Marine Biological Workshop

Marine Biological Workshop

[~'~iJ|irl(' l - ' , d h J l l ~ n ,ll,.~m' Prlllh'il I%lhml,~l Ihdh'lln, %'llhJl'Tll i: N,, ,, r, iii (_ill ,I( BIII,IIFI [-l, u l h ' l l n q...

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,ll,.~m' Prlllh'il

I%lhml,~l Ihdh'lln, %'llhJl'Tll i:


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iii (_ill ,I( BIII,IIFI

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spectes and numer~)LlS range e~lenSl,_)ns The launa and II~ra have been eonhrmed Io ,.;h~w Ihe Iri~p=cal ml]uence (~1 the soulherly lh~wmL., L.eewm current. 'The Prlweedmf.,,s ,~1 the W,~rksh,~p wtll pnw,de mlormal~m prevt~usly unavallabh:, and appl,cable I~ '.,~me Ih~usand kJh~melres ~1 the West Aitslraltan c~a~.,lltm:' h~r the rnanagement,fi the marine enviremmenl AIIh,~u[2,h the c(~a~lhne ,d Weslern Auslraha t,~ lar!..,ely An Inlernalt~mal Marine B~]h~,ncal W~rkshop was held tr~m N-2S January, I~-~ql al R~llm.'nl Island, Weslern undevehq.'~ed, areas eh~se h~ centrcs ol l~)pulaln~m have Auslraha ~rganized by lh,.' Auslrahan Marine Sewnces been sublecled I~ de.gradalt~m, h~r example large ,.,tale Ass~ctati~m (Weslern Branch) k~ttnesl h)sses (,I seagrass CemlmUlllllCS have ()ceurred 'T'hes¢ Inland ts 12 km ~1t the c~ast ~)t Perth. wtuch ts the only h~sses have ~ecurred mainly m semn eneh~sed waler reaper meln~p('ditan deveh~pmenl gteatei Ihan ~rie b()dles an a ccmseqtlent'L' i)1 eulr,)phlc'alll m LJnhke the resl ~1 the Western ALi,.;I,ahan e¢~aslhne, mtlh~m people m Weslc'rn Auslraha. T'he ,sland us ~mly II km long and 4 ~ k m a l its widesl and us a reaper R~)ltnesl has received eonstderahle allentn~m Ir~m aL'[ive manne researcher,, h~r the last .4(I years and eel reereattonal restart Rollnesl in part ~)t an exlenslve hme lbts reeenl W~rksh,~l~ al R()llnesl Island has du'm~m sh_me reel system wsth well deveh~ped mlertidul plal h~rms SublJdally there ts a e~)mplex m~natc ol sc~ulhern slraled lUSl h~w hllle in km~wn ab~ul the,.;e '.,vslem'., Wllhoul such basehne ',,ludle~, the under,qandln[:.,, and lemperale algae and ,~ea.grass c,~mmunllies and Ir~pteal ~.'~rals There t'oasl',d walers are generally very h~w =n mana_gemenl ~I lhese areas is dillicull A similar nutrtents and. as a consequence, have htgh levels ~t W~uknh~p was hehJ m Albany. S~ulh Wesh.'rn Ati'~Itaha m January IqH,N and copses ~I the lw~ w~lume F'r~weedIuAhl penetralt~m Researchers Ir~)m nme c~untries have carried ~ul a mgs are avadahle Ir~nl Dr l-,'red Wells 'The We,~lern wide vanely ~)1 research I.)r~qecls ~n Ihe launa and I'h)ra, Auslrahan Museum. Fran~.'ts Slreel, Perth, WA PAl H i l l - ( 'HINt LS' b~th tax~mum=c and et'~dob',3cal Prehmlnar~ resulls I) I IVAL/s/-'.R rod=care the presence ~t a large number ~t unde'~cnhed

Marine Biological Workshop

Laboratory,/On-board Analyser for Seawaler DOC Levels

ytelded crmststenlly aeciJlale n|easuremenls hpt Ihe mc,del ~,S~ ']"he brutes '~'~, mc~rl',{~tales seruhl',ers, a plalmum ealalysl and a.n exlernal inlegrah)r 'The wh~le sv.slem requJres mmtmal mamlenance, even when suhlecled ll~ the t]tghly c(~rt~slve el-I'ects ~t rnanne waler F'utlher de=ads are available Ir~_~m hmtc',, LJK I.Id (_'arrmgh~n Business Park. (_'arrtn~.l~m Urrnnlon, Manchesler M ~,1 ,4F)[), IlK

h~nicn have dest.gned a new marme envin)ru'nenlal analyser h)r PPB I() PPM c(mcentrali~ms ~t Dnss~dved (-)rgannc Carb~m (D(:)C')m ,~eawater. The new' hmtes ",.~':, L.ab~ral~r~ Analyser uses a htgh lenlperalure c~m t'~uslt~n methud h~ eumpletely ~xJdise b~th Ihe ~rgantc and Ihe m~)rgamc earh~n m the sample By si~ dotng. Ihe resulls are unalteclud hy the sail malnx. The 'T'he rec~wery ~1 hqmd spdlages polenttallv harmhJI I(~ analvser ts surfed h~r use both ,n the laboralury and ~r]the envtronmenl has been rewdult~mtz.ed by Aberdeen I', ~ard a research vessel based Aherlan E.nvmmmental Service,., L.nmHed Seawater and stnular samples c~mtammg grealer than Aherlan has dew:loped a new Iratler m~tmted 'envtnm I'V,, NaCI typically presenl pr~blems m analysts 'The mental ho~wer' based (~n a Deulz powered c~rnpren'~r extremely c~tn~stve and oxsdizmg properties ~t the wtlh added vacuum pump, h{ddtng tank and discharge med,a cc~mbined wHh the Iormat~m ~t reMdues upton pump 'T~wable I~i L'w.'n the rem(~lesl areas, the e(~mpac'l eval.',~ratton atte,.'l many types ~t analyse= 'T'he pt~h EMI.I (E.nvtnmmental Ml~btle I.Irul) alh~ws h~r qutck h.'ms are comp~unded when the manne waler e~mlams and easy relneval ol a w,de varnely i~1 hqutd sptlls ~)t hying ~rgamsrns, large complex ~)rganlc m~decules, as dtttenng specthc gravtttes and chenncal pr~ ~perttes well as m~)re c~r roslVe sails AI the heart ol the unil in an Ingersoll Rand PI7'~ ..... The h,gh lemperalure method, elanms h~rues, t_.,nves I ~IIWE) p~rtable ,..'~mpressor, whwh ts m lurn powered more representatwe results than th~se pr~dm.'ed by I',y at] atreo~ded 3 cylinder Deutz F3Lql2 dw.sel engme, Iradili(mal analysers using persulphale ~x.dali~m teeh dew.'h~pmg 'qN kW 1'~1 HP) at 2'~,()() rpm The sm.'l,m ntques, whJeh typtcally have h~w ~xtdalt(m ethctene~e,~ and d,seharge m~dule ts bolted t~n h~ Ihe c~mpres,.,~r E'~lenstve c~mparalive teslmg by ~cean(~[2,raphw wtth a separale canopy and can be t,lled h_~ the scienlisls ~n board shnp, us well as ,n the laborah~ry, has

Environmental Mobile tInit