THE Royal Society of Medicine has just issued the calendar for 1917-18, which contains much interesting information on the origin, progress, and work of the society, with a complete list of officers, members of Council, sections, and dates of meetings. With Sir Rickman Godlee as President (the Past-President being Sir Frederick Taylor), the Council has the following list of VicePresidents who are also Presidents of sections: A woman came under observation in November, 1916. Mr. G. Rowell (Anaesthetics), Dr. Preston King Four years previously she sustained fracture of the nose and Climatology), Dr. H. Morley with laceration of the soft parts extending to the right lower (Balneology in Children), Dr. H. D. Rolleston Fletcher (Diseases eyelid. Argyrol was dropped into the eye, and made its way into the lacerated tissue of the lid, nose, and cheek. An (Clinical), Dr. J. Galloway (Dermatology), Dr. unsightly bluish-green and slate-grey pigmentation resulted, G. Harrison Orton (Electro-Therapeutics), Dr. G. S. for which the oculists were consulted. Bichloride of Buchanan (Epidemiology), Dr. Raymond Crawfurd mercury injections were given and, according to the patient, of Medicine), Dr. A. Brown Kelly (Laryngoeffected a slight improvement. For two years the condition (History had been stationary. Dr. Olson prescribed hexamine, logy), Dr. A. E. Garrod, F.R.S. (Medicine), Dr. R. P. 5 grains thrice daily. The condition improved at once, and Smith (Neurology), Dr. G. F. Blacker (Obstetrics and in two weeks half the area of pigmentation had disappeared. The dose was increased to 10 grains and the improvement Gynaecology), Mr. J. H. Badcock (Odontology), Mr. continued, but was not so marked. After six weeks the drug W. Lang (Ophthalmology), Dr. H. J. Banks Davis proved irritating to the stomach and kidneys and was dis- (Otology), Dr. W. Bulloch, F.R.S. (Pathology), Dr. continued. About three-fourths of the pigmentation had R. P. Smith (Psychiatry), Sir Anthony A. Bowlby disappeared. Dr. W. Hale White (Therapeutics and and The hexamine treatment was discovered by an (Surgery), Dr. W. Pasteur and Mr. H. S. Pharmacology). American practitioner, A. M. Crispin, who published are the honorary treasurers, Dr. Pendlebury in 1914 a case of universal argyria due to collargol. Moore and Mr. W. G. Spencer the Norman He gave the patienb hexamine for a cold and was librarians, and Mr. C. H. Fagge and astonished to find that the pigmentation became honorary Dr. J. C. Briscoe the honorary secretaries. The several degrees lighter. Another American, Davidson, secretary, consulting librarian, and editor of the reported in 1916 a case of general argyria due to society’s proceedings is Mr. J. Y. W. MacAlister, urethral injections of argyrol and protargol. The into whose energetic dispensation of business no pigmentation following the application of the sign of this multiple pressure of work has organic silver compounds comes on very slowly, intruded. but when subcutaneous injections are made the cutis and subcutis are stained at once, and if the OUR DAILY SUGAR. skin is thin, as in the eyelids, a bluish-green disA SERIES of questions and answers published colouration immediately becomes apparent. The danger of argyria is not great, provided certain I recently in the Local Government Chronicle not precautions are taken. Intact epidermis and only illustrate the difficulties which will beset some mucous membranes do not take up the silver members of the public in obtaining their authorised stain unless solutions are used steadily for a portion of sugar in the coming year but serve to long time. But raw surfaces, such as ulcer of the remind us also that the work of the Government cornea and burns, from which epithelium is department responsible for the nation’s first experiabsent, readily take up the stain. In chronic ment in compulsory rationing has been, and will inflammation the epithelium of the mucous mem- be, no sinecure. The questions are, of course, branes also takes up the stain more readily. There those propounded by readers of the periodical is special danger in forcibly injecting the lacrymal containing them, and a considerable portion of duct, urethra, and similar places, as the solution may them relate to persons who change their residence be forced into the loose connective tissue. Solutions frequently, in some cases at every week-end, ’by should never be used near lacerated wounds, and " going home or by leaving their homes for patients should not be allowed to use them un- change of air. Arrangements, it is stated, are supervised for long periods. The prognosis of being made for those who thus remove from one general argyria due to internal administration of registered household to another and for others silver nitrate, in which there is a large amount of who, having no fixed address, cater for themselves silver in the tissues, is almost hopeless. But in and are constantly travelling. They will have to local argyria, due to organic silver compounds, the form a code of a comprehensive and ingenious amount of silver present is small, and in some character if they combine to satisfy the require. patients the pigmentation disappears spontaneously. ments of the chronic week-ender, of the bachelor Even in occupational argyria,- due to metallic and spinster entering the bonds of matrimony after silver, the pigmentation occasionally fades spon- registration, of a mobile anti-aircraft unit, and of taneously. Treatment has not proved of much " a person who has no fixed abode and lives first service ; the principal remedy has been potassium with one friend and then with another," all of Dr. Olson whom are anxious to know what the future may or sodium iodide given by the mouth. considers that the hexamine treatment is promising, hold in store for them. We can conceive the but so far it has been tried in only two cases. He last-mentioned nomad being made comparatively suggests that it acts by forming a soluble compound welcome in the hospitable circle in which he with the pigment which is absorbed and probably moves if he were to promise before arriving at excreted by the kidneys. Under the treatment the each temporary abode that he would contribute his stain should diminish in two weeks. But as it ration to the family stock for general cooking fades slowly the treatment should be continued for purposes, and abstain from drinking it in tea, months, with intervals, so as to avoid irritation of coffee, and other beverages. This is a form of the stomach and kidneys. ( economy in sugar which hardly seer s to be enough-
THE generalised argyria following the prolonged administration of silver nitrate is well known, and so is the local argyria which follows its local use But the local and also occurs in silver-workers. argyria due to the local use of argyrol and other organic silver compounds is a recent observation. In the Journal of the American Medical Association Dr. G. M. Olson has reported the following case :-