This book is a transIation from the second German edition, with the object of assisting the practical radioIogist to estimate dosages without the necessity of tong physica measurements and repeated caIcuIation. It is, of course, devoted entireIy to the estimation of physicaI quantities. The author expIains that whatever stress is Iaid upon bioIogica1 factors, it must always be remembered that the bioIogica1 effect of x-rays can onIy be ascertained quantitativeIy by means of physica constants. A CENTURY WITH NORFOLK NAVAL HOSPITAL, 183o-1930. A story of the oIdest NavaI HospitaI, the MedicaI Department of the Navy, and the progress of Medicine through the past one hundred years. By Richard C. HoIcomb, M.D., F.A.C.S. 543 pp., 42 iIIus., Portsmouth, Printcraft PubIishing Co., 1930. Combined with the story of the oIdest NavaI HospitaI in the country, Dr. Holcomb has succeeded in giving us a spIendid story of the rise and development of the MedicaI Department of the Navy. Having spent four years in charge of this HospitaI, the author had access to the officia1 records and his story is we11 documented. This work, which is a distinct contribution to the medica history of the United States, wiI1 be found fascinating, as we11 as instructive reading. As the author points out, “the story is inseparabIe from the chronicIe of progress made in the medica sciences, which actuates the deveIopment of ah hospitaIs, and being a NavaI HospitaI it is sensitive to those poIitica1 and economic influences which have tended to deveIop the Navy.” For this very reason, there are many interesting sideIights on the history of our country. The iIIustrations are we11 chosen and the work is printed on a tinted paper, making a book that, besides its interest as a scientific and historica production, is a distinct typographica addition to any Iibrary. PRIMER ON FRACTURES. Prepared by the Cooperative Committee on Fractures under Auspices of Section on Surgery, Genera1 and AbdominaI, and Section on Orthopedic Surgery in cooperation with Department of Scientific Exhibit of the American MedicaI Association. 55 pp., 111~s. Chicago, American MedicaI Association, 1930.
of Surgery
This book is made up of the foIders prepared by the Cooperative Committee on Fractures for the demonstration of proper handIing of fracture cases presented at the annua1 Scientific Exhibits of the American MedicaI Association since 1927. The Committee emphasizes the fact that “the purpose of the Primer is not to standardize treatment of fractures; it is to suggest what, in the opinion of the Cooperative Committee on Fractures, constitute acceptabIe methods of treatment.” The iIIustrations consist of drawings of the actua1 Exhibits. This IittIe work may be accepted as an authoritative statement of the best modern treatment for the handIing of fractures. MEDICAL ART CALENDAR FOR THE YEAR J. 28 PP., 27 iIIus. The Hague, Kruseman, 1930.
1931. PhiIip
No more desirabIe caIendar for the physician’s office can be imagined than this one of twenty-eight pages, each with a spIendid reproduction of an oId portrait, titIe-page or other item of interest in medica history. So we11 are these iIIustrations reproduced that they may we11 be kept to form an aIbum. It wiI1 be a credit to any library on medica history. The enterprise of the Dutch pubhsher in issuing this work with EngIish, as we11 as with Dutch text, is to be commended. It is to be hoped that some enterprising American pubIisher wiI1 provide us some day with a simiIar caIendar. DIE XRZTE. Wiens. FeIIner. A&age. zenberg,
THERAPIE DER WIENER SPEZIALBearbeitet von den Fachgrzten Herausgegeben von Dr. Otfried 0. Dritte, vermehrte und verbesserte 678 pp. BerIin, Urban & Schwar1930,
p This practica1 IittIe book is of the oIdfashioned type for practica1 quick reference. Since it is aIphabeticaIIy arranged, one may quickIy turn to it when in a quandary and in a few Iines, or at most a page or so, obtain a short description of the most modern methods of treatment, at Ieast, as carried out in Vienna. Each articIe is signed by a recognized authority. It shouId be kept on the office desk. The amount of materia1 incIuded in the Iess than 700 pages is reaIIy astounding. The pubIishers are to be congratuIated on the fact that the type is Iarge and distinct and that they have