Material balance in manganese nodule formation (north central Pacific)

Material balance in manganese nodule formation (north central Pacific)

et Cosmochimiea Ann Vol.46,pp.693to 695 (9 PcrgsmmPrcgsLtd.1982. Printed in U.S.A. Go&mica NOTE Material balance in manganese nodule formation (Nort...

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et Cosmochimiea Ann Vol.46,pp.693to 695 (9 PcrgsmmPrcgsLtd.1982. Printed in U.S.A. Go&mica


Material balance in manganese nodule formation (North Central Pacific) V. MARCHIG and H. GUNDLACH Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources P.O. Box 51 01 53, D-3000 Hannover, Germany (Received February 3, 198 1; accepted in revised form December 2, 198 1) Abstract-All data necessary to calculate the metal balance for Mn nodules in a well-investigated area of the North Central Pacific are now available. The nodules lie on porous siliceous ooze, and receive more than 96% of their metal content from the underlying ooze by diagenetic mobilisation. Only a very small portion of the metal contained in the sediment has to be mobilised to form the nodules. which explains why the expected depletion of metals from the sediments has never been demonstrated. manganese nodules in the so-called manganese nodule belt in the North Central Pacific grow on a very porous substrate of radiolarian ooze. In previous papers (Gundlach et al., 1979; Marchig and Gundlach, 1976a,b; 1979a,b; 1981; Marchig et al., 1979; Schnier et al., 1977, 1980), we have shown that diagenetic remobilisation takes place within this sediment type and that this diagenetic remobilisation is an important factor in the supply of metals for the growth of the manganese nodules. In particular, Mn, Ni, Cu, and Zn are supplied to the nodules by means of diagenetic remobilisation within the sediment column, i.e. by means of pore water transport. Diagenetic remobilisation takes place in the upper part of the sediment column, and in most cases occurs within the top 20-30 cm. The supply of metals to the manganese nodules in this area through diagenetic processes from below strongly outweighs the supply from sea water (i.e. hydrogenous supply). One objection, used frequently in the discussion on the predominance of diagenetic remobilisation, is the fact that there is no marked depletion of metals in the sediment substratum on which manganese noduies are growing, compared to other sediment areas not covered with manganese nodules. Recently, following very extensive investigation of a manganese nodule field in the radiolarian ooze area, we obtained sufficient data for a quantitative calculation of the amount of metals needed for the growth of manganese nodules. Samples of various kinds were gathered in the nodule field during cruise 13/ 1 of the German research vessel Valdivia in 1976. The area studied is 200 n.m. X 200 n.m. with the central coordinates of 9”OS’N and 148”45’W. The deep-sea plain covered with radiolarian ooze has an average water depth of 5 100 to 5200 m and is interrupted by three sea-mounts with elevations of 600 to 1000 m above the deep-sea plain. The following data about this field are available: THE


a. As the initiation time of the growth of manganese nodules the hiatus between Early Miocene and Late Pliocene was suggested (Beiersdorf and Wolfart, 1974; v. Stackelberg, 1979). v. Stackelberg (1979) also calculated the size of manganese nodules from this area knowing their average growth rate and the time of growth, and found it in a good accordance with the actual average size of nodules in the area. For the following calculation, we approximated the time of initiation of manganese nodules to be the boundary from Miocene to Pliocene, i.e. 7 million years ago (Geological Society of London, 1964). b. The average rate of sedimentation is 3.8 mm/ 1000 years (Heye, 1976; Meyer, 1977). This means a sediment column of 26.6 m was deposited in 7 million years. This thick sediment cover is not preserved everywhere and might have been partly removed by deep-sea currents. Since only the top 30 cm of sediment are involved in nodule formation, it is immaterial whether part of the sediment was removed. c. The specific weight of the wet sediment is 1.14 g/cm3 (average water content of 63.9% Meyer, 1977). For the following calculation the specific weight of dry sediment was used, as chemical analyses refer to the dry sediment. d. The average population density of manganese nodules on the sea floor (on the sediment surface) is 9.5 kg/m” (Marchig and Gundlach, 1979b). e. The average composition of the nodules is 21.7% Mn, 1.01% Ni, 0.75% Cu, 0, 103% Zn (Marchig and Gundlach, 1979b). f. The sediment has an average composition of 0.48% Mn, 195 ppm Ni, 639 ppm Cu, 212 ppm Zn (Marchig et al., 1979) as shown in Table 1. g. Manganese nodules in abyssal plains have linear growth rates which are approximately three times higher than those from manganese nodules on seamounts ( 15 mm/ lo6 years and 5 mm/lo”

years according to Heye, 1978). Krishnaswamt et al. (1979) suggest that alpha track dating, on which our data are based. lead to some errors in growth rate determination due to the contamination by contemporary sediment filling nodule cracks. As for the following calculation only the ratio of two average values is used; the eventual error of the method does not significantly change our statement. As the linear growth of the nodules from the abyssal plain is three times higher than the linear growth of nodules on seamounts, the volume of abyssal plain nodules is enlarging 27 times faster than the volume of seamount nodules. The seamounts are sediment-free outcrops of basalt. Thus, no diagenetic remobilisation from sediment can take place there. The nodules on the seamounts are products of purely hydrogenous supply (from the seawater), and the nodules in the abyssal plains are formed by combination of hydrogenous and diagenetic supply. From this, it is concluded that less than 4% of the supply of manganese nodules in the investigated abyssal plain is of hydrogenous origin, the rest being supplied by diagenetic remobilisation. The following data:


can be made with these

The average sediment cover of 26.6 m in the investigated area, deposited within the last 7 million years account for 10,900 kg of dry sediment per m* on the ancient (prior to nodule formation) sea floor. Such a sediment column of 1 m* base and of 26.6 m height contains

(A) 52.3 kg Mn, 2.13 kg Ni, 6.97 kg Cu, 2.31 kg Zn On the top of this sediment column, i.e. on the recent sea floor 9.5 kg manganese nodules are growing. More than 96% of this growth results from diagenetic remobilisation from the sediment (Schnier et al., 1977; Schnier et al., 1980; Heye and Marchig, 1977; Heye, 1978). These nodules (again calculated over the surface of 1 m’) contain


2.06 kg Mn, 0.096 kg Ni, 0.071 kg Cu, 0.0098 kg Zn. Taking into account that 96% of the material needed for the growth of manganese nodules was extracted from the sediment, the sediment would be depleted of

(C) 3.78% of its Mn content 4.32% of its Ni content 0.98% of its Cu content 0.41% of its Zn content. Using the figures under (f), a comparison of the average sediment content before and after the diagenetic remobilisation is shown in Table 1.




:,omparison )jf the me1 contents in the sedimerit before and after diagenet-r %-emobiiisation (i.e. ?55 at imetals dire to nodL. $2 formationj.

sediment before diagenetic remobilisation _I_.-_______

Mn (%) Ni (wm) Cu (wm) Zn (wm)

0.50 203 645 213

sediment after diagenetic remobilisation ~. ~__.__. 0.4E 195 639 212

From these figures, it becomes clear why the diagenetic depletion of metals in deep-sea sediments, which plays such an important role in the formation of manganese nodules, could not be detected in the past. An additional calculation was performed using 4 million years as the time of growth of manganese nodules (end of the hiatus, Stackelberg pers. comm.). A sediment column of 15.2 m is obtained (see b) containing 29.9 kg Mn, 1.22 kg Ni, 3.98 kg Cu, and 1.32 kg Zn (see a). Due to the supply of manganese nodules, the sediment would be depleted of 6.98% of its Mn content, 7.87% of its Ni content, 1.78% of its Cu content, and 0.74% of its Zn content (see c). The sediment before diagenetic remobilisation would then have the following chemical composition: 0.5 1% Mn, 210 ppm Ni, 650 ppm Cu, and 214 ppm Zn (d). Comparing these data with the results calculated for a period of 7 million years (Table 1), it can be seen that errors in this order of magnitude do not change our conclusions.

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