1055 THE CORPORATION OF GLASGOW AND INFANTILE MORTALITY. a sour odour and with these questions are-first, the "gouttes de lait" or of curd-like mate...

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a sour odour and with these questions are-first, the "gouttes de lait" or of curd-like material. In the posterior medias- infants’ milk dep6ts ; and, secondly, the " consultade nourrissons," a dispensary system which comtinum two centimetres above the diaphragm was an in two centimetres diameter which laceration prises medical supervision of the infant and in some irregular left and into the from which cases a supply of sterilised or specially prepared milk. pleural cavity opened A Both systems apparently answer very well in France. The exuded material similar to that in the latter. probe passed through the laceration into the oesophagus. Congress agreed that it was desirable (1) that local In con- authorities should take all measures in their power to There were three fractures of the pelvis. sequence of its protected position in the posterior medias- impress upon mothers the greatly increased liability to tinum rupture of the cesophagus from external injury is disease to which artificially nourished infants are exposed ; very rare. In the literature of injuries of the cesophagus (2) that " gouttes de lait " should be established as widely Dr. Lomax could find only one undoubted case; it is as possible under medical supervision and with the enrecorded by Raiimondi and presents many points of couragement of the local authorities ; and (3) that resemblance to the case reported above. A man was caught rigorous legislation should be instituted for the superbetween the buffers of a locomotive and a railway carriage. vision of milk destined for the food of infants. "So Cyanosis, emphysema of the suprasternal and supra- greatly impressed," continues the Glasgow report, "were clavicular fossae, and right pneumothorax followed. The the English members of the Congress" with the contrast emphysema extended to the inguinal regions and death between the enthusiasm in France and the apathy in occurred. The necropsy showed rupture of the oesophagus, their country with regard to the questions of the birthright pleura, and right lung, and extravasation of the rate and the mortality of infants "that they unanimously contents of the stomach into the pleural cavity. signed and presented a short memorial to the members of the corporations of Huddersfield and Glasgow present at the Congress urging them to tatesuch steps as they MEDICAL EXCURSIONS FOR STUDENTS OF MEDICINE. thought necessary in order to promclie a British conference This advice on the whole question at an early date." IN THE LANCET of Feb. 17th we gave some details with been and the which we acted conference believe, upon regard to the excursions for students of medicine in France has, is to take pBace in London in the suumer of this year may which have been organised by M. Etienne Bazot. As it is be expected to lead to some very useful results. intended that the forthcoming excursion shall start on April 18th we repeat the chief points. After leaving Calais the excursion will arrive at Lille about 1 P.M. on April 19th. THE NEW UNIVERSITY COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL, LONDON. A visit will be paid to the hospital and the Institut Pasteur. Thence the excursion will go to Paris where it will THE new University College Hospital which has been built arrive about half-past five in the afternoon. Members of the by the munificence of the late Sir Blundell Maple is, we excursion will be met at the station by a delegation of the understand, now complete. The general medical and board of administrators of the Excursions Medicales Intersurgical waiting halls, the medical, surgical, skin, ophnationales and also by a delegation of the Medical Students’ thalmic, and dental examining rooms, the ophthalmic and Society. In the evening there will be a dinner and skin waiting rooms, the fully equipped electro-therapeutic reception. On April 20th various places of interest in the department, and the main entrance in Gower-street were city will be visited and a similar programme will be gone the last to be finished. It is expected that an official through on the 21st and 22nd. Leaving Paris on the opening will take place shortly. The new medical school night of the 22nd Angers will be reached on the 23rd buildings provided by the generosity of Sir Donald and the excursion will be, as we mentioned in THE LANCET Currie have been begun and progress is rapidly being of March 24th, received by M. Monprofit. In the afternoon made with them on the commodious site in Universitythe excursion will go to Nantes where the Institut Pasteur street. In these buildings there will be accommodation will be inspected. Rennes will be visited on April 25th for adequately teaching all the subjects required during where the excursion will be received by the University the last three years of a medical student’s career. Ample students. The remainder of the itinerary will be taken up will be made for research work in all subjects also provision by a visit to St. Malo, Mont St. Michel, Caen, Rouen, and relating to medical study. We are requested to state that a Havre, whence the steamer will leave for England at of former students in the of Medicine of

dark, cloudy, straw.coloured fluid with



midnight on April 28th. THE

register University College





of preparation and former students who can give information about their contemporaries who are in the colonies or abroad are asked to communicate with the secretary. The summer session in the Faculty of Medicine will begin on Monday, April 23rd. is in


WHEN the International Congress on Infantile Mortality, it was specifically termed "Congres International des Gouttes de Lait," was held at Paris in October of last year THE SALE OF NARCOTICS IN THE UNITED two corporations in Great Britain were represented by officialI STATES. delegates-namely, Glasgow and Huddersfield. The report UPON the invitation of the legis]ative committee of the of the Glasgow deputation now before us contains American Pharmaceutical Association a conference of delea number of comments on the proceedings of the gates from the various pharmaceutical associations in the Congress and suggestions for municipal lines of United States has met to consider what steps might be taken action with regard to the question of infantile mortality. to check the sale of narcotics in the United States. As a This report, for which we understand Dr. A. K. Chalmers, result of this conference a draft Billhas been formulated the corporation’s medical officer of health, is largely reto provide against the evils resulting from.. the traffic in sponsible, well deserves perusal as a concise account of certain narcotic drugs, including cocaine, alpha and beta the proceedings and of the charitable organisations in eucaine, opium, morphine, heroin, chloral hydrate, or any France which deal in a systematic manner with the food salt or compound of these substances. Section 1 makes it unand the feeding of infants and with the instruction lawful for any person to sell, to furnish, or to give away any of mothers with regard to the general management of 1 American Journal of their babies. The two chief systems in France dealing Pharmacy, March, 1906 p. 145. or as