Editorial Measurement of nasal mucosal blood flow
The responses of the nose to exogenous stimuli, such as pollens, dusts, viruses, cold air, or hot food, are limited to symptoms produced by the nasal mucosa. These include sneezing and itching, increase or decrease in nasal secretion, and nasal obstruction. ~Of these, the last is of considerable interest. Clinically, nasal obstruction is the most difficult of the symptoms to treat, not being amenable to conventional antihistamine therapy and may be the most bothersome to patients, as it impedes breathing, z Attempts have been made to quantify the degree of nasal obstruction, although it is well recognized that an objective measurement of airflow resistance may bear little relationship to subjective sensation of blockage)' 4 Techniques have included breathing onto a mirror, xerography, 5 optical measurements, 6 measurements of inspiratory or expiratory flow, 7 plethysmography, 8 computed tomography scanning, 9 and the flow/pressure measurements of rhinomanometry. ~o Despite advances in rhinomanometric techniques,~,. ~2 airflow resistance measurements do not yield physiologic information on the cause of the nasal obstruction. It has been generally accepted that increases in this obstruction are caused by transient engorgement of the capacitance sinasoids located deep in the nasal mucosa. ~~There is good reason to believe that this is an oversimplification. First, in chronic rhinitis with nasal obstruction, oral vasoconstrictors (primarily a-adrenergic agonists) are poorly effectiveJ 4 Second, visible decongestion has been observed in the absence of NMBF changes.* Third, cellular infiltration, such as occurs in the mast cellmediated "late-phase reaction" is believed to play a significant role in the nasal obstruction of chronic allergic rhinitis. '5' 16 Furthermore, increase in secretions, especially with crusting and synechiae bridging the narrow portions of the nasal cavity, contribute to
Fromthe Divisionof Allergyand Immunology,St. LouisUniversity School of Medicine, St. Louis, Mo. Reprint requests: HowardM. Druce, MD, Divisionof Allergyand Immunology.St. Louis UniversitySchool of Medicine, 1402 S. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63104. *Druce HM. Unpublished observations.
Abbreviations used
Laser-Doppler velocimetu' Nasal mucosal blood flow Nasal provocation challenge Xenon washout
an elevated nasal airway resistance, It is also plausible that changes in tissue edema contribute to increased volume of mucosal tissue.'7 For these reasons, attempts have been made to separate the components of nasal airway resistance and analyze them independently. Measurement of NMBF is not a new concept, and the literature is full of examples of studies, prompted by novel advances in technology. Initially, simple observations of mucosal color were followed by colorimetry. Various other techniques, such as thermal conductivity, have been applied? s" ~9In animals, invasive studies with radioactive microspheres z~ and vessel cannulation are feasible but are less applicable to human use. ~" Currently, three techniques are in active use for human measurements. These are radioactive X W ] ~ hydrogen clearance, 22 and LDV. > ~" The article by Holmberg et ai~, -'5 in this issue of the JOURNAL, describes a study in which the response of mucosal blood flow to topical NPC with antigen was measured by the XW technique. The data indicate a dose-dependent decrease in flow after bilateral nasal challenge with increasing doses of antigen. The highest dose of antigen produced a 2 3 ~ decrease in blood flow. Maximal changes occurred l0 to 20 minutes after challenge, followed by a gradual return to baseline. Challenge to one nostril also produced a decrease in blood flow in the contralaterat, unch~dlenged nasal cavity. These findings are intriguing in the light of other recent data. Bende et a156 also demonstrated a fall in NMBF after antigen challenge, as determined by XW. However, Juliusson and Bende 2"J demonstrated an increase in flow after antigen challenge, as measured 505
506 Druce
by LDV, and increases in blood flow after histamine challenge. Olanoff et al. z8also demonstrated increases in NMBF after histamine provocation, Why should such variations occur? First, the data suggest that, although histamine may be the major chemical mediator producing symptoms in the acute allergic reaction, it may not be the most significant agent producing vasoactive effects. Second, each method of measurement of NMBF carries its own methodologic limitations. For XW studies, the isotope has to be injected into the mucosa, z9 This is usually done with an 0.1 ml solution through a small gauge needle without anesthesia. Although the inferior turbinate mucosa is not especially sensitive, clearly, neural receptors are activated, and tissues are distended by the injected fluid. Indeed, blood vessels may be punctured, as Holmberg et al. 25 note. The numerical value of the data obtained depends on the partition coefficient of xenon between blood and mucosa. This factor has not been specifically verified for nasal tissue. In addition, this method involves introduction of allergens in the sitting position, but measurements are made with the subject supine. It has been welt described that changes in posture induce significant changes in nasal airway resistance, 3° and possibly also in NMBF. 3~ Hydrogen clearance measurements have been demonstrated to manifest variations similar to those obtained with XW. However, only one study that used this technique in the nose has been presented to date. 32 Antigen provocation challenge was delivered by antigen-soaked paper disks placed on the inferior turbinates. Blood flow was found to be reduced close to the area of contact of the disk but was increased in an area 10 mm distant. The technique of LDV (termed flowmetry in Europe) avoids the need for injection of the mucosa, since a recording probe is placed gently against the turbinate surface without need for pressure contact. 33 Continuous readings over time may be obtained, and in the application developed by the author, no changes in posture are involved from the time of antigen challenge to obtaining measurements. The validity of the data depends on an acceptance of the laser-Doppler theory. ~4The physical measurements obtained may be converted to units of milliliters per 100 gm of tissue per minute by a conversion factor?8 This factor has been computed for tissues with a density similar to that of nasal mucosa, but not directly on nasal tissue. Movement artifact is a potential problem when a lightemitting probe has to remain in contact with tissue for a period of up to 1 hour. Only one instrument has been used that addresses this problem by incorporating
a reference beam that records reflected light intensity. 33 Microcirculatory parameters other than flow can be measured. When high speed arteriovenous shunt or resistance vessels are predominant (eg, in a decongested nose), the flow is a significant limiting determinant of response. However, once the nose becomes congested, the volume of tissue occupied by blood is also an important factor. Of the three current methods, only LDV has the capability to measure blood volume. In addition, the continuous nature of LDV recording permits measurement of flow pulsatility. The latter is produced by a combination of spontaneous vasomotion in the tissue bed and systolic/diastolic variations. The significance of pulsatility measurements is as yet unclear, but it may have relevance in studies determining tissue perfusion. 35"38 Since the introduction of antigens induces significant mucosal edema, it is perhaps desirable that parameters other than flow rates be considered. Not only can mechanical effects reduce flow25 but also edema may lead to diversion of blood away from the more superficial mucosal areas that are being studied. Regardless of the method used, the intrinsic variability of NMBF cannot be escaped. Since the flow rate is designed to adapt to changes in ambient temperature and relative humidity, 39,40 this is hardly surprising. Thus, strict attention must be paid in keeping baseline conditions as stable as possible. Control data must be obtained for each subject, as well as response to diluents and vehicles. Superimposed on a large baseline variability2s is the error associated with the sensitivity of the system. Probe placement in a less vascular location and injection technique variations should be accounted for by control data. With the LDV system, repetitive challenges with saline led to an average 15% fall in mucosal blood flow; hence, it was considered that only changes in excess of this can be considered significant? 3 The maximal inherent "noise" in the XW and hydrogen systems has not been well described. Ideally, parallel studies should be performed to compare different measurement systems. Studies comparing nasal airway resistance and XW data have yielded a less than perfect correlation, as have comparisons between XW and LDVf" 42 However, since different parameters are being compared, this discrepancy is not surprising. Some comparative studies may not be feasible logistically, and limitations include the time required to develop proficiency in each technique and the funding required for equipment and training. Ideally, each method should be compared with a reference standard that would probably require
M e a s u r e m e n t of nasal m u c o s a ! bio,-~d ~iow
invasive instrumentation? 3'44 However, invasive techniques for blood flow measurement are not sensitive to purely mucosal flow. 4~ How important are blood flow measurements? Other than as an adjunct to monitoring antigen NPC, there are several potential applications. The human nasal mucosa is the only human mucous membrane mounted, as it were, on a rigid platform and thus amenable to a variety of quantitative procedures. It is thus a model for penetration not only of antigens but also of nonspecific pollutants and drugs. The latter, if they are receptor specific, can act as selective probes to study pathophysiologic mechanisms. For example, neurohormone analogs, such as methacholine (cholinergic) and phenylephrine (a-adrenergic), may be introduced with and without specific antagonists. 46' 47 Histamine challenge may mimic one arc of the acute allergic response and the specificity of the challenge verified by antihistamine blockade. 4s Neurophysiologic variations, such as the nasal cycle, 49 have not been verified by NMBF measurements. Clearly, measurements of NMBF are of great interest to the allergist and physiologist. No one method used to date can be described as clearly superior, and further refinements of technique and novel technologies can be expected. Research studies need to incorporate larger population sample sizes to address the problem of baseline variability. The data will have to be viewed with care until results reported by different laboratories are consistent. The technique is still far from being useful as a clinical tool. Finally, every investigator in this field should be prepared to address the methodologic limitations of each technique.
Howard M. Druce, MD Division of Allergy and Immunology St. Louis UniversiO, School of Medicine 1402 S. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63104 l thank Vernon Fischer, PhD, for his editorial suggestions, and Margaret Smith for typing the manuscript. REFERENCES
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