Losartan intervention for endpoint reduction in hypertension (the life study)
A]H-APRIL 1996-VOL. 9, NO.4, PART 2
Saturday, May 18, 10:25 am RELA110NSHIPBE1WEEN ElECIROCARDIOGRAPHY AND ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY FOR LEfT VENl'RJCULAR MASS CHANGE IN MILD SYSlEMlC HYPERTENSION (I'OMHS) ~. P.R. Llebson'. O. Grandits. P. Hannan. S. Dlan.umba. R.J. Prineas. R H. Orimm. Jr'. University of Minnesota. School of Public Health. Division of Epidemiolo,y. Minneapolil. MinnelOla. Correlation between ECO and echocardiographic (Echo) estimatel of leCI ventricular mass (LVM) arc modelt in mild hypertension. However. the correlalion between ECO and Echo Cor change in LVM is unknown. The correlation of 8 ECO criteria letl with an Echo standard Cor level and change in LVM in lubjecll with mild hypenenlion were determined. ECGI were computer procelsed to define lhe Collowing criteria sets: I) Casalcl Dcvereux (CD); 2) Cornell producl (CP); 3) Cornell VOltage (CV). 4) 12·lead voltage product. (II2P); 5) lum oC 12·lead (II2); 6) Rautaharju (R); 7) Sokolow·Lyon (SL); 8) Romhill·Eslel (RE). Echo LVM was determined by Dcvereux formula and expressed in ,. 81m and 81m2• ECGI and Echocardiograml were recorded at baseline. 3 monthl. and annually Ihrough 4 yearl. ECO and Echo data were correlated for Individual avera,e levell over all recordin,l and for change in ECG and Echo data (lhe average of all follow.up minul Ihe baseline). Reaultl CbaoKe Cguclation LeYel Cpae)atlOn N Best (g) (Jim) (81m 2) Race/Sex N Best (,) (Jim) (Jlm2 ) ECO ECO 59 CD .17 .17 .16 BM 62 R.53 .48 .49 WM 475 CP .37 .38 .39 430 RE .08 .07 .08 BF 110 CP .27 .33 .32 106 SL .16 .15 .14 WF 227 CD .51 .52 .47 216 SL .13 .12 .14 Conclullonl I) Correlatlonl between ECG criteria lOt and Echo measurel of LVM are more highly correlated for level than for change. 2) No lingle ECO criterion lOt il belt In all comparilonl. 3) Because level and change in hean Ii.. may be usoclated with risk of cardiovascular death and the ECG and Echo determined mealurel arc only modeltly correlated. both may contribute differenl lOll of Information ahout rilk. and future Itudiel may consider combinin, these as predictors of cardiovascular outcomel.