Stochastic Processes and their Applications 9 (1979) 155-1611 @ North-Holland Publishing Company
Olav KALLENBERG Department of Mathematics, G6teborg University and Chalmers University of Technology.,S-412 94 Giiteborg, Sweden (Received 12 April 1978, Revised, 14 February 1979) Given a random measure q and a fixed number p > 1, the &-intensity ll~& of rl is defined as the total variation measure of the subadditive set function I[Q(. )jI,. It is shown that IIT&,can exist (be locally finite) only if the usual intensity measure Eq exists and q
1. Main results
Let q be a random measure on some locally compact sec:ond countable space S, and let ]I lip be the norm in L,(B), p 3 1, B being the measure on the underlying; probability space. Writirlg 3 for the class of bounded Bore1 sets in S, it is seen that the set function l]q811P,B E a, is subadditive. As such it has an associated total variation measure IIT& which may be defined as the least additive upper bound of ]lq( . )ll,,. An alternative approach is to introduce, for each set B E 98, a null-array of nested partitions {Bnj}c 3 of B (cf. [2]), and define l
IldlBB= ii& c IlrlBflillP i l
(See e.g. [lo, 00 10-151, for the classical notions of a subadditive set function on the real line and its total variation,) We shall call !lqllP the L,-intensity (measure) of q, since it generalizes the usual intensity measure ET = ilqlli. The &-intensity was first introduced and found useful in [5]. It will presently be seen that, when p > 1,llq lip can only exist (in the sense of being locally finite) if 7 is a.s. absolutely continuous (to be written <<)with respect to some fixed measure p (which may then be taken to be q), and that ]]T$, may then be dom process. lMor expressed in terms of the corresponding dens letting Jt be the class of locally finite measures with p-density f, we have 155
0, Kallenberg / Random measures
1. Then l~v&,exists iff q (( Er, = p E JddCM.with a density Y Theorem 1. Let p ZZ+ satisfying 11 Yllpi EA, and in that case
a implies that 79
t process 6 wdthoutfixed Theorem 2. Let 7 be the condition intensityof a simple atom and satisfying (C), and let p 1, The,y the set func s llP[&B= 1 IBc(& snd IIE[(BIBc(‘&,,B E SRI, are both subadditiue ryjithtotal uarirztionllqllp,
Another useful notion introduced in connection with flat processes and systems of non-interacting particles is that of local I&invariance [S]. A measure p on .R is said to be locallyinvariant, if for any bounded interval I, vq 3 h-’
SimilarE,y, a random measure v on R is said to be locaffy L,-inwiant, if llsllpexists and moreover Fy -B h-l II Ilrl(x- h, x) - 7(x, x + h)II, dx = 0
for bounded ktervals I, For p > 1, Theorem 1 above leads to a simple criterion: Let q be a random measure orz ii and let p > 1. Then q is locally 7j is locally invariant.
0. Kalenberg / Random measures
An analogous result holds for random measures on R’ with arbitrary d. Note that the statement of the theorem is false for p = 1,
We shall write 11e 11instead of 11aIlawhen there is no risk for confusion. Proof st Theorem I. Let us first suppose that q = YEAwith Idyll@ q=i C I -B_’ we get by Fubini’s theorem an Hkblder’sinequality, l~~Yll;=E(pY)p==Elr.Y(~Y)‘=’ = Ep( Y(pY)“‘) = p,E(
~~ll~ll,llcr~>“=‘ll,~ =!4~ll,ll~~ll~‘“’ If 0~ /pY& COO,we may divide throughout by ;;he second factor on the ri ue when llkVll=goReplacin To prove the converse inequality, let {&J c: be a null-array of nested of some .I3E 98, and write B,(s) for the unique partitioning set B,,, containing so Then we get for (CLx P)-almost every (9, w)
and by applying Fatou’s lemma twice, we obtain first
and then
as desired, This completes the proof of (2). Next suppose that II& exists, and fx B E 99 with &3 B 0. Putting Y,,(s, o) = @,, (8)/&B,,(s), we get by Holder’s inequality E
( Yn(s, o))l+“qp(ds) = 2: al8,~(n&J~~~j)‘/” i
irn since the p-integral on the left is non- decreasing, it follows that {Y,(s, w)} is uniformly integrable on (B, p) for almost Ieveryis).Since {I?,,}is furiher a ma;rtingale
0. Kallenberg / Random measures
on (B, p/pB), the limit Y exists a.e. ~1x P, and we get
Y (s, w)p (ds) = lim ,#-+a
Y,(s)p(ds) = q(B, o)
Thus 7 = Yp a.s. (cf. Exercise IV-53 in [7] or Corollary (20.57) in Cl]). Proof of Theorem 2.
To prove the subadditivity of PI(B) 5 11 {Bi} c 3 be a disjoint partition of B E 3, and conclude fro Jensen’s inequalities that
= C lIE[P[SBi = 1IBi”Sl IB’~lll
The argument for p*(B) = IIE[~BIB’[]ll is similar. By Theorem 4.2 in [4] and Jensen’s inequality PI(B)
e 142U3)
= llEhB
IIrlBII 6 IhllB
so the total variations of pl and JUTare bounded bY lIdI* To prove the converse inequalities, let the random measure or process w be defined as in [4], and write qnj = P[@nj= 1IB”,#l l{@nj = 0) l
where {Bnj) c 93 is a null-array of nested partitions of B. It may then be seen from the proof of Theorem 4.1 in [4] that ci qnj T (q - v&B, (for the monotonicity, cf. [8, Proposition 2 11). Hence by monotone convergence and Minkowski’s inequality
s lim inf Cj IIqnjII s lim C pl(Bnj) n~oO tl+OOj (7) where the integrals on the right denote the total variations on B of ~1 and ~2. In view of (6), it suffices to prove that 7 is a.s. diffuse on B whenever JBdNr < 00. But under this assumption, (7) yields 11~- r(IIB c 00,so by Theorem 1, (q-r&sEq=E[
which shows that 7 - r& is as. diffuse on B. Suppose that (vB > 0) >B0. By 2,l in [4], we may then choose a set I E 9? A B such tha s) = [I = 1 I I’(] > 0, &I\(s)) = 0) c E{s}=g
= 1 I I’~]>O}
0. Kallenberg 1 Random measures
have positive probability. By Theorem 2.2 in [4], (2) implies that a.s. ?r, c 1 for all SE& so [~I=OlI’[]>O
(cf. [4, eq. (7), p. 2081). On the other hand. el>O
because (W- &I
= 0 a.s. Since PA > 0, (8) and (9) yield the contradiction
(A’ n {[I = 0)) =
[SI =01I’~];A’]H3[
so we have in fact rB = 0 a.s. Proof of Theorem 3.
Since by Jensen’s inequality IEa I s IlaII for any integrable random variable CM, it is seen that (5) implies (4) with p = Eq s llqll,provided that the latter measure exists. Suppose conversely that llqllexists and that p = ET is locally invariant. Then Theorem 1 yields q = Yp for some Y with IIYllp E .&. To prove that (4) implies (5) in this case, approximate Y by a random step function with fixed discontinuities.
3. Concluding remarks
Theorems 1 and 3 above enable us to simplify the statements of all results in [S] involving the notions of Lz=+intensityand local Lz-invariance, (i.e. the L2 versions of Theorems 4.1,4.2,4.3,5.2, and 6.2 in Es]).For a corresponding simplification of the proofs, one would need an Lz-stationary version of the density Y, the existence of which must be proved first, (cf. the remark following the proof of Theorem 4.2 in [S]). To illustrate the usefulness of L,-intensities in connection with certain particle systems, let 6 be a stationary and ergodic process of points on ‘the real line R with associated real marks, and interpret the points and marks as the positions and velocities of particles on R. Assume that the conditional intensity q of [ is such that IIT&,exists for some p > 1. Let {T,, t 3 0) be the flow according to which the particles move independently and with fixed velocities. Introduce for each I > 0 a random variable & which is independent of 5 and uniformly distributed Ion [0, I]. Then {qTirl } is relatively compact in distribution as r + 00 (cf. [2]), and every limit 5 is clearly stationary both in space and time. Since IlqT,’ II= l]qlland therefore IlqT~r’11=S Ilqll,we get 11~11 G llvllby an obvious Fatou type lemma, and hence 5 << Theorem 1 and [4, Theorem 4.21. If the velocities of 5 are assumed to be a.s. distinct, Et must attribute mass zero to every constant velocity set in the phase space, and therefore C must have the same property as. Thus it follows by Theorem 3.2 in [3] that l is a.s. invariant in space (and hence in time also, cf. [3, Lemma 2.21). Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 4.1 [S] and in the remark fo~~~~i Theorem 4.2 in [S], we may next infer from the ergodic theorem t
0. Kallertberg/ Random measures
the spatial average of q. But since 6 is ergodic, so is 7. In fact, VJis, a.s. diffuse and hence solves the integral equation in [4,§ 31. Thus, for each B, @ equals the density at 6 of the reduced Campbell measure of 5 with Irespect to the distribution, and both being invariant, it follows that qTF1 =g(&TT* ) for some function g. Thus every invariant q-event has :an invariant g-preimage, and hence has probability 0 or 1, as asserted. The ergo icity of q implies that a.s. i’ = Eq = Et. Since this holds for all Emits [, we may conclude that qT$’ 2 ES, and since qTG,* is clearly uniformly integrable, this maJ be strengthened to L 1-convergence. Arguing as at the beginning of fi 6 in [5] (see also the proof of Theorem 3.2in [6]), we may next conclude that, for any sequence of r-values which goes to infinity rapidly enough,
qT,’ -, Et Writing
in L1 for a.e. t E [0,
for a Poisson process with intensity Et, we get by [4, Theorem 5.21
for a.e. t E [0, l]
If pr and p denote the distributions of [T,' and i respectively, iwe thus obtain by dominated convergence, for any bounded and continuous function f,
first along the specific r-sequences, and then in general since the 'imitisfixed.~hus
tT,'+d i in the mean, in the sense of [6]. (See [6] for a fuller discussion of the notion of mean convergence.)
Acknowledgment I would like to express my sincere thanks to Fredos Papangelou for drawing my attention to the classical theory of total variation of subadditive: functions, and for suggesting the present proof of Theorem 1 (which replaces my original lengthy but more elementary argument).
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