597 So much for the advertisement not appearing in THE together for a common purpose, I assure you a sentiment of LANCET. grave mistrust overpowers ev...

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597 So much for the advertisement not appearing in THE together for a common purpose, I assure you a sentiment of LANCET. grave mistrust overpowers every other feeling. Circular letters of invitation were also sent to all the I have a presentiment that the college will be too restrictive in the liberality of their amended charter, and the In- leading medical reformers who represented public bodies, as stitute too ready to take advantage, again to raise a cry for a well as to many individuals who had interested themselves in the question of medical reform. new incorporation. If my information is correct, something of the sort has By these means, and in consideration of the objects for already been concocted at the meeting of the Institute, or the which the Conference was convened, a very numerous and influential meeting was obtained; and from the general good so-called conference, held on Tuesday, the 20th inst. I understand that the following series of propositions were feeling that prevailed, differences amongst reformers-which .introduced:your accomplished manufacturer of leaders and letters has represented as extreme and irreconcilable, and [They are printed at the end of Mr. BOTTOMLEY’S paper, at studiously which, in his truthful and elegant compositions, he has striven page 583.] to foment and aggravate-were discovered to be more imagiThese resolutions passed within the walls of the National than real; and it was proved, in the most satisfactory nary Institute! Credat Judceus. that the medical profession was far more of one Now, presuming a new institution imperative, no fault can manner, be found with the tenour of these snggestions, and they ema- mind, and possessed much more of true gentlemanly feeling forbearance, than could have been supposed to exist, nate from a highly talented and estimable surgeon; but the when so much paper and print had been expended to make it great error is hereagain repeated, that was so untowardly otherwise.-I have the honour to remain, Sir, your committed by the National Association: instead of the whole GEORGE ROSS. weight and influence of the profession being directed to obtain a charter for the College of Surgeons, suited to the wants of the profession; instead of a united and strenuous effort to urge Government to grant nothing less than what is due to us; a News. deputation is to try its "still small voice" in asking if the Colwill if off a new we at a for consent, and, not, go tangent lege ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.—The following gentlemen incorporation. Had the conference contented themselves with’ the first having undergone the necessary examinations for the diploma three resolutions, they would have carried all parties with them, were admitted members of the college at the meeting of the and success might have crowned their efforts; or, had they Court of Examiners on the 16th ult. :ANDERSON, JoHN, Old Kent-road. failed, there was time enough to determine upon what should EGAN, EDWARD, Dublin. follow, when the trial had been made. Some allowance is PITT, EDWARD GALLEDGE, Brunswick-place, City-road. certainly due to those gentlemen who attended from a disREADE, HERBERT TAYLOR, Quebec. tance, in the consideration, that they had no alternative but to act at once-no time to spare for delay; but not so the SHEPHERD, JAMES, Northallerton, Yorkshire. National Institute: with singular craftiness they have called TENNANT, WILLIAM JOHN, Dublin. TODD, ARMSTRONG, Dublin. together this conference; have placed the delegates in a false WRIGHT, THOMAS PETTIT, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire. position ; have sent the deputation, as a forlorn hope, to storm the College of Surgeons; and have hurried them forward in WEBSTER, BENJAMIN, Morley-lodge, near Leeds. all haste, lest the council of the College should mature an Friday, Nove7nber 23rd. amended charter, and render their proceedings nugatory: by FRANKLIN GEORGE, Cardiff, Glamorganshire. EVANS, are to be that the into the this, belief, profession cajoled every NEWHAM, JAMES, Lynn Regis, Norfolk. effort has been made, and made in vain, to bring the College to PARKER, HENRY, Sheffield. reason; and no doubt the announcement of the new incorpoWILLIAM ROBERT, Hackney. STEWART, new with renovated and under ration, auspices, dignity, royal HENRY HERVE, Army. WooLHOusE, will be coeval with the issuing of the new supplecolours, WEEKES, JoHN, Tavistock, Devon. mental charter. ’WHITLOW, SAMUEL, Lower Whitley, Cheshire. What a blessing these corporate bodies havebeen to us, NAVAL SURGEONS.—At the meeting of the Court of Examiners -has been so abundantly illustrated in the first half of the nineteenth century, that it would be matter of profound regret if of the Royal College of Surgeons, on the 23rd ult, Mr. HENRY the dawn of the second half of the century should not see the LONEY passed his examination for naval surgeon. This gentlehad previously been admitted a member of the college, impersonation of a new college: and much will the council of man the College of Surgeons have to answer for, if, by not consenting his diploma bearing date May 29,1846. APOTHECARIES’ HALL. - Names of gentlemen who passed to proposals made to them, they render that "imperative" which would " tend to the degradation of the mass of the pro- their examination in the science and practice of medicine, and received certificates to practise, on fession." Thursday, Nov. 22nd, 1849. Pray, therefore, Mr. Editor, exert your influence with the council to prevent such a catastrophe. BROWN, WILLIAM SPEKCE, Strood, Kent. I am Sir, your obedient servant, MORGAN, FORTESCUE JoHN, Henley-on-Thames. TIMEO DANAOS. RIGBY, JAMES, Stockport, Cheshire.





MEDICAL CONFERENCE MEETING. To the Editor of THE LANCET. SIR,—As you have done me the honour to mention my name in connexion with the proceedings ot the " Conference Meetheld at the Hanover-square Rooms, on Tuesday, the 20th Nov. inst., it may be agreeable to you to hear a few particulars respecting the convening of that Conference Meeting, although you may not probably deem it expedient to give your readers the benefit of my communication. You may do as you like, however, in this matter, for I may probably enlighten them myself through some other channel less likely to miscarry. The meeting of the 20th inst. was convened by public advertisement, and also by private circular. The advertisement appeared twice in the Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal, twice in the Medical Gazette, and twice in the Medical Times: they had therefore been before the public, previous to the meeting, for three weeks at the least. The advertisement was not sent to THE LANCET, it being considered unnecessary to do so, owing to a very general opinion prevailing, that it would be of little use, and that it would hardly be worth the cost of insertion; for the other journals being almost universally read by the profession, it would look very like throwing the money away.


STARK, JAMES MOZLEY, Gainsborough. VEITCH, JAMES WILLIAM HENRY, Portsmouth. APPOINTMENT OF SURGEON TO THE QUEEN’S PRISON.—We have much pleasure in stating, that the Secretary of State has appointed Mr. R. L. HOOPER, of London-road, Southwark, to be surgeon to the Queen’s Prison, vacant by the lamented death of Mr. Thomas Morton, notwithstanding the great interest made by numerous candidates of high professional reputation. This must be considered an act of justice rendered to a gentleman who has performed nearly all the medical duties of the prison for the last twenty years, and, at the same time, reflects much credit upon Sir George Grey for

his impartiality and discrimination. The office of assistantsurgeon to the prison (held so long by Mr. Hooper) has been abolished. THE COOPER TESTIMONIAL.—It gives us great pleasure to state that Colonel Wood, M.P., has presented £5 to the fund now raising, for the purpose of erecting a monument to the genius of the late Professor Cooper; and has, moreover, consented to preside at a public meeting to be held at the Thatchedhouse, St. James’s, on the 12th instant. CHLOROFORM SUCCESSFULLY USED DURING AMPUTATION ABOVE THE




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