501 George St, New BT”“*wtk. Jersey08903
Descriptto”. A” i”,erd,sci,,,,“ary dt~cusSlO” about Ihe P‘WXSS of parent lo Infantaflachme”,. The 1974 Rou”dTab,e cons,s,ed of three segmenls d,sc”sse, prob.
0~sofAttachment lems of falf”re-,o-thniie.
ph? sc,erosis. urogenital dlsordwr. renal t~~Wpla”ta,io” and dialysis, OS,OTQ pa-
dew m,s~e,laneo~s caegmes and descwions Of related seexua,,,y f,,ms. PSYcho/social/Dhvsfcal ci,a,,“r~s re”.
I” either foolnotes or the blbiiography One sho”,d note iha, there were ,KO lay m,dwi”es and no cer,if,ed nurse-m:dwves zmong the parbc:pan,s 3: me Conference
chiid abuse and
.T;> Pre and of Maternal Be.
Cost SZ~O/COPY Oiderx musi be wewd fv+ke check Payable lo: P,w”ed Parenthtrod Associa,,o” of Sacrame”,a *“allab,” from Planned Parenihood ASSOzIa,lO” of Saclamtn,o. 1507 21s, aree:. Y”@ 100. Sac,ame”,o. Caiifoi“ia.95814. A,,” Margaret KW,Of. Description. The pirrceed~ngs coma” ie,,mo,s of ,,q,ers w,,h b,bl;oga,,h,es. pane, prese”,a,lo”s anp ques,,or answer d,sc”ssio”s behvee” ,xr:,c.~a”:s and fxogram members. Conference conlen, m&d& develowwn! of ion,e,ence. “Male ,““okeme”,Probiem or Ps”.scea.” “Everything we’ve i\:way* Know”
me Premat”re Nursev, A surveyot Parental “rsmng and RsMed Pracbce.’ and “Mother-,“‘a”, Se~arabo” Delayed Consequences.
“egfec, as they affected ,,are”,s and t%?ir Infants With emphasis “” the asvqve mechanISmI resulting I” these ab”ar”la,~,les. 2) “The Process Of A,,ach”l*“r’ - rei.ewed parallels I” behavxxr patterns Of h”rw”5 an* J”i”& :md focused on wreri, ch,ld ~n!erac,io” aa a deYe,opme”,a, ‘orce The impor :ance Of the l”,er*C,l”“a, ,o,es of fathermo,he,.l”fa”, was s,ressed 3, “Prob. lema I” Attachment” - reviewed parent vwt,ng practice* in i”le”5iv.z care ““rsenes. and e”WhaS,zed ,he im~r iance 09 eariy con,ac, bewe?” mothers and lher ~r~ma,ures I” orde’ to esfab,lSh ear,” mo,hewnfa”, bcndlnn. Contents ,“c,ude “Fa,,ure To Thrive.‘’ “Silly Psychological ,“,ervOntio” for a Fa,lure-,o-Thnve ,“,a”,.” “R
Elder. l3L.w.
encea to studies which are no, nc!udsd
““fort”“ately, theppers arllld,SC”s. sons arenot
Wesented verbatim Mweyer. me summarlrea CO”,el, wses ,hO”gh*.prO”Oki”g issues about the many factors WhlCh can ,n,,uence parent-infant attachment and generates I”. “ovabve ideas “,h,ch easily can be ,mplemented lo help prevent the developme”, of altachme”, disorders ,k,c,“s,o” a, fhe fl!her in the papers and discus. *tons 15 a” addl,lo”a, Weng,h The b,bIlography CO”,al”s re,f?van, references In *rJme Of Ihe Cwers there are refer
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