319 lint laid upon it, to allow it to heal by granulations arising
say, almost imperforate, as the catemenia had always found an from the bottom. The opera- exit. What makes the case extion lasted ten minutes. traordinary is, that although the On examination, the tumour patient had been married for two operation had been appeared to be composed of a years, no of before. firm, dark-coloured, cartilagi- thought Mr. BRODIE divided the hymen nous mass, and perforated to its, in,bottom with several holes, large with a sharp pointed bistoury, the va. into troducing hisfiriger enough to admit of the passage gina, as a director, and a catheter of a common-sized prcbe. into the urethra ; but as the Mr. LYNN also removed a operation was performed in priBaevus maternus from the cheek vate, this is all the detail we can of a child nine months old, of give of the case. -
the circumference of
small artery was tied;, and the wound closed ’by strips of
The following singular example of strength of resolution, and force nerve, has been given by a Continuation of the case of J young suroeon of Paris. Having for a long tirue suffered the Oakley. most acute from stone in Thursday, May 27.The pa- the bladder, pains he at length resolved tient complains of a dntl pain to resort lo the dangerous operain the head, but is in other tion of cutting for it, and at the respects much the same as yes- same time took the extraordinary terday. resolution of being the operator,
. Friday 28.Pulse 85.
Pain him.self-upo,n himself This diffiin the head still continues. Tongue cult, perilous, and painful operaslightly furred. The aperient tion, he accomplished without. medicine
repeated. Saturday 29.The bowels open-
any assistanee. - It is now three. or four days since the operation, and the patient is so well, that Pulse 80 and full. he hopes in eight or ten days to Wednesday June 2.---A slight resume degree of the pain in the head is Paris his usual avocations. paper. even now felt. The patient looks heavy, his tongue is somewhat furred, and the pulse -80, strong and full. Bowels open..
the Press and shortly to be published in the largest FOOLSIn
May 28.---Mr. BRODIE per- CAP, an accurate Anatomical, operation for n im- Physiological, and Pathological perforate hymen, or, as-we should description of the Tibia of formed the
320 Scipio Africanus, by Mr. Chevalier, Professor of Anatomy, at
On the 4th December, at Aurungabad, ,the R.C.S. London ; with plates John Ruxton Alexander, Esq. Surgeon to illustrate this important sub- Horse Brigade of Artillery. regret we have to state ject.As it is- thought that this theWith much death of Mr. Sheckleton, premature will be by far the most inlere.cJtDemonstrator of Anatomy to the Royal and work the laborious from ing College of Surgeons. On Monday pen of the learned Author, an last, whilst engaged in delivering a lec. raising a knife at the same time, ’early application is requested to ture, he slightly cut his finger, which was be made at his publishers.
MARRIAGES. On the 1st. instant, at St. Lul;e’s, Chelsea, Doctor Veitch, to Mary, wiJow of the late Captain Jermy, R.N. and only daughter of John Kirk, Esq. Ashover, On
thus inoculated with virulent matter from the subject upon which he lectured. Inflammation suddenly, came on, and after every remedy was tried in vain, he expired yesterday (Friday) morning. This is, we believe, the fourth fatal case which has occurred in Dublin within a few years, all of the same kind, by which eminent Professional men have lost their lives.
Wednesday, at Gosport, John Kay, Esq., Surgeon, H. M. S. Starling, to Miss Woolgar, daughter of the PROMOTION. late Mr. W. of Gosport. On the 20th December, at Madras, Assistant-Surgeon Finnerty is ap. Henry Cowen, Esq., Surgeon, 41st Foot, pointed to do duty under the Garrison to Sarah, second daughter of Lieut.Surgeon at Bengalorr. Colonel Limond, Madras Artillery. In Monthly numbers, price One Shilling, THE FAMILY ORACLE OF HEALTH, ECONOMY, AND GOOD LIVING. By Dr. CRELL and Mr. WALLACE. No. X. contains, Mr. Lawrence’s celebrated Recantation of his
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