872 personal friend of the chief members of the Council of the College of Surgeons, and the head Fellows of the College of Physicians, and I tell the...

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personal friend of the chief members of the Council of the College of Surgeons, and the head Fellows of the College of Physicians, and I tell the members of the medical pro(From a Correspondent. fession throughout the kingdom, as the reIT is proposed to establish a UNITED SER- sult of most ample opportunities for knowVICE MEDICAL CLUB, to include the officers ing the fact, that Polignac has more chance of the East India Company’s service. It is of restoring Carlism in France, than has the not intended to seek patrons and vice-pa- profession of reforming the present abuses tons, as it is presumed the medical officers of the medical constitution without a reform UNITED SERVICE MEDICAL


of the three services possess talent and integrity enough within themselves, without high.sounding’names, to establish and conduct their own institution. The most eminent men in the three services to be chosen as directors, a library and museum to be furnished by donations-Gratuitous lectures on scientific subjects connected with the

in Parliament. To the profession, then, who are in every house, and can obtain the attention of every ear; who may advise, persuade, and influence without offence beyond all other men; whose opinions are looked up to with the highest respect, and whose wishes are so often commands ; who acutely know the nemedical profession by competent members, cessity for reform in the constitution of their who shall volunteer their services-An own body, and who can so eloquently point economical hotel on the principle of the out the importance of it to the dearest inteexisting service clubs, established in a cen- rests of every family ; who have peculiar tral part of the metropolis, and connected opportunities to steady the wavering and with the institution. Officers of either ser- fix the uncertain; to them I turn for their vice approving, will please to signify their best aid in the cause of political reform. Is there not some cause for the appeal assent, with a view to a general meeting, to Charles Maybery, Esq., Surgeon, R.N., I have thus, as an honest man, thought to the profession’! I Sycamore Cottage, Little Chelsea, London, it my secretary pro temp.;to Thomas Wakley, could acquaint you with not a few proofs, Esq., Editor of THE LANCET, or the pro- that the statement I have above recorded, poser, John Gooch, Surgeon, H.M.S. Prince is terribly true, but they would be useless Regent, Sheerness. All letters to be post- unless published, and if published would age paid. betray my own name with a result which it March 21. 1M1. must be my business to avoid. Let it be sufficient that the members of the profession have had warning. Before I close my letter-the first (though well acquainted, Sir, with your person, a MEDICAL DEPENDENT ON warm friend to your efforts, and one who is POLITICAL REFORM. intimately acquainted with the state of medical politics),-the first which I have To tlae Editor of THE LANCET. written to your journal, I shall, without fear SIR,—There is no class of men in the of betrayal in one respect, make you acwhole empire who ought to feel more deeply quainted with the following fact Let the interested in the success of the new measure profession ponder on it, though it is not of Parliamentary Reform than the medical directly connected with my subject. A proposal was made a very short time profession. Its members are politically interested in common with the other members back in the Council of the College, that no of the state, and are vitally interested in it man should be permitted to give " recognion surgical individually as the only means of obtaining sable" certificates of attendance a regeneration of the medical profession. lectures, who was not a " hospital surgeon." Let me then exhort them in the most se- The proposer was Sir WILLIAM BLIZARD. rious and urgent terms to become warm par- The motion was within an ace of being tisans of parliamentary reform. I speak carried. this with especial reference to the fully-exI am your very obedient servant, pected dissolution of parliament, when the N. V. best exertions of every friend of science will London, March 24. be required to aid the people of England, who, without the ballot, will be pitched against the boroughmongers with their infinite means of over-awing and over.inTO CORRESPONDENTS. fluencinn the electors of Great Britain. 1 am in constant intercourse with men who either are now, or have been, high in A Pupil of St. George’s favour us with Lis Will official stations in this country, and I am the name and address confidentially?

duty to make

