Logic design and computer organization

Logic design and computer organization

sponsibi~ity (3 papers). Risk ~u~ag~~~nt~ The analysis of risk and the evaluation of measures to K.H. Kim and F.W. Roush: Ap&d Abstracr Al&= bra. Wil...

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sponsibi~ity (3 papers). Risk ~u~ag~~~nt~ The analysis of risk and the evaluation of measures to

K.H. Kim and F.W. Roush: Ap&d Abstracr Al&= bra. Wiley, England, 265 pages, f25,oO. KBN t&

contain them are very important (4 papers). At.&-

853115633. This book is an intr~uction to abstract algebra at undergraduate students level. It approaches the subject from a broad non math~mat~c~~viewpoint, Distinctive features of the text indude the following: (I) It emphasizes reiat~ona~st~ctures as well cts operational structures. A un~fi~ approach is given by the parallel tr~tment of basic ideas valid for all types of structures. (2) The book is comprehensive in treating important topics not usu~~y emphasized, and the different results are interwoven in a way that reveals the interconnections between the various concepts. (3) It is written in a down-t~~arth styb, with examples giving simpk illustration of most concepts. (4) Xt is organized into a few chapters dealing with major areas of abstract aigebra, such as groups or rings, these being devided into many sections which can be covered in 1-3 lectures. (S) It contains exercises graded in three levels in order to accommodate students with varying mathen~atica~background. (6) The book contains applications to many areas which ihustrate the usefulness of abstract algebra. (7) It contains some very important open problems itI algebra for which students can understand the problem after this course. This wilf give some indication of what research is like in mathematics. Contents: Preface, Ch. 1: Sets and binary relations: Ch. 2: Se~grou~s and groups; Ch. 3: Vector spaces; Ch. 4: Rings; Ch. S: Group representations: Ch. 6: Field theory; Open problems, List of special symbols; References. Index.

hg: Auditors have always been a security resource and this is no less true in the computer age. Close

cooperation between auditors and security analysts is necessary (2 papers). C~~~ug~~~~~:is an old security technique for information. nowadays it is closely connected to computers. It offers the only protection against ~re.ta~ping, change of data in transfer and other threats. Its use in computer systems has created both uew problems and new ideas (6 papers), ~~~~~~2e~~y p~a~~~~g~There is no absolute security, thus there must be a con~ngency glan in order to ensure the survival of ah vita1 actjvjties (2 papers). Cmputers and the Ir;rw:Criminal activity is the cLassical security threat. Laws are no longer applicable, or they mean so~~et~~~

different in our compute~zed world. They should hc adjusted and their inte~retation adapted to a sjtuation which has changed considerably (2 paprrs). GM. Gotub and CF. van Loan: matrix C~~l~~t~~ zismBOxford Academic Press, Ensland, 1984, Hard fSBN ~-~~36-~.?, ~35.00; Soft LSBNO-9465369 M-8, lElt 9.50. The authors combjne the uncfuttered prcsel~~a~ tion and problem-solving opportunities of a fine textbook with the detained b~b~~ographjesand strong algorithmic context required by professional readers. While discussing such general principies as the exploitation of structure, reliance on vrthogonaJ transformations~ and the assessment of probiem sensitivity, the authors touch on numerous specifics, including Toeplitz systems, Vander~onde systems, constrained least squares, genera~~ed eigenvatue problems, and matrix function prublems. Of particular interest are the author’s discus* sions in depth of singular vafue decon~posit~on and its varied applications, th* pedagogic-derivations of the QR aIgorjthm. and a survey of Lanczos and conjugate gradient techniques. Students. computer scientists, computer engineers and the mathematician interested in numerical ana~ysj~ will atl use this book as a reference.

~eginnjng at the gate tevel, this book builds, components hierarchically. After each new eie

ment is defined {with an interface and a functions its operation is explained by examining aIternatives for its internal structure. Two sample

Book Reviews

processors are dissected in detail. While the book’s primary emphasis is on hardware (culminating in a study of I/O and interrupt systems) the final chapter introduces those software components (e.g., supervisors, interpreters, debuggers) which are closest to the hardware interface. Since the book is intended for both EE and non-EE students, extJwwoUs circuit and technology details are omitted. Nevertheless, a realistic approach to signals and timing is sti?l retained. The book assumes no prerequisites. Its specialpurpose digital systems (for example. a computer controlled text and graphics display) and an Appendix containing solutions to all of its end-ofchapter problems. Contents: Preface. Gate?Structures. Codes and Numbers; Signals and Ports; Gates and Paths; Intuitive Design Concepts: Boolean Algebra; Sets and Maps; Problems. Duru Operations. Encoders, Decoders and Code Converters: Multiplexers and Demultiplexers; Incrementers and Decrementers; Adders; Signed Numbers and Subtraction; Shifters; Comparators; Priority Logic; Arithmetic-Logic Units; Problems. Flip-Flops and Registers. Basic Latches; Edge-Triggered FlipFlops; Flip-Flop Variations and State Sequences; Synthesis of Sequential Circuits; Registers and Counters. Memories and Register Transfers. Random-Access Memory Interface and Internal Structure; Arrays of Memory Elements; Memory Space Partititining; Read-Only Memories and Programmable Logic Arrays; Register Transfers; Stacks; Clocks, Cycles and Control Signals; Problems. Digital @stems. Automatic Music Accompaniment; Digital Multiplier; Video Display of Text Graphics; Problems. Processors and Programs . Instructions and the Fetch-Execute Qcle; A Sample Processor; Data Formats; Program Flow; Instruction Types and Fields; Addressing Modes; Instruction Formats; Problemti. Control Implemw tations. Sample Processor II; One-Asserted Control; Encoded Control States: Microprogramming; Problems. Interrupts and ; wt / Output Systems. Interrupts; Input/Output Devices and Interfaces; Data Transfer Control; Progam-Controlled and Memory-Mapped I/O; Interrupt-Driven I/O and Direct Memory Access; I/O Processors; Asynchronous Serial Character Transmission; Problems.


The Hardware / Sqftware Interface. Gpervisor y Software; Interpreters; Protection; Visual Memory; Program Debugging; Microprocessors; Problems. Solutions to Problems. Tables; Figures; Figures for Problems: Figures for Solutions. KG. Murty: Linear Programming. Wiley, England, 482 pages, 1983, E31.00, ISBN o-471-09725 X Linear programming is a revolutionary development that permits to make decisions about the complex world in which we live and that can approximatt the optima1 or nest decision. With linear programming, one can abstract the underlying essential similarities in the management of seemingly disparate systems. The author’s main objectives in this reworked edition of the in 1976 published “Linear and combinatorial programming” are: (1) To provide an in-depth and clear cove-rage of all the important practical, technical, computational and mathematical aspects of linear programming and the transportation problem. (2) To discuss and illustrate very clearly the methods used to model problems as linear programs and to help develop the skill in modeling. (3) To discuss the theory and the geometry of linear programming systematically in an elementary but rigorous manner so that a reader without much mathematical background can easily understand it. (4) To discuss clearly the algorithms for solving linear program and transportation problems, to present their efficient implementation for the computer, and to discuss their computational complexity. (5) To help develop skill in using algorithms intelligently to soive practical problems. The background required to study this book is some familiarity with matrix algebra and the matrix reduction methods for solving systems of lineat equations. Th& book’s main distinguishing feature is its completeness and comprehensiveness. Most important topics are discussed clearly and in depth. The practical modeling, mathematical, geometrical, algorithmic and computational aspects of linear programming are covered very carefully in