Solzd State Communzcatzons, Vol 54,No 7, pp 633-637, 1985 Prznted zn Great Brztaln
0038-I098/85 $3 00 + .00 Pergamon Press Ltd
LOWEST ENERGY COOPER PAIRING IN THE PRESENCE OF ANTIFERROMAGNETISM E.W. Fenton National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada KIA OR6 (Received
8 February 1985 by R. Barrie)
Cooper pairing of electron eigenstates of an antiferromagnet involves considerable complexity in spin space and in phases of the order parameters. With a BCS interaction the pairing scheme with lowest free energy has anisotroplc spln-matrix order parameter ~(~), however ~+(k)~(k) = IA12~. Magnitude of the anlsotropic order parameter satisfies the simple BCS gap equation but with electron energies of the antiferromagnet elgenstates appearing instead of Bloch state energies of the nonmagnetic crystal.
Consider a Hamiltonian for an antlferromagnetic metal with a BCS pairing interaction
[ k_,~
the antiferromagnetlsm, i.e. cosQ.r (sinQ.r) magnetism causes slnQ_-r (cosQ°_r) odd-parity
i ~
(~'--n)~(MkC~+Q~Ck~+M~c~aCk+Q~) -
VC~+q~C~,-q~,Ck,~,Cka k_,k'
=- H O + H M + H V
trlplet-spln Cooper pairing amplitude to occur. 15 In all theories to date for Cooper pairing in scheme (a), +Q and -Q components of the Cooper pairing amplltude implicit in pairing have had opposite phases. In the following we obtain very different results by taking scheme (a) with +Q and -Q components of the Cooper pairing having the same phase. For convenience in the following, we denote these new results as pairing scheme (c). The spin-matrlx gap function ~c(k) is anlsotropic,
Cooper palrlng for this Hamiltonlan has been treated extensively in two pairing schemes (a) H O + H M is dlagonalized and then pairing of electron elgenstates of the -- -anti~erromagnet is subject to the pairing interaction V wlth H V re-expressed in (a,a +) fteld operators for the eigenstates, Hv(C,C+) + Hv(a,a+),l-5 and (b) pairlng of normal-metal Bloch states is subject to both the magnetism field--and~e pairing interaction. 6-II The spin-matrlx pair potential or gap function for scheme (a) is anisotropic in k and r space, Aa(k) = Aa(k)(1~.) , whereas in scheme (b) the pai~ potential ~ ( k ) = Ab(l~v) is isotropic. Recently we performed a model calculation of the free energy in schemes (a) and (b). 12 Surprisingly, free energy is higher for scheme (a) Cooper pairing although this pairing is apparently symmetry-adapted to the anti~erromagnetism. Investigations have shown that in both (a) and (b) pairing schemes, Cooper pair amplitude F is a mixture of slnglet-spin even-parlty and trlplet-spln odd-parity components. 12-15 (The pair potential is A = VF). This mixing occurs because the one-electron spinor in the anti~erromagnet varies periodically in space on the scale of the lattice constant and within the size of the Cooper pair, so the pair spinor is not an S = 0 or S = 1 eigenstate. 16 For sinusoidal antiferromagnetlsm and with an even-parity Vkk , = V interaction, the
with mixed parity and mixed pair spinor, however
A~(~)Ac(k) : IAc121
and the gap equation has a very simple form. It will be evident that pairing scheme (c) is matched to the symmetry of the Vkk, = V interaction in the gap equation.
This leaves little doubt that this theory describes the lowest-free-energy Cooper pairing for the Hamiltonlan of eq. I, however we present as well an explicit comparison of free energies in a model calculation. Because treatment of the Hamiltonlan in eq. I is controversial, we present explicitly the important steps in showing how ~c(k) results instead of ha(k) when phases of the magnetization and Cooper pairing, and the spln-space structure, are treated carefully. When 2Q = G (a reciprocal lattice vector of the host lattice), a canonical c-operator to a-operator transformation exactly diagonallzea H O + HM
slnglet-spln Cooper pairing amplitude component is uniform in space and the trlplet-spln amplitude component varies sinusoidally. The sinusoidal Cooper pairing is out of phase with
a+,_ka : UkCk= + ~(~'n)~Vk__Ck_+Q ~
a_,k =
~(~'n)Sav~ck_~ + u~_Ck+Q~
The reverse transformation is
c_].~o~ u~a+,k= =
Ck+Q a = l(=.n)~v~a ~ = -- v~ = +,kw~ + u k a - , k a
first term of HM represents -Q_magnetlzatlon and the second term represents +Q magnetization. These relations mean M_k = M~ and with u k = lUkl in eq. 4, V_k = v~. The magnetization may be expressed as--either cosQ.~ (M~ = M k and
Vol. 54, No. 7
With a = Ac and ~ = A - I ~ , ~ - 1 = ~ when lUkl2~+ I~k 12 = 1. P a r a m e t e r s o f t h e transforma-t'ion are
v~ = Vk) , or slnQ-r (M~ = -Mk--and ~ = -Vk), d~pendTng on the arbitrary origin of r-spa--ce. In representing HV in terms of (a,a +) operators, a+,k__~a+,_k__ = and a_,k_~a__k_ a pairs representing degenerate eigenstates o~ the antiferromagnet are most important. Using eqs. 3, the following cc pair combinations and their conjugates in Hv(c,c+ ) lead to the most important terms in the pairing part of Hv(a,a +)
Ck+Q~C_k..a + CkaC_k+Q..a = a l u k I ( v k* - v k )~+ a+_ , k a a -+,-k_-a + ( t e r m s i n a+a )
with I k + ~k+Q) ¥ ($~+,Mk,2)½ E+(k) = ~(e ~airing
~1 V
Here we have specialized the antiferromagnetlsm polarization vector n to ~ with (g'~)~8 = ~6=8" Similar but algebrai~ally more complicated results are obtained for n = ~,~. We retain all electron scattering in ~v--which conserves momentum only modulo the reciprocal lattice vectors G of the host lattice, and only modulo the magnetlc reciprocal lattice vectors +Q including their spln-space structure. The magnetic vectors in the electron scattering are not optional but are required for self consistency since from eqs. 2 all terms of Hv(a,a+) conserve momentum only modulo the +Q magnetlc reciprocal lattice vectors. Uslng relations (7) and (8) in HV, retaining only a+a+ degenerate-palr terms, and then as usual reducing H V to a one-partlcle form using a quasiaverage for Cooper pairing, we obtain
~ [lUk, 12-1Vk,12 + =lUk, l(vk, - v *k,)][lUkl2-1Vkl2+~ lu k I ( v ~ - v k ) ] k,k' ,a . . . . .