349 CHUGH, YP liT RES. INST. CHICAGO, USA AGARWAL,RK COLUMBIA UNIV.NEW YORK, USA Failure of geologic materials under low cycle fatigue in tension. Abstract of paper for Soc. Min.Engrs 1975 AIME Ann.Meeting,New York. MIN. ENGNG, AIME,V26, N12, DEC .1974,P60. Results of failure for cylindrical specimens of sandstone,limestone and granite under cyclic stresses in the tension-tension and compression-compression modes are reported.Fatigue data for the rocks in tension are pre. sented in the form of S-N curvesjrelating the applied stress level(S) to the n u ~ e r of cycles(N) to produce failure.The fatigue data in tension are then co~Koared with similar data in compression by plotting both on the same graph.The results indicate that the cyclic fatigue in geologic materials under tensile stresses was more damaging than under compressive stresses. A significant increase in porosity of specimens cycled in tension was observed except in granite.
Shear deformation characteristics 35O ILIEVA, L STO EVA, P DEMIREV, A Deformation behaviour of silts and clays according to their lithlfication properties. Conference. Session four. 3F,1T,4R. PROC.EIGHTH INT.CONF.ON SOIL MECH.FOUND.ENGNG. NOSCOW, 1973, V2.2, Plll-1] 3 • The deformation behaviour of littoral silts and plioeene clays with low and medium degree of lithlfication is studied, and is determined by their structural peculisrities and the conditions of their stress state. The character of the structural pecu3_iarities and more particularly of their structural bonds is conditionad to a large extent by the lithiflcation processes which proceed in these soils. 351 GOLDSTEIN, M iOMIZE, O ~eforn~tion and strength of soils. Conference. Session one. 14F,3T,5R. PROC.EIGHTH INT.CONF.ON SOIL MECH.FOUND.ENGNG. NOSCOW,Vl.l,1973, P151-158. The paper is in three parts. The first part describes a method of speeding up compression testing 5 to 7 times whilst maintaining the accuracy of standard tests. The second part examines the influence of time factor on soil clay strain ~Id strength. The third part investigates the pure shear of sands. 352 IVERSEN, K NORWEG. G~3TECH. INST .oLSO, N MOLqM,J NCRWEG. GEOTECH. INST .OLSO, N The paraffin method - triaxlal testing withou~ a rubber membrane. Tec.hnical note. 3F,5R. GEOTECHNIQUE, V25, Nh, DEC. 1974, P665 -670. 353 CHAPPELL, BA load distribution and deformational response in discontinua. 14F, fIR. GEOTECHNIQUE, V24, N4, DEC .1974,P641-654. l~toelastic models of discontlnua were constructed and tested in such a way that stress distribution and deformational response could be measured. The results show that compressive stress across a Joint can change to tension when applied or transmitted moments across the joint become large enough. Geometry changes which occur due to the large deforn~tions caused redistributions of load and also stress redistributions caused by joint slip and rotation induced tensile stresses and strains within blocks.
354 AND~SO N, WF UNIV. SHEFFIELD, GB MCKINLAY, IX] UNIV. STRATHCLYDE, GLASGOW, GB Tests to find the modulus of deformation of till. Symposium. Summaries of papers. MIDLAND SOIL MECH .FOUND. ENGNG. SOC. SYMP .ON ENGNG.BE. HAVIOUR OF GLACIAL MAT.,BIP~YlNGHAM~APRIL,1975. This paper presents a report on some comparisons of sar~pllng and laboratory testing procedures when applied to the determination of the ~odulus of deformation of stiff unweathered lodgement tills found in the Glas@Dw area. Values of the modulus are, in part, dependant on methods of interpretation, and selected methods based on precedents are used. Factors examined include the effects of san~le size, rate of testing, use of frictlonless end platens, cyclic loading, sampling with and without water balance in the borehole and the effects of length of time between sani011ng and testing. Conclusions based on the laboratory tests appear to be confirmed by the results of in-situ borehole tests. Some recommendations are m~de as to the method by which to find the most meaningful value of the modulus of deformation of till in the laboratory. Auth.
Friction in rocks 355 JOUSTRA, IK FUGRO, NV New developments of the Dutch cone penetration test. Conference. Session one. IF,2R. PROC .EIGHTH INT.CONF.ON SOIL MECH.FOUND. ENGNG. MOSCOW,V1. i, 1973, P199- 201. The electrical cone makes it possible to ~easure the case resistance and local friction continuously, whereas the mechanical cone allowed only discontinuous measurements of friction resistance. The continuous measurement also allows the friction ratio to be computed autom~tically, and a nora accurate friction ratio graph can be obtained from the case penetration test, that makes a better comparison with the soil profile possible. 356 KANJI,MA UNIV. SAO PAUID,BR Y"ne relationship between drained friction angles and Atterberg limits of natural soils. Technical note. IF, 19R. GEOTECKNIQUE, V2 h, N4, DEC. 1974, P671- 674. 357 P~OCTER, DC UNIV. MANCHEST~q, GB BARTON,RR RENDEL, PAI/4~, TR ITIDN, IONDON, GB Measurements of the angle of interparticle friction.15F,4T,24R GHOTECHNIQUE, V24, Nh, DEC. 1974, P581- 604. The coefficient of interpartiele friction is defined and its theoretical basis and conventional methods of measurernent are briefly introduced. A new apparatus, designed to measure the value of the coefficient of interparticle friction obtaining at a single particle.particle contact, is described with emphasis upon the materials exsmlned, their preparation and data analysis. The results obtained were found to vary both with material and testing conditior~s and a hypothesis is developed for the frlctionaf[ behaviour of massive structural minerals to explain these observ~tlor~s and to discuss certain discrepancies with the data of other workers. Auth. 358 LAFOUNTAIN, LJ UNIV. N. CAROLINA, USA DUNN, DE UNIV .N.CAROLINA, USA Effect of anisotropy on the coefficient of sliding friction in schistose rocks. 9F,IT,14R. INT. J.ROCK MECH .MIN. SC I .GEOMECH .ABSTR .Vll, NI2, 1974, P459-464.