OLR (1985)32 (12)
F. GENERAL F10. Apparatus, methods, mathematics (multidisciplinary) 85:7326 Andrews, D.J., 1984. An automatic sample changer for gamma spectrometry [for monitoring radioactive waste discharge to aquatic environments]. Fish. Res. tech. Rept, Minist. Agric. Fish. Fd, Gt Br., 77:13pp. Fish. Res. Tech. Rep., MAFF Dir. Fish. Res., Lowestoft, UK. 85:7327 Anonymous, 1985. Product review. Computer applications. Nature, Lond., 315(6020) :613-616. About thirty new hardware and software products are briefly described from manufacturers' data sheets. All pertain to the 'automated laboratory.' Emphasis appears to be on constituent analyses, but many statistical, analytical and graphics software packages are included. (fcs) 85:7328 Codona, J.L., D.B. Creamer, S.M. Flatt~, R.G. Frehlich and F.S. Henyey, 1985. Average arrival time of wave pulses through continuous random media. Phys. Rev. Letts, 55(1):9-12. Center for Stud. of Nonlinear Dynamics, La Jolla Inst., La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. 85:7329 Parent du Chatelet, J., 1985. Measurement of the sea condition by a retrodiffusion ionospheric radar. Navigation, Paris, 33(130):165-172. (In French, English abstract.) Estab. d'Etudes et de Rech. Meteorol., 77, rue de Sevres, 92106 Boulogne Billancourt, France.
F40. Area studies, surveys (multidisciplinary) 85:7330 Bannink, B.A. et al., 1984. Lake Grevelingen: from an estuary to a saline lake; structure and functioning of an evolving marine ecosystem. Neth. J. Sea Res, 18(3-4):17%528; 18 papers. In the aftermath of an extreme storm that flooded The Netherlands in 1953, Grevelingen Estuary's connection to the rivers Rhine and Meuse was closed by an upstream dam (1964) and its connection to the North Sea closed by a downstream dam (1971).
Underwater sluices have now reopened the downstream (1978) and upstream (1983) dams permitting an artificial flow regime for Lake Grevelingen. These large-scale changes provided a unique research opportunity and since 1972 the evolution of this ecosystem has been studied by a number of groups. Gathered here are an interim series of integrated results from the Grevelingen project. The introduction describes the project's history and overviews the changing environment and biota. Seventeen other papers analyze organic matter cycling through examinations of phytoplankton productivity (carbon fixation, chlorophyll a)~ nutrient dynamics, sediment-water exchanges, meiofauna and macrofauna communities. Min. of Transport and Public Works, Environ. Div., Grenadierweg 31, 4330 AK Middleburg, Netherlands. (msg) 85:7331 Fabiano, M., P. Salemi Picone and N. Della Croce, 1983. Ecological aspects of Ligurian-Tuscan surface coastal waters. Memorie Soc. tosc. Sci. nat., (B)90:81-89. Mar. Environ. Sci. Inst., Univ. of Genoa, Italy. 85:7332 Folving, Sten, 1984. The Danish Wadden Sea: thematic mapping by means of remote sensing. Folia Geogr. Danica, 15(2):56 pp. Groundtruth and aircraft measurements of tidal flats correlated well only in a few cases. Reflection curves were common for a variety of sediment types. The most reliable maps were derived from multitemporal principal component analysis of Landsat images, which also correlated well with suspended sediments. (msg)
85:7333 Kobe Marine Observatory (oceanographical division), 1985. Marine environment of Suo-nada [Seto Inland Sea]: report of special observations in 1982-1983. Bull. Kobe mar. Obs., 204:23-37. (In Japanese, English abstract.) Kobe Mar. Observ., Kobe, Japan. 85:7334 Orlowski, Andrzej, 1984. Hydroacoustic investigations of the Kerguelen Islands area [fish distributions, bottom acoustic properties]. Pr. morsk. Inst. ryb. Gdyni, 19:101-109.