Mechanistic studies of furazoildone effects on a human intestinal cell line

Mechanistic studies of furazoildone effects on a human intestinal cell line

Colour Vlska’f Impairment In Wofkwa Efqowri 50TOIUN%O we examinedCDlD”, vis,m bv nl**ns 0‘ Lanthony-BIC, desat”,ation test inwogmwsof workers:a grwpo...

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Colour Vlska’f Impairment In Wofkwa Efqowri 50TOIUN%O

we examinedCDlD”, vis,m bv nl**ns 0‘ Lanthony-BIC, desat”,ation test inwogmwsof workers:a grwpof 33 wrkemer~-xedt~ mean levels of ambient Wluene of 155.00 ppm. and a non-ed group of 82 workers. The frequency of impaired colour vision was statist& caliv rignificandy higher m ihe workers expand to toluene in datw. to thr nonexposed$,rO”p,21,X 23,X?: chr square’ 14.6,: p 0.03,) Colotir DiscriminationScore (CDS1was also s~~ndicamlyhiiherin ,he exposed group in relation fo the control group imedran scow 7 39. pO.~MI).ln,hrrr~s~~gr~upCDSw~*~,ai~icallysynlhcamh/ Eovelated wth age fCOS = 0.937 + 0030, 1 x years: , = 0.445: p 0.05) and the concentrabon of ambient toluene in tie workshop (CDS = 1 ,347 + 0 OOl83 x amblent ,o,“e”e ,ppm,: I - 0.5835: p O.OW5L while no sbnificant mrrelation was found bewsen CDS and the level ot blood Iduene. hippunc acid oi orthocresolin urine. and the weekly cansurnptionof alcohol In ,he contml group CDS we* staristicaliysig nificantlvcorrelatedtilh acreICDS = 0.8511 + 0.073314 x years: r =

Risk Asansmmt of Emlfonfn@nt~l Factor@lmpncl Upm ttfe Fonnln~ al Clrcul~ry SymtmffPM?OIOOY U Yu.Zaykonkaya. UkramaeScrenblicCenm of !+gwre. Ukfeme AnthropogeniEenwronn+n,al factors play fast fiddle m terming of circuletcq sfetem (by ita muhifanorconditionaliN:. effects of their impact can diier significantly by degree of severity:from early preclinkat changes ot ,unctkma, state and up to chronic diseases. It was established. that. residence under condilrons of h&x levelsot EMF mises risk 01 on&a of functk?Mf devb31Mns in crrcufaf~~ sqsfem in 2.3 times and nsk of farmmg of a glwensystem’spalhofogy- in 2.5 times. Risk for pubkc health increasesCOnfideraMyby combned effect of amironmenlat factors. So. atbesides the higher #weIs of EMF tention intheresidsnce aresLehlghconcentrationsofca~bon bi5ulpbti m atmosphericair are registeredrisk oi card#ovascutardiseasesincreases. to 6.4 times. Priorityrole of separate factors and their combinabons in davefopmem of ckculato~ ewtem pathcipgy was estabtisbed. It wee revealedthat carbon bisulphae I” atmosphenc ak. EMF and UIbannoise impac, most signlcanlly on all stag& of forming of a given kind of patholow.

Ma’e guinea pigs were mtoxicatedby d large i-p. dose of ethaaof 17 5 g per 1 kg of the badyvvelgbt).At the timeintervals0 II. 4 h. 24 b. ad 48 h aher the application.the contsmsof thiibwixturalareact sub stances (TBARSI. L-asrxrbic sod (AA) and redwed gkdethmns (GSHI withlnthe kvermicrosomesandmitochondtiaandin wh4eliwrfissue were followed. In both fiw microsemesand mitocb~wJnaof Iha srperimentaf animaI5 there was a repld mcreaseIby 150% and 4XX resP.1in the eon tent of TEARS durmo 4 h aher the alcohol x&cation At the same


The Cacx+Pcell eetab!&hed in y&o modelof drtferentiatrnghu man enteiwz~es. has bsa, lned in order lo inm?stigatethe ?oxiccff&s 01 a fwd conlaminent.turamliine IFZI. an thelaqet organ. tbe intestine.

Apanlalhrevers~blecellgmw(hinhibition has beenobsewdfotlowinptheexposure,othsFZNdth4at(eainere~underanoxicmnditions. D,ha, data. concemk,~ Me etimulatian of .,yvgen conwmptvx, and the formation of covakmt, bonds with c&!&r macromolecules. suggestan activationof FZ. via maox e reaEIivemetab&ite. By ESR. tbeformatiinof eradicaleeion ~nintactceflsbesbeendemonsbatcd. maink refatedt~theP&l mduaa~~ectiwty Onh~sltghtdiierenceq have bee” found in thii nspsCt between urdifferent~atedand dI#e:entiatedcells. How?wr the fetterhave significantlyhigher antiox. #danIaclir,,ies (c~!z&e and Y,rdapeildant pwaxidaso) and 218 fess senswe to F2 These resuhs may expbk, ttw obreNad toxic effects and are m agreementtifh the mete&&m propanies of this cell Ime. Keywar&: eytotoxe~ty:radicalanion: intestinal cells; organ torlcity