for providing detailed structural information. membranes, reportedly show\ (IaL+-dependent bindinK ‘I’herefore. work with more informati\,c lipid systems is both to model membranes that cctntain high amounts of needed. ‘I’he review by Hrockman (pp 4.38-43.3) provides I~sophosphatid~lcholine [.?0,.31] and to cells that 113~~~ an indication of the t)pe of information that will be been damaged 1,). treutmcnt 11ith snake \cnom phospholirequired. It shows how careful eupcrimentation with lipid p;~sc A, [.31..32]. ‘I’hc basis for these effects remains to bc monolayers can be used t0 obtain imporunt insights about dutermined, but hum3n (:-rcacti\rc protcin is kn0w.n to the molecular role of lipids in protein-lipid interactions. contain ;I (:a’+-dependent binding site for the polar head x:roltp of phosphatitiylcholinc [ZH,?)] and it has been specReferences trlated that this binding site may bc invA.ed [25(.

In contrast to pcntraxins, annexins show (:a’+-dependent binding to the cytosolic surfaces of cell membranes I.3.3). ( L-I h ions bind to rhe i-face of each annexin [?A] and I\jelsestucn and Ostrowaki argue that this may promote protcin-lipid interactions through a combination of electrostatic and hydrophobic mechanisms. [ndced. crl;stsllographic studies with phosphoglyccridc analogs ha\c suggested that some of the bound (:a’+ ions may bind directly to the ox)gens of phospholipid head groups ].3S]. In addition, (:a?+ binding to anncxin V causes a buried tryptophan residue (‘IiylXS) to become csposed on the surface of the i-face (.3h..ii] and the replacement of this tryptophan with an alaninc residue has hecn shown to dccrcase the affinity of annexin \T for model membranes [.1X]. Interestingly, studies of mutated forms of anncxin I ha1.c prov-ided evidence that individual domains of anncxins, though structurall!. homologous. may haw distinct functions in lipid-vesicle binding and aggregation [.iU], If similar studies of other anncsinc stlpport this possibilit!; str~rctlirc/functioii studies invol\,ing mutations in rhe domains that promote protein-lipid interactions most effccti\~elv might be \w); informati\.c. ~‘itamin-k;-dependent plasma proteins bind to the extracellular surfaces of cells in response to injury and contribute to the control of blood clotting reactions [#)]. ‘l‘hc?; contain Gla (y-carhos~glutanl~lte) residues at their N termini that bind (:a?+ and promote the functional


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