Physica B 267}268 (1999) 149}153
Magnetic #ux distribution inside an YBa Cu O superconducting thin "lm in the mixed state V. Lauter-Pasyuk *, H.J. Lauter, M. Lorenz, V.L. Aksenov, P. Leiderer Universita( t Konstanz, Fakulta( t fu( r Physik, Postfach 5560, D-78434 Konstanz, Germany Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia Institut Laue}langevin, BP 156, F-38042, Grenoble Cedex 9, France Universita( t Leipzig, Institut fu( r Experimentelle Physik II, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany
Abstract The study with polarized neutron re#ection showed the spatially resolved nuclear and magnetic structure in a high-temperature superconducting (HT ) "lm of YBa Cu O in the mixed state in an external "eld parallel to its surface. The obtained magnetic #ux pro"le is composed of the penetrating Meissner "eld and the #ux-line rows. The #ux-line rows show good linear arrangements. A local critical magnetization inside the HT "lm was determined. The total magnetization exhibits #ux-line row transitions and increases in average with increasing external "eld due to the surface barrier and the #ux-line interaction. 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 61.12.Ha; 74.76.Bz; 74.60.Ec Keywords: Neutron re#ectometry; HTc-superconducting "lms; Mixed state
1. Introduction Polarized neutron re#ectometry (PNR) was already used to investigate the magnetic penetration depth j at the surface of superconductors or in thin superconducting "lms. For these studies the magnetic "eld is applied parallel to the surface of the "lm. The success of these studies, but also the
* Corresponding author: Institut Laue Langevin, BP 156 F38042, Grenoble Cedex 9, France. Tel.: #33-4-76-20-75-56; fax: #33-4-76-20-71-20. E-mail address:
[email protected] (V. Lauter-Pasyuk)
problems encountered, were reported in Ref. [1]. Since then the magnetic penetration depth of Nb "lms [2] was carefully studied. For YBa Cu O "lms the magnetic penetration depth j was deter?@ mined in Ref. [3]. The penetration of #ux-line rows into multilayer superconducting "lms (e.g. Cu/Nb multilayers) was studied by various techniques summarized in Ref. [4]. New events in thin HT (YBCO) "lms in the mixed state studied by PNR will be presented here. The structure of the penetrating magnetic #ux perpendicular to the sample surface was determined through the magnetic scattering length density (SLD ) pro"le for di!erent external "elds (H ).
In general, the pro"le of the SLD re#ects the
0921-4526/99/$ } see front matter 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 2 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 5 2 - 6
V. Lauter-Pasyuk et al. / Physica B 267}268 (1999) 149}153
contributions from several factors: the magnetic penetration depth j, the limiting value of the magnetization and the distribution of the penetrating #ux (#ux lines) inside the "lm. Furthermore, the magnetization pro"le obtained from the SLD
pro"le as a function of the external "eld above H shows the penetration of #ux-line rows. The magnetization increases with increasing H within the measured range due to the surface barrier [5] and the #ux-line row con"guration in agreement with theoretical predictions [4] which was not fully supported up to now by experimental data (e.g. Ref. [6,7]). In the PNR experiment setup the #uxlines in the "lm are in the equilibrium state, so the results concur with the theory.
2. Experimental details This study has been carried out on the re#ectometer ADAM at ILL. The magnetic behavior of a thin superconducting HT "lm in the mixed state was investigated as a function of increasing external magnetic "eld H'H . The sample, a 2000 As thick YBa Cu O "lm with the c-axis perpendicular to the "lm surface (so, j"j ), was cooled to a tem?@ perature of 4 K in zero "eld (ZFC). Then H ap plied parallel to the "lm surface was successively increased for the measurements from 1.5 to 12 kG. The neutrons were scattered from the "lm through the substrate of SrTiO with an area of 20; 20 mm and a thickness of 1 mm (a sketch is shown as inset in Fig. 1). The advantage of using this geometry is described in Refs. [2] and [3]. The main e!ect is that the oscillations in the re#ectivity curve shown in Figs. 1 and 2 are enhanced due to a better contrast in the nuclear SLD combination. Similar experiments on a thicker HT "lm of 3000 As have been carried on SPN, the re#ectometer with polarized neutrons, at the IBR-2 reactor at Dubna [8].
3. Results and discussion The structure of the "lm without the magnetic contributions was deduced from the measurement at a temperature of 96 K, thus in the normal-
Fig. 1. Re#ectivity curve from a 2000 As thick YBa Cu O "lm at 96 K. The full line is the "t to the data from which the nuclear scattering length density (SLD) pro"le was obtained. The SLD pro"le is seen in the inset. The other inset shows the scattering geometry of the experiment.
Fig. 2. A set of re#ectivity curves for di!erent external magnetic "eld at 4 K. For R> (o) the neutron magnetic moment and the magnetic "eld are parallel and for R\ (⽥) antiparallel.
conducting state of the "lm without external magnetic "eld. The experimental re#ectivity curve is shown in Fig. 1 together with the "t to the data. For the data analysis a "tting program using the multilayer matrix method was applied [9]. The "lm is not homogeneous as can be seen from the
V. Lauter-Pasyuk et al. / Physica B 267}268 (1999) 149}153
inset representing the nuclear SLD. The SLD decreases from the surface towards the substrate}"lm interface. This means that during the laser ablation the full density of the "lm was not obtained near the substrate interface and it was built up only at the vacuum}"lm interface. This e!ect will also in#uence the magnetic "eld distribution inside the "lm. The re#ectivity curves measured at a low temperature of 4 K and applied external "eld (parallel to the sample surface) are shown in Fig. 2 together with the "t to the data. A small splitting between the two re#ectivity curves R> and R\ obtained for the two spin states of the polarized neutrons appears near the critical momentum transfer Q for an applied "eld of 1.5 kG. This splitting increases and starts to extend to higher Q with increasing external magnetic "eld. The corresponding magnetic pro"les through the HT "lm were obtained by a model-"t to the re#ectivity curves. For this purpose the nuclear SLD deduced from the curve in Fig. 1 was "xed and the pro"le of the SLD was
obtained by a simultaneous "t to each pair of R> and R\. The SLD pro"les are shown in Fig. 3 for some
values of the external magnetic "eld between 1.5 and 12 kG. It is evident that these magnetic pro"les do not show the simple penetration depth behavior, the cosh((x!d/2)/j)-proportionality (x is the distance from the substrate) over the full "lm thickness d as in the previous publications [3] for the Meissner state at lower "elds. The step function character of the SLD pro"les arises from the model-"t
with a "xed number of slices, between 10 and 13 slices, across the "lm thickness. The pro"les for the two spin states are symmetric around the pure nuclear potential, which is here straightened to the #at zero line. In addition, the normalized magnetization pro"les are shown by dashed lines. The normalization was made to a "eld of 1 kG. One should note that the SLD is proportional to
the magnetization through the equation SLD
"cB(z), where c"2nk m /h"2.31;10\ L L As \ G\. The general description of the SLD pro"le is
the following. A clear increasing separation of the two SLD (corresponding to R> and R\) start ing at both interfaces of the HT "lm represents a
Fig. 3. SLD-pro"les obtained from the "t to the data in Fig. 2 for various magnetic "elds (full line). The dashed lines give the SLD normalized to 1 kG. The "lled circles indicate the positions of #ux-line rows.
penetrating "eld into the "lm originating from the applied external "eld. The following drop of the magnetization seen through the SLD shows that
V. Lauter-Pasyuk et al. / Physica B 267}268 (1999) 149}153
Fig. 4. The SLD-diagram of the measurement with 3.5 kG at 4 K. The thin full line through zero at x"0 shows the penetrating #ux from outside the "lm. The thin full line with the peak at x"1000 As represents a #ux line row. The thick full line is the combination of the two beforehand described e!ects.
#ux (#ux-line row) penetrated also into the "lm. The depicted distribution is the average of the magnetic #ux along the "lm. Between the #ux-line rows and the "eld penetrating from the outside the SLD shows a limiting value of about 1;
10\ As \ independent on the external "eld. This value corresponds to a magnetization of 430 G [3] and represents an intrinsic H for a certain #ux line con"guration and density for which a transition to n#1 (n is number of #ux-line rows) happens. For all measured magnetic "elds in Fig. 3 this critical magnetization is the same. This e!ect extends also to other HT samples (YBCO) mea sured separately [8]. In Fig. 4 a partial "t to the data explains the connection between the penetrating "eld from the outside of the "lm and the #ux-line rows. The SLD diagram with a "eld of 3.5 kG was chosen
as an example. The left thin line starting at x"0 represents the "eld penetrating from the substrate side. The peak of the SLD of a #ux-line row is
centered at x"1000 As . The combination of both curves gives the thick line which touches the limiting value of !1;10\ As \. The in#uence of the penetrating "eld from the free surface side of the "lm was neglected. In Fig. 3 the positions of #ux-line rows are marked by "lled circles corresponding to the reduced splitting in the SLD pro"les. The number of
#ux lines for a given external magnetic "eld agrees with the theoretical values obtained in Ref. [4]. The SLD -values normalized to 1 kG are shown
as dashed lines in Fig. 3. If these normalized values
Fig. 5. The total magnetization of the HT "lm as a function of H . The full line through the points (䊉) is based on a calcu lation [4], n gives the number of #ux-line rows in the "lm. Open squares mark the values of H at which #ux-line row transitions take place [4]. The straight line characterizes the Meissner state, H and H! are explained in the text.
averaged over the "lm thickness remain constant with increasing "eld, then the magnetization is proportional to the external "eld and shows, e.g. a Meissner state. The feature is, however, that these normalized values decrease with increasing "eld, which shows that the magnetization deviates from an extrapolated Meissner state. The total magnetization M of the "lm is given by the average of the magnetization pro"le in Fig. 3 for each value of H . The dependence of M as a function of the H is shown in Fig. 5 with "lled circles. The straight solid line represents the calculated Meissner state in a thin "lm. H in the ab plane for a bulk YBCO is 180 G [10]. When the thickness of the "lm d reduces to the value of the penetration depth j, then H increases [11], in addi tion the surface barrier leads to another enhancement of H [5]. For a thin "lm of thickness of 2000 As and j "1400 As [3] H is H "700 G ?@ due to the restricted geometry [11]. Taking into account the surface barrier it shifts up on the straight line to H! "1.7 kG [4]. However, it is seen in Fig. 3, that already at a "eld of 1.5 kG a #ux-line row entered the "lm and also in Fig. 5 that the measured magnetization for 1.5 kG is lower than the theoretical one for 1.7 kG. This di!erence can be explained by the fact that the theoretical formula for H was obtained for the case when d)j and in our case the thickness of the "lm was slightly bigger than the penetration
V. Lauter-Pasyuk et al. / Physica B 267}268 (1999) 149}153
length. With increasing external "eld beyond 1.5 kG a curve (solid line in Fig. 5) was adapted to the experimental points. This line derived from a calculation in Ref. [4] shows transition nPn#1 through the peaks in the magnetization. The values of H for these transitions calculated under the condition of d"j [4] are marked as open squares. The amplitude in the magnetization was adapted to the experimental points around the transition n" 1Pn"2. The dashed line around the transition n"3Pn"4 calculated to be at 11.3 kG describes an assumed behavior. So, the magnetization reveals the distinct penetration of #ux-line rows into a thin YBCO "lm through the appearance of peaks. It is essential that the proof of the corresponding increasing number of #ux lines is given independently in the SLD
pro"le in Fig. 3. It is remarkable that beyond H the magnetization in average is increasing over the measured range of H in contrast to the behavior of bulk type-2 superconductors. In the case of bulk superconductors a big amount of #ux lines can penetrate at H without an appreciable #ux-line interaction and the magnetization decreases abruptly with increasing H . In contrast, only a lim ited volume is available in the case of a thin "lm and after a sharp drop of the magnetization at H! a local minimum is reached showing the #ux line interaction, i.e. a compression of the #ux lines along the #ux-line row. This compression with its resistance to further #ux-line penetration leads to an increase of the magnetization with increasing H . At the second maximum at H "3.5 kG a situation is reached where it is energetically more favorable to switch to the con"guration with two #ux-line rows. Thus, with this rearrangement a big portion of #ux lines enters the "lm and the magnetization drops. But again, with increasing H the #ux-line interaction enhances which gives a second minimum and which leads to a next maximum and so on.
4. Conclusions The appearance of the #ux-line rows in a thin YBCO "lm parallel to the "lm surface was measured in a range of external magnetic "elds from 1.5 to 12 kG. The PNR measurement revealed the internal magnetic structures of the "lm. The magnetization pro"le perpendicular to the "lm surface shows the part arising from the screening current and the part from #ux-line rows. A local critical magnetization inside the HT "lm along the ab plane was determined. The total magnetization exhibits a behavior determined by the surface barrier and the number of #ux-line rows. The magnetization increases with increasing external "eld and is characterized by the #ux-line row transitions.
Acknowledgements We thank J. Schiessling and R. Siebrecht for help during the experiment. This work was supported by the BMBF and INTAS.
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