Medical Appointments.

Medical Appointments.

232 Dr. G. C. Jonson and Sir Edwin Saunders presidents of the fund. were elected vice- THE SWINEY PRIZE.—The Joint Committee of the College of 1’h...

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232 Dr. G. C. Jonson and Sir Edwin Saunders presidents of the fund.


elected vice-

THE SWINEY PRIZE.—The Joint Committee of the

College of 1’hysicians

and the


of Arts have awarded

THE CARLYLE BEQUEST.—By the death of Mrs. this prize to Professor Sheldon Amos, M.A., for his work Tait, late of York-terrace, Regent’s-park, thefollo wing medical entitled "A Systematic View of the Science of Jurisprudence."


charities become entitled, under the above-named to the sums specified :-Royal Infirmary, Lunatic Asylum, and Lock Hospital, .62000; Royal Southern Hospital, .62000; Northern Hospital, .62000 ; North, South, and East Dispensaries, .62000 ; Infirmary for Children, £2000 ; Bootle

Borough Hospital, ElOOO; Consumption Hospital, .61000; Eye and Ear infirmary, £1000,—a11 of Liverpool. St. George’s Hospital, the Brompton Hospital for Consumption, and Sr. Mary’s Hospital, E2000 each. HUNTERIAN SOCIETY.—The following is the list of

office-bearers elected for the year :—President : Dr. Robert Fowler. Vice-Presidents : Dr. Galabin, Mr. Clement Lucas, Dr. Major Greenwood, Mr. W. C. Toulmin. Tr. asurer : Dr. Fotherhy. Trustees : Dr. Fotherby, Mr. D. De Berdt Hovel. L brarian : Dr. Burchell. Orator: Mr. James E. Adams. Secretaries : Dr. Herman, Mr. Charters J, Symonds. Council: Mr. M. Brownfield, Mr. F. M. Corner, Mr. E Duke", Mr. T. R. Fendick, Dr. E. G. Gilbert, Mr. P. Y. Gowlla,nd, Dr. Talbot King, Dr. Rasch, Mr. H. A. Reeves, Mr. W. Rivington, Mr. G. J. B. Stevens, Mr. R. G. Tatham.

which consists of a silver goblet of the value of to the same amount, is presented every fifth anniversary of Dr. Swiney’s death to the author of the best published work on Medical Jurisprudence. This is the eighth award of the prize. The


ElOO, and gold coin


Coutts’ Bank:-

THE following additional subscriptions have been received and paid to the account of the "Hind Fund" at illessrs.


may be

paid to Dr. Richardson, F.R.S., Manchester-square ; John Tweedy, Esq., F.R.C.S., 24, Harley-street, Hon. Treasurer; A. J. Pepper, Esq., F.R C.S., 122, Gower-street; and T. Wakley, jun., CORONERS’ SALARIES.—The Committee of Accounts Esq., L.R.C.P., 96, Redcliffe-gardens, Hon. Secretaries;or and General Parposeq, in their report presented at the meet- to Messrd. Coutts & Co., Strand. ing ot Middlesex magistrates last week, recommended the payment of the following coroners’ accounts :-Sir John Humphreys : salary, £551 18s. 8d,; disbursements, 301 inquiTHE ROGERS TESTIMONIAL. sitions..6483 15s. 6d. Dr. George Danford Thomas : salary, To the Editor of THE LANCET, £524 18s. 4d. ;disbursements, 248 inquisitiona, £508 8s. Dr. Diplock : salary, .6200; disbursements, 132 inquisitions, SIR.—May I again trouble you to insert the enclosed £253 17s. Mr. W. J. Payne : salary, £ 13 12s. 4d. ; di;,burselist in this week’s LANCET, and oblige, yours truly, ments, 7 inquisitions, E16 Is. 6d. Mr. C. St. Clare Bedford: J. WICKHAM BARNES. Poor-law Medical Officers’ Association, 3, Bolt-court, salary, £125 ; disbursements, 61 inquisitions, E132 8s. These Jan. 1884. (chairman), 25,


make a total of f2809 19s. 4d. the quarter ending Dec. 31st last. sums

The salaries






meeting of this institution was held on the 22nd ult. The thirty-second annual report, read by the secretary, stated that the children received into the infirmary during the past year numbered 904, against 730 in the previous year ; while, notwithstanding the very large totals in 1882 forout-patients and daily attendances, a further large increase had again to be recorded, the out-patients numbering 12,153, against 10,602 in 1882, and the dailv attendances amounting to 30,876, as against 29,464 in 1882. Space has been made available for ten more beds, which, however, are unoccupied for want of funds. The total income from all sources during 1883 was more than 1882, and also





be the order of proceedings at the inaugural meeting of this Association, which is to take place in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House to-day (Friday) :-The Lord Mayor will take the chair at 3 o’clock, and after a statement by Major Ross, M P., the chairman of the Provisional Committee. in explanation of the objects and scope of the proposed Society, resolutions will be submitted to the effect that it is desirable to establish, under the name of the Hospitals Association, an organisation for the consideration and discussion of matters connected with hospital management ; and that the preliminary arrangements connected with the establishment of the Association, including the appointment of the first council, be entrusted to the Provisional Committee.

X600 below that of the expenditure.

Fleet-street, London,


Cornwall, Esq., F.R.C.S., Fairford, Gloucestershire, jEl 1&; D. B. Balding, Esq., F.R.C.S., Royston, Herts, £11s. ; A. A. Jackson, Esq., Birmingham, fl11s ;W. Pea,rse,E-q, St. Tudye, Bodmin, £1 1s. ; M. Partridge, Esq., Coventry, lOs. 6d.; John Davies, Esq., 91, New North-road, 10s 6d,; F. Haward, Eiq., Halesworth, 10s.; Dr. J. Woodman, Exeter, 5s. THE BOWER AND KEATES CASE. THE EIGHTH AND FINAL LIST.


following have sent one guinea each :-

T.A. Carter, M. D. ; A. E. Cumberbatch, F.R.C.S.; G. Borlase Hicks, Esq.; J. Irving, M. B.;T. J. Maclagan, M.D. ; W. Pearse, Esq.; J. B, Story, M.B.; W. L. Underhill, F.R C S.



have sent half


guinea each :—

W. Curtis Hugman, F. R. C. S. ; G. Knapton, W. H. Latham, Esq. ; A. C. Tunstall, M.D.

Esq. ; C. Latham, Esq.;

following have sent ten shillings each :— Ives, Esq. ; R. J. Pye-Smith, F.R.C.S. The following have sent five shillings each :— W. Grant. M.B. ; B. Harvey, Esq. ; H. Hick, Esq. ; W. A. Maybury, The



M. F.

Ryan, Esq.



than E600 short of

Medical Appointments.

INFIRMARY.-At the annual

of the trustees of this institntion held on the 28th ult., it was stated that the building fund amounted to £82, 000, and that, though no definite arrangement had yet been made in reference to a site for the new building, the committee hoped that before another year had passed away some progress would be made. During the year 2489 persons were received into the infirmary, and 9282 out-patients were treated and relieved. The average number of patients in the house was 243. The receipts amounted to £12,048 3s. 4dand the expenditure to £12, 860 14s. 2d. , which shows a deficiency of £812 10s. 10d., and a considerable increase of debt-viz., .64544 9s. 4d. In conducting the Lock Hospital, .6891 Is. 7d. was expended, against E857 7s. lld.the number of cases treated was 590, the falling off being entirely in females ; but the average number of beds occupied was 37—only one less than last year.


Intimations for this column must be sent DIRECT to the Office THE LANCET before 9 o’clock on Thursday Morning at the latest.


APTHORP, F. W., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., has been appointed Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator for the Manhood District., Westhampnett Union, vice Thomas Dutton, M.D., JM.8., M.R.C.P.,


BOOTH, E. H., M.B.Lond. (of Guy’s Hospital), has been appointed House-Physician to the Seamen’s Hospital, Greenwich. CROCKER, J. HEDLEY, M.R.C.S, L.S.A.Lond., has been appointed House-Surgeon to Charing-cross Hospital. DODSON, ARrHUR E., L.R.C.P.Ed., L.S.A Lond., has been appointed House-Physician to Charing-cross Hospital. FELIX, EDWARD L., L.S.A.Lond., has been appointed Resident Obstetric Officer to

haring-cross Hospital.


233 GAMSEE, ARTHUR, M.D., F.R S., has been appointed Physician to the Manchester Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the

Medical Diary for the ensuing Week.


has been apMedical Officer for the Yoxall District of the Lichfleld



M.R C.S.,

L S A.Lond.,

Monday, Feb. 4.


ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. MOORHFIELDS.—Operations, 10 A.M. each day, and at the same hour. ROYAL WESTMINSTER OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL.—Operations, 1½P.M. each day, and at the same hour. METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL.-Operations, 2 P.M. ROYAL ORTHOPÆDIC HOSPITAL.—Operations, 2 P.M ST. MARK’S HOSPITAL.-Operations, 2 P. M. on Tuesday, 9 A.M HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN, SOHO-SQUARE.—Operations, 2 P.M., and 00 Thursday at the same hour. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND.-4 P.M. Professor Parker, "On Mimmalian Dascerit." ROYAL INSTITUTION.-5 P.M. General Monthly Meeting. ODONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN.-8 P.M. Casual Communication hy Mr. G. W. Parkinson, Mr. Frederick Canton, and Dr. W. St. George E11iott.—The President (Mr. J. S. Turner) will read his Introductory Address. MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.-Third and last Lettsomian Lecture : Mr. R. Brudenell Carter, " On Modern Operations for Cataract."

HOWARD, W., L.RCP.E-1., M.R.C.S., has been appointed Medical Officer for the South Welney District of the Downham Union. HUDSON, C. LEOPOLD, LR.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.S.A.Lond.. has been appointed Resident Physician’s Assistant to the Middlesex

Hospital. HUSSEY, R. LEE, L.S.A.Lond., has been appointed House-Physician to Charing-cross Hospital. JAGO, EDWIN OSBORNE, M.R.C.S., L.S.A Lond., has been appointed Medical Officer for the Cadishead District of the Barton-uponIrwell Union.

KING, ARTHUR, M.B., C.M.Ed., has been appointed Medical Officer for the Aspley Guise District of the Woburn Union. LUCAS, ARTHUR, M R C S., L.S A.Lond., has been appointed Medical Officer to the Workhouse, Woburn Union. MACDOWELL, CHARLES WILLIAM, M.D.T.C.D., F,R C.S.L, has been

appointed Hospital.

Medical Officer to the Carlow Workhouse and Fever

Tuesday, Feb. 5. HOSPITAL.-Operations, 1½ P.M., and on Frirlay at the Bame hour. Ophthalmic Operations on Mondays at 1.30 P.M., and Thursdays at

MEEHAN, NICHOLAS J., L.R.C.P.Ed., L.R.C.S.I., has been appointed Medical Officer to the New Ross Umon


Dispensary, vice Mullin,

2 P. M. deceased. HOSPITAL.-Operations, 2 P.M. MOLONY, FITZJAMES, L.’K.Q.C.P.I.. L.R.C.S.I, has been ap- WESTMINSTER pointed Medical Officer for the Porlock District of the Williton WEST LONDON HOSPITAL.-Operations. 2.30 P.M. ’


MOLYNEUX, J. FRANCIS, M.R.C.S., F.R C P.Ed., has been appointed

House-Surgeon to Charing-cross Hospital. WHITE, WILLIAM ROBERT, M.D,CM.Aber., MR.C.S., has been

appointed YIedical Officer for the Wadhurst District of the Ticehurst Union.

Births, Marriages,



MEDICO-PSYCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION.—3 30 P.M. Council Meeting.4 r.M. Dr. Savage, "On Constant Watching of Suicidal Cases."Dr. Gasquet, "On some of the Mental Symptoms of Ordinary Brain Disease."-Dr. Herbert Major, "On the results of the Collective Record of the Causation of Insanity." ROYAL INSTITUTION.-3 P.M. Professor Geikie, " On Scenery of the British Isles." PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.-The following specimens will be shown :—Sporadic Cret’nism ; Fœta1 Rickets (? Cretinism) ; Epithelioma of Foot after Injury ; Fibroid Disease of the Heart; Carcinoma of the (Esophagus ; Growth from the Bladder; Calculus impacted in a Sac in the Btadder ; Interstitial Disease of the Ovary; spinal Cord of Infantile Paralysis ; Malignant Disease of the Mesentery ; Pigmentary Dsease of the Tongue (living specimen).


Wednesday, Feb. 6.

BATCHELOR.—On Nov. 30th, 1883, at Venterstad, South Africa, the wife of Dr. George A. Batchelor, of a son. BROWNRIGG -On the 25th ult., at Hill-house, Gravesend, the wife of J.

Annesley Brownrigg, M.A., M.D.,




CORFIELD.—On the 27th ult., at Bolton,row, Mayfair, the wife of Professor Corfiald, M.A., M.D.Oxon., of a son. MILLER.—On the 24th ult., at Horwoods, Basingstoke, the wife of F, D. Miller, L.R.C.P.Lond. &c., of a daughter. WHITMORE.—On the 27th ult., at Ovington-gardens, the wife of William Beach Whitmore, M.B., of a daughter.


HOSPITAL.-Operations, 10 A.M. MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL.-Operations, 1 P.M. ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S HOSPITAL.-Operations. 1½ P.M., and on Saturday at the same hour.-Ophthalmic Operations on Tuesdays and Thurs. days, at 1.30 P,.14. ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL.—Operations, 1½ P.M. -Skin Department : 9.30 A.M., on Tuesdays and Fridays. ST. THOMAS’S HOSPITAL.—Operations), 1½ P.M., and on Saturday at the same hour. LONDON HOSPITAL.-Operations, 2 P.M., and on Thursday and Saturday at the same hour. GREAT NORTHERN HOSPITAL.-Operations, 2 P.M. SAMARITAN FREE HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN.—Operation, 2½

MARRIAGES. DELÉPINE—ROSE.—On the 23rd ult., at St. John the Evangelist’s, Westminster, by the Rev. Canon Furse, Dr. Sheridan Delepine, eldest son of Monsieur A. Delépine, of Versailles, France, to Florence, eldest daughter of Frederick Rose, of Pdge-street,

Westminster. DUKE-PARR.-On the 23rd ult., at Seibirne, Hants, Saraeon-Major Duke, Royal Military College, Sandhurst. to Frances Elizabeth, third daughter of Harington W. Parr, Esq , Governor of Lancaster Castle, and formerly of H.M. Colonial Service. HALEY— CARLIN.—On the 17th ult., at St. Michael and All Angels’, Kensington, London, W., by the RAV. Edward Ker Gre?. LL.D , Vicar, William Henry Haley, L R C.P., L.R.C S.E , of Wakefield, Yorkshire, to Alice Jane, fifth daughter of thelate Matthew Carlin, of Keyingham, Holderness. MORTIMER—DAVEY.—On the 23rd ult., at St. Mary’s Church, Walmer, Fleet-Surgeon Edward Townsend Mortimer, Principal Medical Officer Roya1 Marine Depôt, Walmer, to Ethel Margaret, second daughter of R. Staines Davey, M.D., J.P., of Hill House, Walmer, Kent. PENNY—FRIPP.—On ths 22nd ult., at St. Stephen’s Church, Hampstead, Edward Penny, M.D., of Pmxton. Derbvshire, to Annie Dalton, elder daughter of Alfred Downing Fripp, Esq., R.W.S.

DEATHS. FOOTE.—On the 24th ult., at Kington, Herefordshire, Gustavus Foote, M.R.C.S., aged 59. HARLEY.—On the 27th ult., at his residence, The Lawn, Haverstockhi11, Thomas Harley, M.R.C.S., aged 65. POCOCK —A.t Mackay, Brisbane, from congestion of the Innga, after a short illness, Edward William Pocock, M.R.C.S., aged 38. SINCLAIR,—On the 23rd ult., at Elv, Cambridgeshire, George Murray Smclair, L.R.C.P.Ed., L.R.C S.Ed , aged 44. WOOD.—On the 28th ult., at Enniskillen, after an illness of only a few hours, Surgeon-Major Tiiomas Wood, Army Medical Department.


N.B.-...4.ju of 5s. fB charged for the insertion of Notim of Births, Marriagea, and Deaths.


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL.—Operations, 2 P.M., and on Saturday at the same hour.—Skin Department: 1.45 P.M., and on Saturday at 9.16 A M. COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND,-4 P.M. Professor Parker, "On Mammahan Descent." OBSTETRICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON,-8 P.M. Dr. Matthews Duncan will show Dr. Auvarci’s Rest.—Specimens will be shown by Dr. Galabin and Dr. Horrocks.—Mr. Alban Doran, "On the Relation of Prolapse of the Vagina to Hernia, illustrated by two Pdigrees."—Annual Meeting: Tna President (Dr. Gdrvis) will dellver the AnDUil Address.


Thursday, Feb. 7. ST. GEORGE’S HOSPITAL.-Operations, 1 P.M ST. BARTHOLOMEWS HOSPITAL.-1 P.M. Surgical Consultations. CHARING-CROSS HOSPITAL.—Operations, 2 P.M. CENTRAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL—Operations, 2 P.M., and on Friday at the same hour. NORTH-WEST LONDON HOSPITAL.—Operatins. 2 P.M. HARVEIAN SOCIETY.-8.30 P.M. Mr. Edmund Owen, "On a Case of SubPeriosteal Hæmorrhage in a Child suffering from Scurvy (Acuta Rickets)."-Mr. Noble Smith, " On Deformities of the Fingers and Toes." ROYAL INSTITUTION.-3 P.M. Professor Pauer, "On Music for the Pianoforte," &c.

Friday, Feb. 8. ST. GEORGE’S HOSPITAL.-Ophthalmic Operations, li P.M. ST. THOMAS’S HOSPITAL.—Ophthalmic Operations. 2 P.M. ROYAL SOUTH LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL.-Operations, 2 P.M. KING’S COLLEGE HOSPITAL—Operations. 2 P.M. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND.-4 P.M. Professor Parker, "On Mammalian Descent." ROYAL INSTITUTION.—8 P.M. Mr. G. J. Romanes, "On the Darwinian Theory of Instinct." CLINICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.-Mr. A. Pearce Gould, " On Obliterative Arteritis accompanied by Gangrene."-Dr. Ha.dden, " On Obliterative Arteritis ending in Recovery."-Dr. Burney Yeo, "On Primary Syphilis, with Acute Pyrexia."-Dr. Mansel Moullin, " On Thrombosis of the Vena Cava."-Living Specimens : Keloid on Chest, Dr. RidctiSe Crocker; Acne Varioliformis, Dr. Stephen Mackenzie.

Saturday, Feb. 9. KING’S COLLEGE HOSPITAL.-Operations, 1 P.M. ROYAL FREE HOSPITAT. -Operations, 2 P.M. ROYAL INSTITUTION.-3 P.M. Professor Morley, "On Life and Litera. ture under Charles I."