B. MarineMeteorology
84:5985 McKeen, S.A., S.C. Liu and C.S. Kiang, 1984. On the chemistry of stratospheric SO2 from volcanic eruptions. J. geophys. Res., 89(D3):4873-4881. Several megatons of SO 2 and H2S were injected into the stratosphere by the 1982 E1 Chich6n eruption. The rate-limiting step in converting H2S to SO 2 and then to SO4 is thought to be SO 2 + OH ~ HOSO 2. If odd hydrogen is not subsequently regenerated, oneand two-dimensional models predict a chemical lifetime of )>100 days for volcanic SO 2. The actual chemical lifetime of SO 2 appears to be 3 ~ 4 0 days, 'which is consistent with HOSO2 conversion regenerating odd hydrogen.' Implications for atmospheric chemistry are discussed. N O A A R / E / A L 4 , 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colo. 80303, USA. (mjj)
84:5986 Thompson, A.M. and D.H. Lenschow, 1984. Mean profiles of trace reactive species in the unpolluted marine surface layer. J. geophys. Res., 89(D3): 4788-4796. A 'time--dependent transport-kinetics model with one-dimensional eddy diffusion' is used to examine the detailed chemistry of the bottom 100 m of the atmosphere. Typical species diurnal cycles are presented. 'The distribution of odd nitrogen and the NO2-NO-O 3 photostationary state' in the surface layer is examined particularly closely. The magnitude of oceanic NO upwelling and effects on the N O / H N O 3 ratio are discussed. NCAR, Boulder, Colo. 80307, USA. (mjj)
13320. P a r t i c u l a t e s
(dust. aerosols, etc.)
84:5987 Sen Gupta, R. and S.Z. Qasim, 1983. Measurement of aerosol particles along a section from 8°N latitude to Antarctica in the southwestern region of the Indian Ocean. In: Scientific Report of First Indian Expedition to Antarctica. Technical Publication No. 1; Department of Ocean Development, New Delhi, India; pp. 100-105. Aerosol particles gradually decreased from 65.3 _ ! .9 ttg/m 3 at 8°37"N latitude to 0 in Antarctica. Peaks were recorded at places where the air coming from other continents seemed to influence the atmosphere. The peak in the Antarctic Convergence Zone may be due to the flow of surface air from Antarctica toward the Equator; katabatic wind is
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probably the cause of another peak near the Antarctic continent. An inverse relation was found between wind speed and aerosol content, presumably due to 'scrubbing effect' and dispersion. Natl. Inst. of Oceanogr., Dona Paula, Goa 403 004, India.
B350. Pollution (see also C210-Chemical pollution, E300-Effects of pollution, F 2 5 0 W a s t e disposal)
84:5988 Andreae, M.O., T.W. Andreae, R.J. Ferek and H. Raemdonck, 1984. Long-range transport of soot carbon in the marine atmosphere. Sci. total Environment, 36:73-80. Atmospheric aerosols were collected over the Atlantic and Pacific and from some continental areas and were analyzed for soot C, total aerosol C, light elements, elements heavier than Na, and excess K. Significant amounts of soot C were observed occasionally over the remote Pacific and consistently over the remote tropical Atlantic. Soot C and total fine C concentrations decreased strongly with distance from land. Biomass burning in the tropics is suggested as a 'substantial' source of soot C for remote oceanic areas. This article was part of a special issue of The Science of the Total Environment entitled 'Carbonaceous particles in the atmosphere.' Dept. of Oceanogr., Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, Fla. 32306, USA. (ihz)
B450. Miscellaneous 84:5989 Gjessing, Yngvar, 1984. Marine and non-marine contribution to the chemical composition of snow at the Riiser-Larsenisen Ice Shelf in Antarctica. Atmos. Environ., 18(4):825-830. Distribution with depth of 7 different ions in snow profiles, 1, 60 and 120 km from the coast on the ice shelf, shows a close covariation between ions of marine origin and non-correlation between these ions and ions of presumably non-marine origin. Deposition rates of ions of marine origin vary as 50:1 over some 120 km distance from the coast. The SO 4 Na ratio in snow near the coast is lower than for bulk seawater indicating a loss of SO 4 in snow to the atmosphere by volatilization. Geophys. Inst., Univ. of Bergen, Norway.