Lorenzetti, Filiberto: Observations on the Therapeutic Properties of Diethylstilbestrol

Lorenzetti, Filiberto: Observations on the Therapeutic Properties of Diethylstilbestrol

IOSB ABSTRACTS Felding, S., and ~ller-ChriStensen, E.: Clinical Experience with Diethylstilboestrol, Aeta obst. et gynec. Scan...

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Felding, S., and ~ller-ChriStensen, E.: Clinical Experience with Diethylstilboestrol, Aeta obst. et gynec. Scan

Wenner, Robert, and Joel, Karl: Stilboestrol and Anhydro-Oxyprogesterone, Lan•·et 2: 6H8, 1939. The effect of stilbestrol and anhydro-oxy-progesterone on a patient who was thirteen years postmenopausal and on 8 women castrated by x-ray therapy was studied; 25 mg. of stilbestrol by mouth or 15 mg. by intramuscular injection were required to produce proliferation of a resting or atrophie endometrium. Cystic glandular hyperplasia could he produced by 50 to 60 mg. given by mouth. The administration of 220 to 300 mg. of anbydro-oxy·progesterone produced progestational changes in the proliferated endometrium and resulted in the orcurrenee of a menstruation. In two of the patients faelgue, general weakness, and nausea, with vomiting in one case, appeared as ~ide effects after stilbestrol administration. No secondary symptoms appeared after the administration of anhydro-oxy-pro· gesterone in doses ns high as 25 mg. Lactation wa:< either prevented or inhibited in 20 women by 5 to 15 mg. of stilbestrol by mouth. In ;.:ix of these ea!les administration of 5 to 10 mg. in a single dose during the twenty·four hours after de· livery prevented the onset of lactation. In H cases stilbestrol waM given to inhibit established lactation with satisfactory results in all but two case~. Smaller doses were effective in preventing lactation than in inhibiting C'Stahlislwd milk ~f'<'retion. Doses greater than 20 mg. were not given. CARL l'. HeBEl<

Lorenzetti, Filiberto: Observations on the Therapeutic Properties of Diethylstilbestrol, Gynecologia 6: 89, 1940. The writer has used the drug in a small series of 20 cases. One patient was relieved of pruritus vulvae following biweekly injections of 0.5 mg. with a total dosage of 4.20 mg. Four patients having menopausal Aymptoms all reported relief although one patient experienced gastric disturbance with its use. Two patients with oligo- and hypomenorrhea with associated primary dys· menorrhea obtained relief from stilbestrol. Stilbestrol used during the first six days of the puerperium in 7 ca~Ps after premature delivery of stillborn fetuses prevented lactation. In 5 eases of surgical menopause the drug relievPd vasomotor Pymptoms, hut one patient in this group experienced nausea. The author concludes that stilbestrol is a valuable addition to gynecologic therapy and particularly in patients presenting subestrogenic levels and in those requiring Hnb~titutional treatment during the menopause. CLAIR E. For,smH:

Bishop, P. M. F., et al.: Oestrogenic Properties of StUbestrol Dipropionate and Hexoestrol, Lancet 1: 629, 1940. Stilbestrol dipropionate and hexestrol have estrogenic properties similar to those of stilbestrol so far as they are capable of: (1) Inducing uterine hemorrhage in eases of amenorrhea; (2) relieving the symptoms of the menopausal syndrome; (3) leading to the appearance of cornified cells in the vaginal Rmear in menopausal