THE OPTIC TECTUMOF THE PIGEON--A COX-GOLGI STUDY. TAKAORYU, Departmentof Anatomy, Jichi Medical School, Minamikawachi,Tochigi 329-04, Japan. The laminar organization of the pigeon optic tectum was anatomically studied using the COXGOLGI method (Van der Logs, 1956), in combination with the Nissl and other Golgi staining. The brains were surgically taken from young pigeons. Brain blocks containing the optic tectal areas were fixed in lO~ neutral formalin for two weeks, and then embeddedwith celloidin for serial coronal 80pm sectioning. These serial sections were examinedby COX-GOLGI staining. Some findings concerning the nervous cells and fibers in the optic tectum were similar to certain previous studies (Karten and Hodos, 1967; K. E. Webster, 1974). Also, the results suggested that the pigeon optic tectum was composedof the following six laminae with complicated fiber connections: I) Stratum opticum, 2) Stratum griesum et fibrosum superficiale; many sublayers inside of stratum, 3) Stratum griesum centrale, 4) Stratum album centrale, 5) Stratum griesum periventriculare, and 6) Stratum fibrosum periventriculare.
College of Nursing 2-1-41, Tezukayamahigashi, Sumiyoshiku, Osaka 558, and 2Oept of Anat., Osaka Univ. Med. Seh., Nakaneshina, Kitaku, Osaka 530 T Japan. ~e characterized the l o c a l i z a t i o n of glycine receptor immunoreactivity (Gly-R-IR) in the v e n t r a l l a t e r a l geniculate nucleus (VLG) of the r a t using monoclonal antiserun produced against the a f f i n i t y - p u r i f i e d receptor protein (Boehringer Mannheim Biochenica, Cat. No. 1170236). By light microscopy, GIy-R-IR ~as found in the magnoceliular part of the VLG (VLGmc) ~ith a
punctate d i s t r i b u t i o n and often observed o u t l i n i n g large c e l l bodies and dendrites. I n j e c t i o n of Fluora Gold into the superior c o l l i c u l u s , r e t r o g r a d e l l y labeled neurons exhibited Gly-R-IR in the VLGmc. At the u l t r a s t r u c t u r a l l e v e l , Gly-R-IR was concentrated a t postsynaptic s i t e s on d e n d r i t e s and c e l l bodies. Throughout the VLGnc, Gly-R-IR was found postsynaptic to terminals containing f l a t t e n e d synaptic v e s i c l e s . After u n i l a t e r a l eye enuc]eation, degenerated r e t i n a l f i b e r s ~ere terminated on the dendrites Pith Gly-R-IR. However, the degenerated f i b e r s did not make synaptic contact =ith Gly-R-IR postsynaptic s i t e s . These findings suggest t h a t Gly-R-IR neurons in the VLGmc play an important role in the r e t i n o - g e n i c u l o - c o l l i c u l a r visual pathvays.
RELATION BETWEEN COLOR AND SHAPE SELECTIVITIES OF NEURONS IN THE INFEROTEMPORAL CORTEX OF THE AWAKE MONKEY. HIDEHIKO EOMATSU 1, YOSHIE IDEURA .21SHINJI KAJI I AND SHIGERU YAMANE I, 1.Neuroscience Section, Electrotechnical Laboratory, I-I~ Umezono T Tsukuba-shi T Ibaraki, 305 Japan and 2.System Laboratory t Komatsu Ltd, 1200~ Manda, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa T 254 Japan. Previous studies in monkeys have shown the existence of neurons selective either to color or shape of the visual stimulus in the inferotemporal cortex (IT) which playis an essential role in the visual recognition of objects. In the present experiments, we have tested the s!ectivity to color and shape in the same IT neurons. Neural activities were recorded while two monkeys were performing a fixation task. Visual stimuli were presented at the center of the visual field while the fixation spot was turned off for a short period of time. Color selectivity of a neuron was tested by comparing the responses to more than 13 colors that were distributed evenly in the color space defined on the CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) chromaticity diagram, and shape selectivity was tested by comparing the responses to seven different geometrical shapes. In either test, other parameters were set to optimal values. Of 26 IT neurons tested, six were selective only to shape, five were selective only to color, and the remaining 15 were selective to both. These results provide evidence that interaction between color and form takes place in cortical form-color pathway, and suggest that IT has multiple representation of objects; one by coding color and shape of objects independently, and the other by coding the combination of color and shape of objects.