Trendsin Bioteehnology, Vol.3, No. 12, 1985 11 Braun, A. C. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 516, 167-192 12 White, F. F., Garfinkel,D. J., Huffman, G. A., Gordon, M. P. and Nester, E. (1983) Nature 301, 348-350 13 Huffman,G. A., White, F. F., Gordon,
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Marketing tools
that some attempt should be made to warn your readers about the dangers of premature disclosure of their ideas, and to screen items submitted from non-commercial organisations to 'Tools of the Trade' in order to ensure that they do not (as has happened not infrequently before) miss opportunities which, with a little bit of help, could ultimately result in an expansion of business bases and export opportunities, with the consequent impact on the employment of the technologists from who the ideas emanated in the first place.
I was somewhat concerned to see the been trained in this area, of what is advertisement for the feature 'Tools of actually potentially commercial and the Trade' in Volume 3 (8) of Trends in the protection of the invention concerned before public disclosure is Biotechnology. I can certainly understand your made. Obviously a fine balance has got desire to provide a service to readers in to be struck between encouragement bringing commercial items, which are of basic research and free interchange genuinely new or provide cost benefits of information on the one hand, and over existing technology to the atten- commercialisation of the results on the GEORGEA. CHRISTIE tion of your readers. My concern other, but it is too often the case that relates, however, to your encourage- what the 'bench scientist improvises' Managing Director, Grand Metroment to readers to submit for publi- (which can indeed be of use to col- politan Biotechnology Ltd., Grand cation information on techniques leagues in their laboratories) is very Metropolitan Innovation Development which they have improvised to achieve often precisely the technique which in Centre, Occam Road, The Surrey better performance and solve tricky the hands of appropriate commercial Research Park, Guildford, Surrey GU2 practical problems, which you des- organisations can be turned into a pro- 5YH, UK. cribe as 'non-commercial'. As I am fitable (for the technologist as well!) sure you will agree, one of the prob- marketable opportunity. We are seeking to provide precisely EDITOR'S lems with the translation of scientific NOTE: Following Dr. research into commercialisation is the the sort of assistance needed to help Christie's letter, the 'Tools of the Trade' understandable lack of recognition by turn some of these inventions into new advertisement was amended. The new the bench scientists, who have not British businesses. I do feel, therefore, version appears below~