of the current
This bibliography is compiled by immunologists from the journals listed at the end of this publication. It is based on literature entered into our database between 1st December 1991 and 30th November 1992 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to -the reviews in this issue.
The number
l Papers considered by the reviewers to be of special interest. O Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest.
in square brackets
a selected
paper, e.g. 171, refers to its number corresponding review.
in the annotated
of the
Contents Macromolecular
and simulation
Protein Chromosome
and and
organization muscle
Chaperonins Excracellular
292 matrix
in proteins of enzymatic structures
of nucleic
298 298
folding methods
299 300
of proteins
of DNA
Electrostatic effects
Macromolecular Viruses Review:
lmmunudeliclency Virus Reverse Tmnscriptase. IJimkwLvy 1992. 31 :b16623. llh%ll A, BMll 5. hlonti hu: Structure-Activity Analyses of HIV-I Revetse Tmnscriplue. IJlocJ.wrfr Aiq,+ Rvs Cimn,rr,r 1332. 183:l 13l-11.3% UERGELWSJAI. SHE,‘,+, MP. C,,,w BMC. I lE~t,.,x h,E, . FMWRG IW identUicaUon of the ltttegrln VIA2 ar B Receptor for EchovIrus 1. Sciww 1992. 255:1’l8-1720.[46]. BliHKl~o~rl B: Stntcturnl Features In TAR IINA of Human and Slmlan lntntunudefieiency Vlmses - a Phylogenetlc Analysis. M~ldc .IcirLc Rm 1992. 20:2?31, I~IlAlT~\CI‘“JEE 5, GUIXWAN MJ. MWOVnK, L: Strttctunl Polymorphism ComLted to Surface Charge in Flla”leo~“us llacterlophages. Riqh!q5./ 1992. 61:725-735. IWMXrm UT. R~KXFX RWH. Ct.;wcK S: The 2.2 a Resolution crystal Structure of 1nUuew II and Its Complex with Slallc Acid. ~IllJO J 1992. 11:13-56. IlUCY ME. I-IHUI”’ DE: Sltc-DIrected Mutagenesis of a conserved faMnaln I” Vaccl”& Virus ThynUdlne Kl”ase - WIdeace for a Putcntlal Role in hlagneslum Blndlng. J IJioI 0kw 1992, 267:611)l-6YOb. l3w.X ME. I-IRUBYDE. A Single Amlno Acid SubsUtuUon Abullshcs Feedback lnhlbltlon of Vacclnla Virus Thyntldlne Kinase. J Wd C7xw 1992. 267:9w-9748. BlhVC h GOWH C, SONENBERG N: The Coat Pruteln of the Yeast Double-Stranded RNA Virus LA Attaches Ccalcntly to the Cnp Structure of EukatyoUc Messenger RNA. Md Cdl Bioll992, 12:3390-33%.
NLVOIJ~E. Jrcoll~hlou~~ A NMSl KG. WIIIUIB RL, 111S. . . DING J. ClNttc JR AD. iX+w ,\ PI%+!, Al. CIAHK I’. ~7 .“.: SWuCture of HIV-I Reverse Ta,scipfase/DNA Complex Al 7A Showing Active She Lncaions. NuIIm 1’992.357:Hw9. 191. AWOIU GE, DAY lA DLINREHAK: Tryptophan Cuntrlbutlons to the Unusual Circular Dichmism of Bncterlophage-fd. IJic&wLq~ 1992, 31:79a-7956.. ALIIIW KL Tlrow& GJ: Studies of Virus Structure by lair llama” Spectroscopy. 34. ltantan Spectroscopy of Fllamcntous llactctiophageFf (fd. Ml3 FI) 1”corponUng Speclftcally. deuterated AlanIne and Ttyptophan Side Chains -Assignments and Structural Intertretatlon. lJic+&J 1991. 60:1337-1349. Bhli~n 7s. NRX’COWIWV. Ol.v)h’ NII. COU”~EKTIr\l. O,.Y)N C. BItOuw Jc: Structures of Bovlnc and Human Paplllomavlruscs - A”alysls by Cryoelectron Mlcrosco~~ aud Three-dlmettslonal ltuanr ftcconst&Uon. lliq9qsJ 19991.60:1445-1.150. BALWN AG. SI(HIPtONF,& W,,,sha IN. Bc%II,wO\’ ,,A Uousual ftlbosomc BlndhR Prwenles of hUlN.4 BAW AK. GIWWSJ. BURROLIGGI~S JN. MEKIKW WC. HOV . I’. STt+fr D: Crystallognphlc Studles on the SW”ctu~ Of the itiUCtO”RUC Virus Inner Camsld.
HHAYhl1.W CJ: CunstrucUon of lntcrtyp~c Chlmerlc Dengue Viruses by Substltutlon of Structural Pmtel” Genes. I’m rvnrl Acml Sri 11S/I 1991. S&10342-10346. BIIL\IEIS~+HVP. HUGHOR RWH. CCISACK s: ‘rhe 2.2 A . . Raolutlo” Crystal structure of lnnuenza II Neuntnlnldasc and Its CnmoIex with Slallc Acid. LIIfiO J 1992. 1199-56. rib]. RII”m NR. SAllllLHR. WHln NS. PARDONJF. Tlhlhlln PA RIOI-N ShIH. RICHAFXXBM. ADAVSSE, KIKGSwv SM. K~Ncish&~AJz Symmetry, RcxiblUty and Pemteablllty In the Structure of Yeast Retrotranspuson Virus-llkc PaRlcles. LIIBO J 1%J2.11:1155-II&. l3lvcmlrCI1~ SE. EISENNA,\G. HORROCKSWD Chatacterlzatlo” of the S-Fold Ca(2+) Blndlng Site of Satelllte Tobacco Necmsls Virus Using Eu(3+) Lumlnescencc Spectroscopy _a Marked Size-SelecUvlty Among Rare lhrth Ions. B/ms’ C/XVII lW2, 42:Z.W256. IllTIER PJC. BUXXIEH AC. FlwZCHJTz Dkect Vls+lzWlo” of the Structure of the ‘20 S’ Aggregate of Coat PrOtcln of Tabscco hIus& Virus. The ‘Disk’ Is the Major Structure at Ph 7.0 and the Prutohelix at Lower Ph. J Ald Hid 1992, 22438381-394. CAHRF.NOC. ROIG X. CAIROJ. (;l\wcun3 J. ClxrEU MG. C0IllnGO E. GIRUT E. AMlREu D: Studla 0” Antlgenlc Varlablllty of GStmlns of Fuut.rindMouth Dlseaw Vbus by Means of Sy”theUc Peptlda and M~nuclo”al AnUbudles. h/J k’epl fmtt~h Rcr 1992. 394 I-47. cA\‘mW J. Baw W. l.a#s l. KIN S. MNX W. MUwHI S. hlUCHIKlRE S. SCtl~m’r T, Jortx%V JE. CIENIXY DA: CqstalllzaUo” and Prelltubury Structure A”alyslsofa”I”sectVlmswlthT-4Qutul
Svmmetm Nudaurelh Cn~~nsls Omem Virus. A-& Cr,&/qqr E 1991. B47:&S. CMO CCIC A Slnde Amlfm Acid Oeletloo at the Amino iLmi”ur of l”fiucnza VInJs Henvgglutlntn Cpttses Malfoldbtg rind Blockv Emcytosls of the MoIecuIc In Mnmmalbu Cells. J Bid C&VI 1992.267:2142-2148. cllAF.w MS: lb0 J. lkxUhUYN MC: Ab hlluo Phase OctcrminaUon for Spherical Viruses: Paranteter octcrmianuon for Spherical-Sbeii Models. ,,c,a Cr~skd/~rA 1992, A483Ol-31 I. CI~ELVANAYAGAN G. HERlNCAJ. ARtos I’: Anatomy and . Rvnlution of Protel”s Oi,piaying the Viral CapsId JellymU Topology. J Ild Ifid 1992. 22B:220-242. 181. CHENSX. CIIRWIEL RA NAUNLWI Ii. RAKTAIIUTIIA. JOHWJV ME. so A, WEIXEHD. liow. J, wxow HU. GREENEMI. K&w M: Oeslgn rind Synthesis of a CLM Betn-Tum MImetIc that tnhlbits Hums Imm”node6clency Vlnts ~velopc Glycoproteln GplZO BIndIng and InfectIon of Hunun Lymphocytes. I’nx Nc~f/~ca~Sci LISA 1992, 89.%72-5S76 CHOI HX, TONG l. MINORW. DLI~W I’. BOEGE11.Ros\,~w MG. WENGIERC: Sttucturc of Slndbis Vlnas Core Protein Reveal5 P chYmotrvPsLn-like serine F~oteinasc md the O&&&n of the Virion. Nahrre WI. 354~37-82 CWX BA GRAYDM: Fiow &ear Olchmlsm Spectn Of Four FUame”tous ilacterlophages - tiNA and Coat Pmteln’Contrlbutlons. Bidmlwtets 1992. 32:iw410. COtlEN KA. HOPKlXi J. IWHAHM, RH. PIu(GIUJSC. WII JC, PAUADINODEH. KIN&&LXP. WARRENTC. ROCEPSS. ANhs J. FAUNAPR,Cmll PM: olancterlzation of the BIndIng She for ~Nlmplne (BI-RG 58-f). a No”“ucleoside Inhibitor of Humvl ImmunodeBclency Virus rypCl Reverse T-rlptase. J flid OXWI 1991. 266:14670-14674. CmHhm M. SwmlhV I’: lnhlbitlon of HIV-l lntegratlon Protein by Aurlntricarboxyllc Acid Monomers. Monomer Analogs, attd Polymer Ftwztions. liiochtw fJi*s’Rn C~mawr 1992. 185:H5-90. OFANPO. BomEc J& EliI T. Iiukwlz J: ‘Ihe Slmbm Virus40 T-Aatlgen Double Hexnmer Assembles Around the DNA at the ReplIcadon Orlgln. J Ifid C&-m 1992. 267:141~l4~37. DEUERCM, IA ZM. JOEXS~X C. GUUOUXXA M. Sl’ GY: Traasmembnne Region of WUd-Type and Mutant Ml3 Coat Protelns~ Co”formatlo”al Bole of Beta-Branched Residues. J Bid Oxwr 19992. 267:529&5300. 0ERy)if~,.P. NWDEUA8, H1u.w~ W. Ho DD. T.w ,P: Mncmmolecuhr Assemblage in the Oeslgn of a Synthetic AIDS Vacclnc. Pm Nor/ Acad SC,L’S A 1992.txwli?-3883. DEU~IAMDP. lhuUlo%mm J. htumh~ MD. DECARVAUIO AP. BNKOSV. NIR S: KlneUc Modeling of Sendal Virus Fusion with PC-12 Ceiis - Bffect of PH and Temperature on Fusion uld Vbal lnactlntion. EwJ f3fahn 1992.205:lRl-l&6. WKWW T, UNrQVlsT BH. FUUERSD. Image Reconstruction from Cryo.electron Micrographs lkwds the Morphopdetlc Mechanism in the ~2.~4 Bacteriophage System. LWOJ 1992. 11:839-S46. EI’MQ KM. CIIE~UII JJ. EP&~UD RF, YEAGLEPI, RUIIARBON CD. ROC~~U h OEC&UXJWF: Peptldc Mod& for the Membrvle Actiozts of Vbal Fuslon Rotelm. Ei~~mcrs 1992.32:309-314. FANM~ E. Kh’lPPE6 R: Structure and Function of Simlaa Virus-40 Large Tumor Antigen. Awar Rcr, Bfoclrm 1992.61:55-85. FEM’OW IN. ROVAW B: Oifferentkatton of ~ulti~ie Dormlm in the Herpes Slmplcx Vlms 1 RotR”coded by the U < L> 26 Gene. I’nx Nnll Acad SC, US A 1992.89:207&2080. FISHERAJJ.MCKINNEYBR..WERyJ-P, JOHNZONJE: CrystaUi~Uon and Prelimbmry Oata Amalysi, Of Flock “OUSC Vlnm. Ada Gys&dlogr B ,992. B4S:SlF519. mJll H. MOIUYAMAK. sAKM!ofo N. KONDO T. Y~~LIIMK. ~MVJJM~ Y. YAMAZW M. SIRAM Y. OKCCHI K. WJ,MA E: Giyl45 to Arg SubsUtUtion In HEZSAntigen Of f”tm”“e Esape Mutant of Hqmtltis-B Vlr,,,. BInbcnl EtWs Res Gmmun 1992.184:1152-l 157.
T-ctlnCot nith Antlpeptide ~tlbodies Reveals P if&h Mobility Region Linking the TmnsacUvation md the DNA-Bi”dlng 0onud.w. Nuddc AC&~ Res 1991.19:70737079. GIRAM%VI. HEINZBA. OUVEUIAMA. MMOR 1.K&f Ii”. . . K0w.w PR, ROSShUNNMG,,RUECKERl’RR Acldinduced Str”ct”nl Changes I” H”“tan RiUnolrlrus 14: Possible Role I” Uncoating. Pmc NaffAadSci USA 1992,89:1021310217. m.
GUCK GO, TOOGOOD PL Wllfy DC. SKEHEL~, KNO~‘!IS JR Ugand Recognltlo” by lnlluenn Virus - the Bbtdlng of Bivalent Slalosldes. J Bid Ckw 1991. 266:236&2%69. GWCKSSIANNMA hWKEWUZ P. MUDNE C. ROIXXu+OF.NFS IB: Spccffic Sequences and.8 HairpIn Structure In the Template Stnnd are Required for N4 VI&n RNA Polymentse Pmmoter Recognition. crll 1992. 70:491-m. GODIEY I. P~FER J. STZIWAUEHD. ELYB. SHAU’G. . . KAlllwANN Il. SUCIMEY E. Pmo c. SKEHELJJ.\vm?l DC. WIURTOS S: lntroductlon of IntersubunIt Ohuffide Bonds I” the Membrane-OLal iteglon of the lntlu “za Hemaggiutl”in Abolishes Membrane F, don Activity. Cia//1992, 68:635&S.
PH. GOGOL El’. YOUNG MC, KL91~wxiWl. JAH\~!,TC. VON HII~EL PI+: Cwoelcctron Microxo~lc Vls”allzntlon of Functional Subassemblla bf the Bacteriophage 14 DNA Replletlon Complex. J ,lld Bid 1992. 224395-l 12. GOUIIIECK A. IECHXER&ID. W’rT/.J. N0Rral~lER E. IllEL K: The Thermal StabUlty of Tumlp Yellow Moalc Virus Under Hydrostatic Pressure - a Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study. Dir B/q@/ ,391, 20:151-l%. GCNUXN MC. DAVILSJW. Woon KR. ~LNONO%SOITGI’: Structwe of Tobravlrai Partlcics: a Model Suggested from Sequence ConservaUon In Tobnvb-ai and Tobamovlral Coat Roteins. J .Ild Bid 1992.227: l-8. GKAFC. DEGGFUUVS XI. ICIG~NINCIII.Chl. WIEH II. K”A,w K hWUn C. WEUEHlb Oynamlc Ll@t Scattcdng by Aqueous Solutions of RodlIke Fd-virus Particles. J Qxw /‘/JJS 1991,96x5.%442~9. GRANTRA FI!XAN DJ. FLIJIWII Is. Ic~ww Jr. tlffiw. JM: . . Three-0i”Ic”sio”nl structure of Thcucr virus. I’m Nlrll Acrid Sci l’.SA 1392. 89:2061-2065. (111. GBFFITil JP. GRIFFI?I~DL KAllw.w I, AIIwR.u!l WT. Cs,w DID: lnslde Polyomavlrus at 25-A Resolution. Nmwv 199.2.355~652654. G~WLUIDG. BOLUYGER I’, ~X%IUER1: Involvement of Pbagc-T5 Tail Proteins and Contact Sites Between the Outer and bmer Membrane of EscberichIa-Coil in Phage.T5 DNA Iniection. J Bid Own 199?.267:3173317a. GIIW.‘ANS. NOEWN ME. HUMS UG: Properties of the Collagenous Domain of the Alpha3(fV) Chain. the Goodpastwe Antlge”. of L&u Basement Membtane Collanen _ Selective Cleava~c of AlphaCl&s wltb Retention of ?helr Triple Heilcd Structure and NoncoUagenous Domain. J flid UJLVNIWI. 266:141X%140X Gtkxw~ A. wum IT: Comparative hdysls of the Sequences and Structwes of HIV-l a”d HIV-2 Proteases. I’r0bkt.s 19991.10:32%339, G~WCAFFR’JK. RUQ~ MP, Joun KA, \wuneR RE: Membrane Localization a”d Tooolow of a vhl Assembly Pmteln. J fkxwrrd 142. 17~246&2465 HACKFIT PD. DAmoN hiX’, JOHN%~ DP. P~ITXSEXRB: Phylogenetic and Physical Analysis of the 5’ Leader RNA Sequence of Avian Retrovlrwes. Nddc Acirls Rcs 1991, 19~692-34 HARKISONSC. slRoNG RK. SCHIESIXGER Ml: Crvstaul7atlon . of Slndbls Virus and Its Nucle&poid. J dfd Hid 1992. 226:2i7-280. 1411. IlAlllER MA, .ScCxxxJJ: Sk-SpcClfiC 1ntcglatl0n of the “~C”Njddh.Pi”flUCnut ~CteriOph~~C HF.1 Identifcatlon of the Points of Recombl”athmai Strand Wrchange and the UrnIts of the Host Attachment She. J Mid UXIII 1992. 267:635+6!%. HAZLIM OJ. PERRYHC. NAYUIRAM. MCC~?:YLNIXWL Chaaacterlzstlon of the Herpes Simplex Virus Origi” BIndIng Rotel” lntenctlo” with OrIS. J Bid C&WI 1991, 26624621-2.1626. HE X.1, RUKEHF, C&UE E. GKTEH CC: Stntcrure of P Humna Monoclonnl Antlbody Fab Fragment Alpinst Gp41 of Human ImmunodeBclencv Virus Type 1. I’m Nail Acad Sci fJ S A 1992. 89:7154-7158. HENRYGO, SYKIXDO: Assl~ment of Amide H-l and N-15 NMR Reso”a”& in Detergent-Solubilized Ml3 Coat F?otel” - P Model for the Coat Protein OImer. Biccbenf&~* 1992. 31:525l-5297. HEWATEA, UCOTH TF. ROYP: Structure of Bluetongue Vhus Fartkks by Ctyoelectron Microscopy. J Strucf Hid 1992. lw61-69. HEWATE.4 Beam TF. WADE RI-I, ROY P: 3-O Reconstrwtlo” of Bluetongue Vir”s Tubules Using Cryoekctron Microscopy. J Sfrucf Aid 1992, 10833548. lit21 4 Sm M. TN R HUGHESSH: The 8ffects of Cystelne Mutatioas on the Revew Iranscripof Human Imm”nodeRcie”cy Vhs Type-l and m-2. J Bid cbcm 1992. 267x93-1297.
IiOUsX4 M. ISbWLAh MAaNISCHHH. PENKR8. VARADI IG. Tow GK. IAV.0 I, KuRuO. I. NAGYI Fhw~v GD. R~NAVOLCXIE: Confomtnthmtd and Functltmai Prowrties of Peptides Coveri”~ the Intersub”& Region of -wtl”enza VI& Hemsggl”tl”l”. EM/ f3iafnvn 1992, 206.-12l-l25 I~IOVAU~ TF. KO~IIIIRENNERWE, WEIGL D, ~U~IEN~~OUJE J. K&IIPF 0. ERICKswiU JI InhIbItor StabUl+ntlon of Human Immu”odc6cle”cy Vlnts Type-2 Protelnase Olmer Formation. J ffid Chrt 1991, 26619217-19220 IiH. OGAWAT. SluiMlOlU K. YOROI’A%wS. Th(iu(u H: Cleavage Reaction of a Synthetic Oilgoribonucleotlde Cm-responding to the Autocleavage She of a Precu~or RNA from Bacteriophage-T4. I:%&$Lcrr ,931. 293:204-206
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Coated pits and coated it all out DID 182-188)
BAI!E” R. BEIUV ht. CLARKED. HWSEN S. JONESG, hlOt”X&Wiv K. PEDERSEN JS: Contrast Variation Studies of Clathrin Coated Vesicles by SmallAngie Neutron Scattering. Eirr Uic&s J 21:129-136. hl.\hn’~ R TIIOI(IYEU.I.E. STIGUFAW T: Pkwenral AIkaiinc Phosphatase. a GPI-Anchored Protein, b Clustered in Ciathrin-tieted Vesicles. BicrJx~,r Hirlolna Rm Co,n~sv:r 1992. 18380~. Mt:RPm.‘J~. KEENJH: Rccqnitio” Sites for ClathrlnAssociated Protein-AP-2 and Protein-AP3 on Clathrin Triskeliz J Bid Uww 1992. 267:IW5&10855. N,,l,n(KEIS. HEtIER J. IllPti h SWCR J, TwCli CW. BROI)L~~? Fhl: Folding and Trimerizetion of Clathrin Subunits et the Triskellon Hub. ccl/ 1992, 6&m-910. I’HAWI K. KEENJH: lntenction of Assembly Protein . . AP-2 end Its Is&ted Subunltr with Clathrin. nicd~wu.c~ 19991,30:5590-5597. 1211. ~,IRO”ER 5. L~XGEUICKEU E: Subunit Interaction and . Function of Ciathri”-Coated Vesicle Adaptors from the Golgi and the Plasma Membr;me. J Mid am 1991. 266:7910-7918. [15]. SEEGEHhl. PAINE GS: A Role for Clathri” in the SonIna of Vacuolar WotelOs in the Goigi Complex of Yeast. F,\IHOJ 1992, ll.ZSl I-2HIX.
Chromosome organization
Related review: What do X-ray crystallographic and electron microscopic structural studies of the RecA protein tell us about recombination? (pp 189-197) MI!VIS G. BIIHUNG~F. RW. W&UC BC. LOVEWE. hlotlnRUVAlils EN: The NucieOso”“d Core Histone Ortamer at 3.1-A Resolution . a Tripartite Protein Assembly and a Left-Handed Superhelix. Pm NdAcdSci USA 1991. 88:1014.%10152. BNAGIWWZXJKIIW I’. BR&H~LAC~LW SK. hlokwn’ D. BA\WL hl. .SASIEKIW V: Haiprin and Parallel Quartet Structures for Teiomeric Sequences. Nucleic &it& Rm lW2. 20:4Wi-io67. BAh’ERJEF. S. BENNIONCR. GolDmRG hlW. ,UlEN TO: ATF Dependent Histone Phwphoryiation a”d Nucieosome Assembly ln a Human &U Free Extract. Nucleic AcirLr Rcs 1991. 19:599?%6W%. BAW I-IS.SnlRKEhwXXl MCJM. DEICHOSJG. CWKm PP. SZOIUX J. FEUEFSTEIK BG. hW(ToX LJ: E&et of Poiyamine Depletion on Chromalln Structure In U-S7 MC Human Brata Tumour Ceils. Uimbmr J W2. 282:723727. BAUHICNOXCORTAY H. XLWT 1 DEP~ORO, L. Roux 8: Hlstonc Hla Subtype Presents Structw-al Differences Compared to Other Histone HI Subtypes - Exldet& for a Specltic Motif in the C-Tcrmlnal Domain. Bi&im HiWns ACIU 1992. 1122:167-177. BISHOPDK. PARKD. Xv i. KIF.CwER N: DMCl: P Meiosis . . Specific Yeast Homolog of E CoYRecA Required for Recomblnatio”. S~ptonemal CornpIe; Fomtation. nod Cell Cycle Pmgressio”. till i992, 69:43W56. [661.
BIUUII? JV. XLIttnhwx NC: HMG Woteln-14 and Wotein-17 Become Cross&Inked to the Globular Domain of Histone H3 Near the Nucicosome Core Particle Dyed. f?la/xwie~ 1992. 31364-370. Bt’wIT Rz. M.&.IANJD. AIMN I: SItedIrected Muta@mzds Studies on the Blnding of the Globular Donuh of Linker Histone H5 to the Nucieosome. J Md Bid 1992. 223~651459. CLUW DJ. FEISENFEU)G: A Nudeosome Core is Trulsferred Out of the Path of a T-ribind Poiynlerase. cc,// 1792. 71:l I-22. DFAV FB. BOROU~C IA Eta T. HuR\*‘TT/.I: The Slmkan Virus-40 T-An&en Double He&nter Assembles Around the DNA at the RepUcation 0rlgb-t. J fjid Uxm 1992. 267141s??-14137. DEIA~GET: Human Teiomem are Attached to the Nuclear Matrix. &W~OJ 1992. 11:717-724. Ell’lixGH U. .ScI+uu’~81: Mechanism of Centrosomc Positioning During the Wound Response In RSG 1 Ceiis. J Cd/ Bid 1‘992. 116:1157-l 166. FEWI R. DROIJIX R. LEMEL~S N. ~IEsWR P.E. RICIIEHCA Simultaneous VisuaUntion of Chmmosomc Bands a”d Hybridization Signal Using Colloidaigold iabeling in Electron Microscopy. I’m ,Vrrd Aczul.scilISA WI. SS:1c9l&10920. Fl~JWA”A S: l”terpretatio” Of the X-Ray S‘Ztteri”g Woiiies of Chmmati” at Various NaCi Concenttations by a Simple Chai” Model. Rlc&?i uxnr I992.43:Si&87. GET,?, RC. BEHEMJ: Eukaryotfc DNA Does not Form Nucleosomes as Readily a0 *me Frokaryotic DNA. Nucleic Aci& Rps 19931.19:59&5927. GIII~.HT DM. I-x R. CIU\IUON I’: Llgand Dependence of Estrogen Receptor Induced-Cha”go in Chrometin Structure. M&ic Acids Rm 1992. 20:~52+.~531. HAU.IJFI’M. et:ca F. SmAnJW WH: structure Analysis of Purified Histone H5 and of H5 in Nuclei by Limited Proteolysls. Hi&m J 192. 2S2:535-i1-( I I l.&v~.NJC. A~lSl0J: Chromati” Dynamics and the Modulation of Genetic Activity. Trert& Aia&w Sci 1992.17:187-191. IIA’sEN JC. Wow? Al’: lnUuence of Chmmatln Folding on Tran~ription lnitiatio” and Elongation by RNA Poi~memse-Ill. Bi&miwy I9%. 31:7977-79% I IFm RJ. C..w’Ern~ BG. !W~~EENI%F.HG 1-R’.CWWEU TC: The Lysine-Rich Hl-Histones from the Slime Moulds. Physarttm-Polycephaillum and Dicryosteli”~-Dlscoideum Lck Pbosohorvkition Sites Recoenised bV Cvclic .+&‘-betideat Protein R&e In&o: I;Ea\‘ &,/I 1992. 306:6&70. ll~~wI.1. MJ. DA\IF.JR Acetyiation and Mcthyiation of Histones H3 and H4 in Cblcken lntma~re Erythmcytes are “or Directly Coupled. Biocbwn niw?m R‘S r3tnnwn 1992. 185:.lI.W 19. I IIIUYO i:hlrTctflsox TJ: ceu Cycle Co”troi of fiigherOrder Chrometin AIxmbiy Around Naked DNA Invitro. J Ccl/Hid 1991. 115:l.i7+l-i89. 1101-r MA, HE l. m KK. SALIxDEIRw: 2 Saccbaromyces Cerevisiae Klnesin-Related Gene Woducts Required for Mitotlc Spindle Assembly. J Cd/ Rid 1992. llS:lB9-120. JACK KS. Mow12 P. CREIIEHS: Restriction E”zymes Permit Qttantitative DeterntL”atlon of Defined Cbromatin Structures Withln the Chromosome. EwJ IlicAwr 1991, 2024 i+iG. JEOW !$X’, LAt~ns~~~lf JO. S’lw~A Chromatln Awembiy on Plasmid DNA in Vitro. Apparent Spreading of Nucleosomc Alignment born One Region of PRR327 by Hist&e H5. J d/d Hid 1991; 222:i 131-l 1.17. K.&YGCH. ZIUVG X. WUW R. hloms R. R,CHk Cry~tai Structure of Four-stranded Dxytrfdm Telomerlc DNA. N
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MOUER8. iusDm I, wlm SC: tJn”sl”ll . of Recomblnntlon IntermedIates
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Microtubules, motors and muscle filaments Related review: Microtubule assemblypathways, dynamics, and regulators (pp 198-201) AVAWAI,.
K~,IJO M. OHM I’. MOM A. OUIHAM K, K.N’AWK, Il. MUHOFUSHIH, SUZUKIK. YtiUM I-I: Mlcmtubole DesmbllIzatlon by CdcZ/Hl Hlstonc Klnasc _ Phosphorylatlon of a Ro-Rich Region in the Microtubule-Blndlng Domal” of MAP-L IJkxkw Wi@+ Rcs Conrmrr~r 1991, 179:162&1626. ,ULW Ilk CORPSE JET, FNER PG. RRT-NOJ hlrq Ttlows DO, TR.%\‘ER IP. I~U%THL\I DR: Synthesis and Propcrtles of P Co”fornutlo”ally Restricted Spin-Labeled Analog of Al-F and Its Interaction with Myosln and Skeletal Muscle. Wlc&wisrq 1992,3law-&n4. AILEN 7s. Y.&N ID, GORMN AM: Q2 + -Dependence Of Structural Changea In Troponln-C In Demembnanated Fibers of Rabbit Psoat Muscle. Wiqb!+sJ 1992.61:399-@. A’WAWA T. YNUM K. IsHIWATAS: Spontaneous Oscllbxtlon of TensInn and Sarcomere Length In Skeletal MyotibrlIs . Mhxot~~oplc Measurement and Analysh. Bk&sJ 1992,61:x399-110(1. A\DRER’ 0. BO&JDO I: Binding of My&n Subfragment. 1 to F-Actln. Wic&m Wlol*)s Res Cmnuw~ 1992. w&94-101. h’DRF.VJM, fJORah(,J. DW. JF. GAHCIADE ANCOSJ. GIL Il. MEDRANOPJ. NOCAM 8. PANIUS E. TOuwA’mn~“~ E: LOW Resol”tlo” Structure of Mlcrotobules In SolotIon. Synchrotmn X-ray Scatte,lng and Rlectmn Mlcmscopy of Tax&Induced Mlcmtobules lluembled from FurlRed Tubulln In Comparison with Glycerol sod MAP-Induced Mlcrntoboles. J Ad Wld 1992.226:169-184. ANON M: Tempentore Dependence and Arrhenlos AetIvatlo” Enew of F-Actln Vel&Itv Generated In-Vitro by Skel&tl Mynsl”. J AW Oil 1992. 224:1029-1038. AN’EGAxY.D. PARDEE JD: Actln-r;rcUltnted Assemblv of Smooth Muscle Myosln Induces Forntntlon bf Actomyosln Flbrlls.1 cell Bid 1992.117:1223-12?0 ASHIUWAY -KATAWA S, l&w Y: Reg&Uo” of Fbxgelbu Motlllty by Temperature-Dependent
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