Material can replace agate for grinding

Material can replace agate for grinding

conlpsnents are fired at about ltO0 deg c to ei+ect caicination and although gee metrical shapes have been tried, the researchers now favOur free form...

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conlpsnents are fired at about ltO0 deg c to ei+ect caicination and although gee metrical shapes have been tried, the researchers now favOur free forms hI sizes rangiiig from 7 mm to 10 mm. The aggregats adheres well In a bitumen binder and will abrade rather than PO_ lish, which greatly extends its skid-r& s1sting life.

has designed continuous vacuum heat treating and sintering jyatems made up of modular components which are as sembled to perform particular heat trea ting functions. The furnace system consists of an atmosphere to vacuum n vestlbuie section folfotied by a heating chamber, and a combination ofi quench and final L va. cuum to atmosphere vestibule. For sin+ tering or brazing. the oif quench rn@ dule can be removed and a~ extended coolina chamber added. Furnace ooera tion iS completely automatic. ’ The new system can handle 60@1OOtJ pounds of parts per hour. Normal operatios temperatures ran99 uD to 3OOO F, but graphiie heating elements have temperature capabilities into the 5000 F range, Hayes claims. The system solves production bottlenecks associated with patch-type equip ment and conserves energy by eliminating the need for castfy atmosphere gases. Power savings result because p+ wer is on only during actual heat treating or sintering. Contact C. 1. Hayes Inc.. Crar!slon. Rhode Island for details. ??


FIERE GAINS STRENGTH FROM NEEDLE PROCESS A ceramic-flbre insuietlng material cailed Ourablanket. which has high tensile strength derived from a needling pr@ cess, has been developed by the Garb rundum Company for use up to 1260%. The blanket CDmphments the company’s existing range of Flberfrax H and L@ Con blankets and felts, and is suitable for hot-face linings and back-up insuia tion in kilns. Compared with these products tha new and ma,terlal, corltaining 50% alumina 50% silica. offers increased handling strength and flexibility. and is suitable for dlfficuit insulation jobs Involving lat. ae areas or confined spaces. as well as rot wrapping around shall radii. The hfanket IS produced In four standard thicknesses from 6.4 mm to 38 mm. Standard densities are 64. 96 and t28 kgjm’.


A primary china clay deposit at Berrien has been acquired by English China Clays, in association with existing producers there. and a subsidiary company, Kaolins du Finistere SA, has been formed to operate the deposit. Altko(mh the previous owners oroduced china clay fo; the paper indusiry from this deposit. ECC has decided. atier extsnsi;e drilling and sampling. that the clay is most suited for the ceramic maiket. sales will be initially to the French market, but it is anticipated that within a short space af time the product will be available in Italy. Switzerland. Germany and other countries.



A new material composed of 97 per cent ZrOl has been developed by the German concern Alfred Fritsch 8 Co. for grinding!wearing parts of analytical pulverisers and replaces the rare and kxpensive semiprecious s&eagate1 Compared with agate IWO,. of densitv 2.6 g/cm’1 end sititered corundum [A&O;, of density 3.7 g/cm,) zircon oxide has a higher density of 5.7 g/cm’ and thus generates higher impact energy. In gravity and centrifuqal milts. zircon oxide’s -abrasion is comparable to hard metal [WC-t CO). Grinding ves sels up to 500 ml v&me and grinding balls up to 50 mm diameter are made.

The Ceramic Colours Dlvision of Der;:i+ sa. Frankfurt am Main. has dlscan[intied production and sate of jewellery enam e/s. The decision to drop this tradltionai product tine was based upon decrea. sing demands from the industrial Sector. Here. iewellerv enamels have alreadbeen. &pacedby synthetic resin vainishes and lacquers. The demands from the bobby sect& are too small to justify the expenditure for equipment and personnef whichis connected with the todustrial production of the high-quality enamels. A further reason given was diff[cult problems in the pollution control sector Degussa does not intend to pass on its know-how in this fleid.


I Hayes

Inc., Crar!jton


PRESS Rhode Island

GLASS I)LSCS FORM INSUlAT1NG COLUMN IN NUCLEAR ACCELERATOR Over 10.000 borosilicate glass discs wiii long insube used to form a 31-meter lating column for the worid’s largest tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. An apparatus used to impart high veloclties to charged partic!es in nuclear structure research, the accelerator is


Corning Glass Works of Corning, N. Y., has established Corning Process Systems. a worldwide business group serving the process industries. The new organization includes the former chemi. Cal Systems Department of Cornina in the U. S., the process plant operatyons of Europe, and the worldwide marketins of all their products. The action follows the consolidation in early 1976 of Corning’s European suhsidiaries in this field: The Process Plant Division of Carnina Limited in the United Kingdom. E.t.GS. in France, UVF Glastechmk G.m.b.l-4. in West Germany. and OVF italiana S.p.A. in Italy, Headquarters of Corning Process 31, stems will be in the Paris offices of Richard W. McCann, who has been na. med general manager. Within the Corning stfuctufe, Corning Process Syst-m is part of Corning Science Products.


mlnum Corp., Llncotn Park; h$?iib:;~n, has been awarded a S 4 tnitllon Isosta. tic press order From Bendix Autolita Corp., to make aluminum oxide spark plug Insulators. Pentronix markets the Olin lsostatic pressing system. It wilt sell isostatic presses and insulators form grinding systems and related equip ment to Bendix. Bendix is converting to isostatic pressing and will invest about S 7 million to change over [ts production line at Fostoria, Ohlo,


127 - are factory They d Cor-

The accelerator will opt?r.?t? ai po:;ers up to 30 million volts. 3n.’ tile glass irlsuiatimy column that vail !;elp su;Ipoft



a d4wsion

Liverpool. The glass discs mm in diameter and 22 mm thick finished by the Stoke-o+Trcr;t of Corning Limited in England. are supplied in rough form from ning plant in the USA.




the sheet to produce d;s;: i;l,as itebc._ loped iointly by Corrr~; ; 3: 113n:,?:;!mry