Magnesium supplements in the control of carbonyorate and lipid metabolism, diabetes and obesity

Magnesium supplements in the control of carbonyorate and lipid metabolism, diabetes and obesity

AIH-APRIL 1995-VOL.8, NO.4, PART 2 POSTERS: Other Therapeutic Agents or Modalities 135A G17 ORAL CALCIUK SDPPI.EllElTArIOI LOVERS BLOOD PRESSURE Ill...

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AIH-APRIL 1995-VOL.8, NO.4, PART 2

POSTERS: Other Therapeutic Agents or Modalities 135A

G17 ORAL CALCIUK SDPPI.EllElTArIOI LOVERS BLOOD PRESSURE IllORllOUISlYE POS7IIXIOPAUS;:C llilW. P...Aranda ,'J. Aranda, J. lemu, B. L6pel Jordes. IJPertelsiol lIait. Ceaerallospital. 1I&1.lgl, SpaID.

To evaluate the effects of an oral calcium supplement,Uon 'on blood pressure IBPI and metabolic profile of normotensive pos~lllenopmjc VOllen, ve administered 1.2 gr/dally of oral calcjlJ]l ICa +) during 3 months to 18 lmean age: 53t5.4 years old) normotensive, nondiabetic, non-smoker, postmenopausic women withoui hormonal replacement therapy. Their mean Bill vas 29.53 1S kg/lim and the mean casual BP 128.814 I 82.911.6 mmllg. After their anamnesis and physical examination, we measured casual BP, HR, EMI and performed a 24-hour ASP Monitoring at entry and after the 3rd month of treatment. At the same periods ve also determined fasten levels of: glucose, t-cholesterol, triglycerides, lipo and apoproteins, uric acid, ca2+I phosf,horus 1 aHaline ph., fibrinogen and Hb. Hicroalbuminuria, Ca t, Ha+ and I+ vere determined in .4 hour urine samples. Results: BIO lieu 24b BP SD (8.g) BP Load!') sm DIm SBP DBP SIS' DIm Before ca2+ 29.m 118.3 75.; 12.m lO.H1.7 7.5 9.94 (tl








After calf 29.5!5113.5 71.6 9.512.38.m.8 3.5 Pl6Rl1OGE1 URlC AC. IlCROALBDI. 'atu (ag/dl) (Ig/dll 11l9/2U) DOl/24h) Before ca2t 342.5!54 5.m0.9 B.BU3.4 HUm ft)




(19/24h) m.1±85

After calt 294m 5.O7±O.9 5.6512.6 166.lt68 231.1t137 Rest of biochemical parameters: without any statistically significant changes. It) p
Key Words:

Calcium. Blood pressure. Menopause.