633 adopted for controlling the industry. To such considerations the chief and most interesting part of the board’s report is directed. Very excellen...

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adopted for controlling the industry. To such considerations the chief and most interesting part of the board’s report is directed. Very excellent work is being done by the capable naturalists whom they are employing in the way of determining the effect of the time and manner of catching upon the proportion of immature fish captured. Scarcely less important are the observations made upon the habits of fish with a view to their protection by suitable regulations, the provision of spawning facilities, and the supply of appropriate food. In all these respects the results actually attained by the board augur well for the ultimate outcome of their labours, but the vastness of the field of their inquiry compels the conviction that tangible results can only be reached by a long and slow process. In the meantime, their admirably compiled record of work done and scheme of work in hand is well calculated to produce the impression-not a common one when the work of a Government department is under consideration-that here we have a difficult task being very efficiently performed.

primrose known as the primula obconica. Introduced into horticulture during the last few years, it is only recently in gardening circles that its irritating properties have

been suspected ; for, like the deadly rhus toxicodendron and other plants of this character, everyone is not susceptible to its influence. Several cases, however, are published in recent numbers of the Garden. The parts first attacked are naturally the back of the hands and fingers, and the eruption may extend thence to the forearms, or the irritant itself may be transferred to other parts, such as the eyes (generally the right), the mouth, and the nostrils, where it excites a burning irritation with more or less inflammation. In eczematously disposed subjects a, attack may be induced. In others, the eruption widespread is generally a diffuse erythema with desquamation, or it may occur in red blotches, probably of urticarial character. The irritant properties seem to reside chiefly in the leaves, and some consider that they are more irritating when these are withering. Dr. Wilson, of St. Andrews, found that there are glandular hairs on the leaves, and though probably they are the source of the mischief, this point has not been MALIGNANT ENDOCARDITIS FOLLOWING proved; it is, however, all the more likely from analogy COLITIS. with plants like. the stinging nettle. Although primula. DR. F. C. SHATTUCK (Boston Aled. and Surg. Journ., obconica is not likely to produce any widespread trouble, it No. 4) records a case in which malignant endocarditis was is well that such facts as the above should be known, as it associated with ulcerative colitis. From the course of the may be the key to otherwise puzzling cases, as in an case and the extent of the bowel lesion-the whole of the instance related of a lady who constantly wore the floweI’" colon, from the hepatic flexure to the rectum, being and suffered martyrdom for months before she discovered ulcerated-there can be little question that the cardiac what a truly vegetable viper she was cherishing. valves had been secondarily infected. The case was marked by the appearance of subcutaneous abscesses, COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER FOR ESSEX. apparently of embolic origin, and preceded by an attack of THE rheumatism. At the post-mortem examination the aortic proposal which was recently set on foot for appointDr. Thresh, medical officer of health for the Chelmsford and mitral valves were found to be fringed with vegetations, ing and Maldon rural sanitary districts, to act in the same but there was no "ulceration"of the valves. Although for the county of Essex, has now assumed a examination of the contents of one of the abscesses and of capacity definite form, the desire being that he should be elected for the blood did not result in the detection of any bacteria, it the purpose of collating the reports of the local health is impossible to avoid the inference above surmised as to and of reporting quarterly to the Sanitary Committee officers, the relationship between the intestinal and cardiac affecof the Council in matters likely to affect the health of the does not that the endocarditis tion. It appear, however, county. was other than recent, which is exceptional in such cases, the character of "malignancy" or of "ulceration" being, CHOLERA INTELLIGENCE. - as a rule, imposed on valves chronically diseased. The THE cholera, intelligence from Spain during the week case, however, emphasises the truth of the doctrine that this form of endocarditis is septic in its nature; and, ending the 16th inst. has been but sparse, but there is although in many instances it is impossible to assign a further evidence to indicate that the tendency to a furtbe? proximate cause for the affection, yet there are not wanting diffusion of the disease, which was evident during the in literature several examples more or less parallel to the preceding week, still continues. Cholera is increasing in above. One point of interest is the occurrence of an the cities of Toledo and Valencia, and has reappeared in attack of rheumatism preceding the signs of endocarditis ; the provinces of Albacete, Alicante, Castellon, Tarragona, the joint affection could hardly havebeen pysemic, as it and Toledo. The actual number of attacks and deaths entirely subsided, whereas the subsequent development of has also risen to 3983 and 2020 since the commencement of multiple abscesses showed clearly that the endocarditis had the epidemic. There is also a want of definite informathe disease in Mesopotamia, although it is acquired infective properties, although it may have been tion as to from the despatch of a Commission of Russian clear quite initiated by the rheumatism. medical men into Asia Minor, with a view of studying the effect of a new remedy, that the infection is stil3 PRIMULA OBCONICA AND DERMATITIS. at work there. It has also been reported that cholera MANY plants are known to possess powerful irritant pro- is prevailing extensively at Vladivostock, the Russian perties when applied to the skin. In America several naval fortress on the North Pacific. The occurrence of species of rhus, especially the rhus venenata and rhus toxi- an outbreak at Massowah, with fifty deaths a day, and codendron, are the best known, and excite in some people rumours of one at Tokar, together with the intelligence the most violent dermatitis. Generally actual contact is that the disease has appeared at Aleppo, must doubtless be required, but in the most suseeptible the fact of being in regarded as in some way connected with the epidemic the neighbourhood is sufficient. Professor Maisch has dis- amongst the Arabian pilgrims, whose detention in quarauccovered in these plants a very volatile acid, toxicodendric tine has hot sufficed to prevent extension of the infecacid, which he thinks is the irritant. In this country we tion. There is happily as yet no cholera in Europe, except are best acquainted with the effects of the common stingingthat prevailing in Spain, but the number of localities nettle, mezereon, and arnica; and Mr. Alfred Anderson, which are now infected, and from which there is conof St. Andrews, a student of medicine, writes to us draw- stant communication with European States, makes it, doubtful how long the present immunity is likely ing attention to the irritant action of the pretty variety of -

