M E T E O R O L O G I C A L R E A D I N G S. fTaten daily atat8. 8.80 a.m. by Steward’s Instruments.) (Taken THE LANCET Office, February 22nd, 1894.
Notes, Short Comments &
Answers to
EDITORIAL NOTICE IT Is most important that communications relating to the Editorial business of THE LANCET should be addressed exclusively I I TO THE EDITORS," and not in any case to any gentleman who may be supposed to be connected with the Editorial staff. It is urgently necessary that attention be given to this notice. -
It <
Medical Diary for the ensuing Week
especially requested that eaarly intelligence of local events having a medical interest, or which it is desirable to bring under the notice of the profession may be sent direct to thrs Office. Lectures, original articles, and reports should be written on one gde
only ot the paper.
Letters, whether intended for insertion or for private intormation, must be authenticated by the names and asddresses of their writers, not necessarily for publication.
MONDAY.-London (2 P.M.) St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Tbomas’s t3 3u P.M ), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mark’s (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), We cannot prescribe or recommend practitioners. Samaritan (Gvnecological, by Physicians, 2 P.M), ), Soho-square Local papers containing reports or news paragraphs should be (2 P.M.), Royal Orthopaedic (2 P.M.). marked and addressed"To the Sub-Editors."" TUESDAY.- London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), St Thomis’s (330 P.M.), Westminster (2 P.M). West Letters relating to tlae publication, sale and advertising lle. London (2.30) P M.). University College (2 P.M ), St. George’s (1 P.M.), partments "of THE LANCET should be addressed "To the St. Mirv’s (1.3J P.M.). St. Mttk’s (2.30 P.M.), Cancer (2 P.M.) Publisher. WEDNESDAY. - St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), Universtty College We cannot undertake to return MSS. not used. Free Middlesex (2 P.M.). (2 P.M.), Ro)al (1.30 P M),Charing-cross (3 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (2 P.M London (2 P.M),Great Northern Uentral (2 30 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.). National Orthopaedic PUBLISHER’S NOTICE. (10 A.M.), St Peter’s (2 P.M.), Samaritan (2 30 P.MGreat Ormondstreet (9 30 A.M.). IN order to facilitate the work of reference to the volumes THURSDAY.—St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St Thomas’s 13.30 P M.). of THE LANCET, we have arranged to publish duplicate University College (2 P.M.), Charing-cross (3 P.M.), St. George’s of the Index to each half-yearly volume in a form in (1 P.M.), London (2 P.M ), King’s College (2 P.M.), Middlesex (2 P.M),), copies which they may be subsequently filed or bound together. Cbeliea (2 P.M.), Soho-sq.12 P.M North West London (2 P.M ) Those of our subscribers who may wish to be supplied with FRIDAY.-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (3.30 P.M). Guy’s (1.30 P.M.) Charing.cioss (3 P.M.), St. George’s copies can obtain the same (without extra charge) on (1 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.) making application to the Publisher of THE LANCET. SATURDAY.-Royal Free (9 A.M. and 2 P M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), London (2 P. M.), University College (9.15 A.M.), " Charing.cross (3 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), Cancer (2 P.M.). FREE ADVICE COUPON." At the Royal Eye Hospital (2 P.M.). the Royal London Ophthalmic To the Editors of THEE LANCET. (10A.M).the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic (1.30 P,M.), and the Central London Ophthalmic Hospitals operations are performed daily must ask SIRS,-I you to give to this letter the same publicity which
S O C I E T I E S. MONDAY.-MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.-8.30 P.M. Mr. Frederick TrevM : Peritonitis. (Third Lettsomian Lecture.) TUESDAY.—ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY.-Dr. J. W. Washbourn: Cases of Pleurisy caused by the Pneumococcus, and with Constitutional Symptoms resembling those of Pneumonia.Mr. Arthur Symons Eccles: The Relationship between Disorders of Digestion and Neurasthenia (Dilatation of the Stomach, and Con-
stipation). WEDNESDAY. -HUNTERIAN SOCIETY.-8.30 Rational
PM. Dr. J. F. W. Silk : On the Use and Abuse of Anaesthetics FRIDAY.-WEST KENT MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY (Miller Hospital, Greenwich).-8 P.M. Sir Dyce Duckworth : Some Points in the Diagnosis of Pain commonly called Gouty or Rheumatic. WEST LONDON MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY (West London Hospital). 8 P M. Special General Meeting to consider certain Alterations in, and Additions to, the Laws. 8.30 P M. Clinical Meeting.
Hospital, Moorfields, 1 P.M., Mr. W. Lang: Iritis.-London Throat Hospital. Gt. Portland-st., W., 8 P.M , Mr. G. Stoker: Postnasal Growths and Enlarged Tonsils.-Bacteriological Laboratory, King’s College, 3 P.M., Prof. Crookshank and Dr. Hewlett: Erysipelas and Suppuration. TUESDAY.- LONDON POST-GRADUATCOURSE. - Bethlem Hospital, 2 P.M., Dr. Percy Smith: General Paralysis of the Insane. WEDNESDAY.- LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.-Hospital for Consumption, Brompton, 4 P.M., Dr. J. Kingston Fowler: Cases of Pulmonary Tucerculosis.-Royal London (Jnhtbalmic Hospital, Moorfields, 8 P.M., Mr. A. S. Morton : Optic Neuritis.-Hospital for Skin Diseases, Blackfriars, 1 P.M., Dr. Payne: Alopecia, its Varieties. WEST LONDON HOSPITAL (Hammersmith, W.).-5 P M. Mr. Stephen Paget: Diseases of the Breast. (Post.graduate Course.) LONDON SKIN HOSPITAL.-8 P.M. Dr. Sanctuary: Eczema, its Causes and -Treatment. THURSDAY.-LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.-National Hospital for Paralysed, Bloomsbury, 2 P.M., Dr. Gowers : Clinical CasesCentral London Sick Asylum, Cleveland-st., W., 6.;i0 P.M., Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson: Cases in the Waids. FRIDAY.—LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.-Hospital for Consumptiou, Brompton, 1 P.M., Dr. J. Kingston Fowler: Cases of Valvular thalmic
SATURDAY.—LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.—Bethlem. 11 A M., Dr. Hyalop : General Paralysis of the Insane.
has been obtained for my name through criticisms in fHE LANCET of the 17th inst. May I at the same time suggest to you the " sweet reason. ableness " of inquiry into matters in which you are asked to lay down the law before condemning by name-unheard-the accused. Many of your contemporaries are given to this unfair and objectionable practice ; the absence of this necessary editorial precaution has, in the memory of many, brought about loss of money to the proprietors, and, whit is worse, loss of credit and repute to the papers. The facts are as follows :-As one of the Earl of Winchilspa’s miny admirers, I undertook a few weeks ago, without reward and without hope of reward, to answer questions in The Cable on hygiene and sanitation, it being considered that in this way I could, in a small degree at least, do something for a good cause. In my letter to the sub-editor I pointed out to him that only questions of general interest under the headings named were admis. sible ; certain notices of me were inserted in The Cable without my knowledge, and efrtainly not with my wish. The headings and rules were also, with the best intentions and in utter ignorance of professional etiquette (and, I may add, of morbid professional jealousy), inserted by him. So many queries-all, I believe, from poor personscame in that, at the wish of the sab-editor, a few were answered, until I could personally arrange the column as it is now and for some time has been, and, as far as I am concerned, shall remain, until my services cease to be of interest and use, or until I am con vinced that I am doing a thing which men of properly balanced minds consider to be wrong. At this time I was confined to bed through serious illness and unable to attend to work for nearly three weeks. On my return to town the rules and regulations were at once placed ona footing on which they have been for some weeks; my name was removed, and, as I thought, everything done to satisfy the demands of all reasonable persons. In THE LANCET of the 17th inst. my name is vilified, weeks after the removal of the so-called "professional etiquette" pretext-a fact which will prove to the lay mind, and I hope to the minds of many of my fellow workers, either the culpable negligence of our leading medical paper or-malice. I am, Sits, yours truly, E. AUGUSTUS HARBORD. Bedford-square, London, W.C., Feb. 19th, 1894.
*** We gladly insert Mr. HarborJ’s letter and accept his statement. We entirely disclaim any culpable negligence on our part, and we most ceitainiy were not influenced by "malice." The publication in The Cable of Mr. Ilarbord’s as he does, and we been discontinued.—ED. L.
and eminence we continue to dianot aware that the practice had ,