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D. NASHAN, R. MEYER, TH. SENGE 2, C. SORG 1 and E. NIESCHLAG Institute of Reproductive Medicine and 1Institute of Experimental Dermatology of the University of Mi~nster, 2Urological Department of the University of Bochum, 4400 MOnster, Steinfurter Str. 107, F.R. Germany In order to characterize the immunological status of human testes and epididymides the macrophage and lymphocyte types were investigated in tissues obtained from prostatic carcinoma patients aged 70-80 years undergoing bilateral orchidectomy. We examined the lymphocyte- (IOTla, IOT4, IOT8) and macrophage subpopulations (25F9, 27E10, RM3/I) in 9 testes and 7 epididymides. Number and distribution pattern were evaluated in a semiquantitative fashion. The most frequent immuno-competent cells were 25F9-positive macrophages which made up to 50 % of the interstitial cells. Fewer RM3/l-positive antiinflammatory macrophages were found in the interstitium and peritubular layer and only a few 27E10-positive cells characterized as monocytes and young macrophages were seen in vessels and the surrounding connective tissue. This distribution pattern of monocytes and macrophages was very similar in testes and epididymides. The quantity of T-lymphocytes in the testicular and epididymal interstitium and peritubular layer was similar. Differentiation of those T lymphocytes, however, revealed more T helper lymphocytes in the testicular connective tissue while more T suppressor lymphocytes were found in the epididymal connective tissue. T suppressor lymphocytes were also found in the epididymal epithelium. No lymphocytes or macrophages were located in testicular tubules. Since testes and epididymides of prostatic carcinoma patients are usually considered normal, the high amount of 25F9-positive macrophages typical for chronic inflammation and the T helper cells in the testes as as sign of immune stimulation are surprising. Whether these phenomena are representative for normal men or are disease and/or age related remains to be determined. Keywords: macrophages, lymphocytes, testis, epididymis
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HAI~nOPHILUS EQUIGENITALIS INFECTION OF HORSES REPRODUCTIVE TRACT M.NIKOLAJCZUKI,K.KOS~IAK2,j.MOLRNDA 3 , IAcademy of AgrLculture ~roc~aw, NorwLda 31, Academy of AgrLculture,Craoow,MLckLewLcza ~Department of Vet.Hyg.,Wroc~aw,RodakowskLego 12,Poland 65 mares and 107 stallLone were exam£ned bacter~logLcally. Taylorella equLgenLtalLs ATCC 3565,RockevLlle,USA was used as a reference straLn. In two cases of s~ears from mares, Lsolated bacterLum was determLned as T./HaemophLlus/equLgenLtalLs-iLke and in the one as T./HaemophLlus/equi~enLtalLs. All swabs taken from stallLons were bacterLologLcally negatLve. HomologLcal antLgen HaemophLlus equLgenLtalLs and heterologLcal antLgen HaemophLlus somaus were employed in serologLcal examLnatLon of eera from all horses. The presence of antLbodLes against
b o t h o f them was shown.