1579 and other persons concerned in the adminis- poor of Salford, which was held on Nov. 20th, Mr. tration of the Act. He criticised thee medical F. J. Marquis, warden of the Liverpool University profession, which he found overpaid. Doctors all Settlement, after referring to the infant mortality over the country, he said, had admitted to him that the actual remuneration they were getting was considerably more than they anticipated. He knew of instances also where doctors invariably sent in a private bill to panel patients and recovered money if they could. Considering the way in which the State had treated the medical profession he thought they had a right to expect a little more loyal service and more consideration to the hardworked members of the Friendly Societies than they were receiving. He admitted that the great majority of doctors were now trying to do their best under the Act, but in some districts, unless they were more considerate, there would be a repetition of the It is terrible lesson they received at Wisbech. interesting to note that a few days later the Grand Master of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows, Bro. Walter Wright, of Reading, at a dinner of the Seaham District of the Order, said:The enormous amount of consideration which doctors were
of Salford, pointed out that at 5 years of age 4 per cent. of the children of the borough were suffering from tuberculosis, while 4 per cent. of the children of 12 years were undersized, and 8 per cent. undernourished. Mr. Marquis calculated that 25,000 in a population of rather less than 250,000’ were on the verge of destitution. Mr. G. H. Butterly, of the Band of Hope Union, said that Salford’s drink bill last year amounted to £819,430. There are
47,937 inhabited houses in Salford. By taking an average of 4’83 persons per house, the average amount per head spent on liquor worked out at JZ3 10s. 9d., or n 7 ls. 9d. per house. During the year 980 children died under the age of one year, a rate of 154 per 1000 births. About 6000 visits had been paid by health visitors to the homes of newlyborn children, and yet notwithstanding the better conditions and trained help, little progress seemed to be made.
Manchester Ear HospitalAnnual Meeting. showing their patients was becoming a serious menace. At the annual meeting, which was held on The Oddfellows were unwarrantably and treacherously deNov. 19th, it was stated that the debt amounted to of administration result of medical and the benefit, prived was that a doctor had to keep himself popular with his £1699. The chairman appealed for an increase of JZ300 or C400 for annual upkeep. During the past patients if he wanted to make a decent living. The doctor’s business had been put practically on a basis year 885 operations were performed under general of pure commercialism, and he had to be careful not to upset anaesthesia in addition to a very large number of his insured patients, because if a man went to the doctor minor sent from many Patients are operations. and said he wanted a rest, and the doctor said there was The Committee also districts. Education nothing wrong with him and he had to go back to work, the outlying that the hospital and stated send it was children, patient made up his mind to change his doctor and get one a little more sympathetic. The result was that the funds were ought to benefit in some way from the Education Committee funds, but so far it had received nothing. being seriously depleted. Nov. 25th. These two quotations serve to illustrate the reasoning with which it is hoped to mould public SCOTLAND. opinion on these matters. Both critics agree in complaining of the doctors, one finding the The Dundee Chair in c,’nem2stry. amount of consideration shown by them to be too AT a meeting of St. Andrews University Court, great, and the other finding it deficient. Mr. Booth is a politician and appears to know nothing about held on Nov. 15th inst., Mr. Alexander Mackenzie, the Wisbech tragedy. M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., head of the chemistry department Nov. 25th. of the Birkbeck College, London, was appointed professor of chemistry in the University College, MANCHESTER. Dundee, in succession to the late Professor Hugh Marshall. There were 15 candidates for the chair. University Court and Progress of the Unitersity. . A MEETING of the court of governors of the Uni-’Treatment of Tuberculous Cases in Aberdeenshire. versity was held on Nov. 19th. It appears that the At a meeting of the Aberdeen district committee,. number of students is nearly the same as in the held in Aberdeen on Nov. 17th, it was decided ] previous year, 1663. The total receipts for the yearthat a ward for the treatment of persons suffering amounted to .f81,865 and the total expenditurefrom tuberculosis should be erected in the vacant .f81,716, while the whole assets in the balance-sheetground at Summerfield Hospital, and that the constood at jEl,390,921, and the total value of the Uni-ditions imposed on the acceptance of the scheme by versity site, buildings, and fittings is put down as the Local Government Board should be accepted. .f593,235. The number of students in the FacultyThese conditions are that within a period of two of Medicine is 334. In the Faculty of Medicine years from completion of building accommodation there were 138 pursuing Manchester University would be provided for the nurses by an extension degree courses and 242 passing other courses. of the present administration block, or otherwise than within the ward. Appeal for Funds for Central Branch of the Royal Infirmary. A Glasgow Physician’s Bequest. The new central branch of the Manchester Royal The entire estate of the late Dr. Gavin Paterson Infirmary is expected to be ready for opening next Te.nnent, of Glasgow, consulting physician to the February. The total cost of the building is JE25.000, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, has been left for and the sums received or promised amount to purposes. The principal bequest is 14,500, so that £11,000 are still required if the philanthropic to the University of Glasgow for the Faculty branch is to be opened free from debt. The chair- JE25,000 The residue of his property he left of Medicine. man of the board of management has issued an for distribution between the Royal Infirmary, appeal for funds. the Western Infirmary, Glasgow, the Glasgow, The Children and Drink Bill of Salford. Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow, and the Royal HosAt the annual meeting of the Civic League of for Sick Children, Glasgow. Health for organising personal service among the pital Nov. 25th. now