of the Faculty, on which occasion he wrote a remarkable thpsis on the action of soluble ferments on albuminoid substances. He was also Professor at the Municipal School of Chemistry. Dr. Henninger was the author of several works on biology and on chemistry, among which may be cited the Synthesis of Orcine, and another on Erythrite. He was also one of the coadjutors of M. Wurtz in his construction of his great Dictionary on Chemistry.
RIFLE VOLUNTEERS.-5th Durham: Lieutenant Charles James Sutherland is appointed Acting Surgeon.-18th Middlesex : Clement Godson, Gent., M.D., to be Acting Surgeon.-2nd Volunteer Battlion, the Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) : Acting Surgeon William Joseph Atkinaon resigns his appointment.
The cholera is at last in our midst, and though not unexpected, it has taken the Parisians by surprise. It cannot be said that they are terror-stricken, but they are in the state of excitement common to them in any great event, such as a revolution or a war. Cholera is everywhere the topic of conversation, and the newspapers are taken up with avidity. The disease is officially reported to have broken out in Paris on the 4th inst., and yet it is now known that several cases had occurred in and about this city almost simultaneously with the outbreak of the epidemic at Toulon and Marseilles, but the fact was kept a secret. The disease seems to be of a mild form, and it is not confined to any particular district, though the first cases that occurred were in a narrow filthy lane in the Faubourg St. Antoine, which is generally inhabited by chiffonniers and the most degraded specimens, morally and physically, of civilised society; but how it got there it is impossible to find out, nor yet in the majority of the cases that have since occurred in other parts can any direct connexion be found between them to account for its spread by contagion. All possible precautions are being taken to prevent the extension of the disease, and printed rules fur the guidance of the public are posted up in every quarter. Among the measures prescribed are, of course, the most scrupulous cleanliness in and out of doors, and the thorough disinfection of everything that has been in contact with cholera patients. Water boiled for drinking and other personal uee is enjoined, as it is now admitted that water is the most ordinary vehicle of the germs of the disease. Official reports of the number of admissions and deaths are daily published, and the following is that given to the llth inst :Admissions.
November 4th 5th ......... "
3 9 ...... 10
2 6
12 37 8th 70 Unknown 51 9th ......... 185 " 50 10th......... 119 " 56 llth........ 152 " At Nantes there have been forty-five fresh cases since Wednesday, the 5tb, to Monday, the 10th inst., and there have been twenty-two deaths from the disease during that time. The last report from Yport, dated the 9th inst., states that there were then only seven cases under treatment. After an absence of three weeks the cholera has reappeared at Toulon, where it is reported that ten cases occurred on the 10th inst., of which three died. The disease broke out in a charity school situated in a street where it had been "
AT an ordinary meeting of the Council on Thursday last, resolution from the Committee of Management of the Com. bined Physicians’ and Surgeons’ Examining Scheme was considered. The resolution was to the effect that it be recommended to the authorities of the two Colleges to pro. ceed as early as possible to the appointment of examiners in accordance with the provision of Part II. of the Scheme. Mr. Erichsen asked what had been done respecting the preparation of the new Charter, and it was answered that a new Charter had been drawn up by the standing counsel of the College, and was awaiting the changes that might arise from the consideration of the Recommendations of the Association of Fellows. The Recommendations of the Association of Fellows were presented and read, and will be taken into consideration at an extraordinary meeting of the Council, which is convened for Wednesday next. At the same extra. ordinary meeting Mr. Heath’s motion respecting the mode of election of president will be considered. Respecting the appointment of examiners under the Combined Scheme, it was agreed to appoint the examiners in Anatomy, Physiology, and Midwifery ; and Mr. Marshall proposed that the examiners in Anatomy and Physiology on the Conjoint Board may be selected from the Members of the College as well as from the Fellows. The appointment of the examiners was deferred. Mr. Marshall gave notice of motion that at the next meeting of Council he will move that it be considered whether the fee for the diplomas granted under the new Scheme cannot be reduced. Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson, whose diploma of Member is dated May 21st, 1880, and who passed his examination in November, 1883, was admitted a Fellow of the College. a
raging to a great extent. ‘
IN the House of Lords on Monday, in answer to Lord of Alderley, Lord Carlingford stated that the managers of the school concerned had been written to by the Education Department respecting the death of Harriet Stocker from alleged over-pressure, and bad been requested to give their view of the case, and to make whatever obser. vations they wished upon it. This answer had not, however, yet arrived.
In the House of Commons on Thursday, Dr. Cameron inM. Cazelles, Prefect of the Boucbes-du-Rb6ne, who was quired of the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies named as the successor of M. Quentin as Director of Public whether it was true, as stated by a Madrid correspondent, Assistance, having declined the honour, Dr. Peyron, that the authorities at Gibraltar have decided to impose Director of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, has twenty-one days’ quarantine on all arrivals from Italy and been appointed to the office. France, counting from the day of departure, whether with clean bills or otherwise ; and if so, whether, in view of the Paris, Nov. 12th. belief as to the uselessness of quarantine entertained and acted on by the Home Government, and the frequent remonTHE SERVICES. strances which this country had occasion to address to other nations regarding their quarantine regulation?, the would Owing to the drain upon the Medical Staff Corps, nearly instruct the authorities at Gibraltar to adopt precautions less one-third of its entire strength being now in Egypt, and in at variance with the practice and policy of the United anticipation of other emergencies, instructions have been Kingdom.-Mr. E. Ashley replied that twenty-one days’ issued for the formation of a Militia Reserve of 1200 men. quarantine was imposed on all arrivals from Italy. In the To form this reserve ten men will be selected from each case of France, it was only imposed on particular vessels battalion of Infantry Militia, and when a battalion is called coming from French Mediterranean ports. The governor up for annual training the men joining the Militia Reserve would be asked whether he could make some relaxation of the Medical Staff Corps will be placed at the disposal of of the rule ; but the Secretary of State was not prepared to the principal medical officer of the district to which the require the local government to act on tbe opinions of the regiment is to be attached, and will undergo a course of Home Government in such matters, in opposition to the very in all the duties appertaining to the Medical Staff decided wish of the people there, and having regard to the Corps. peculiar position of Gibraltar. ________________
Captain of Orderlies C. Cook. to Mr. Justin M’Carthy, the Marquis of Hartington said that the rank of Captain of Orderlies is retained entirely for the benefit of the late Army Hospital Corps, who did not elect to join in the new rank of quartermasters under the Warrant of 1881. For this reason it was Dot necessary that they should be specified in the Royal Warrant, as the preamble provided for them. The abolition of the title in no way affected the position or the emoluments of the officer referred to in the question. He continues to hold the same position in the Medical Department as he held before, and is not in receipt of a lower rate of pay than that drawn by the other officers of his grade of service before they accepted the terms of the Royal Warrant of June 25th, 1881. In that Warrant the officers who accepted the new rate now draw a higher rate of pay than the quartermasters. The fact is, a captain of orderlies is not worse off than formerly, but his brother officers become better off by In
BICHLORIDE OF METHYLENE.-At inst., whilst a dentist was complying with a patient’s request to use his painless dentistry process, in which bichloride of methylene was used, he observed that the boy’s head dropped, that he turned pale, and that he was gasping for breath. A restorative was administered, but without succes-’, and a medical man was summoned, but DEATH
the 7th
before his arrival death had occurred.
ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION.-Mr. John chairman of the Association, opened the winter session at Sevenoaks on Friday evening, the 7 th inst., Mr. Multon Lambard in the chair. Sevenoaks, though comparatively a small town, has done well as regards ambulance work. The second place out of London to form a centre, it has an organised ambulance corps, and material, such as stretchers &c., deposited for use at the railway station and other suitable points.
Furley, deputy
MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY. meeting of the Medico-Chirurgical Society, held on the 5th inst., the following gentlemen were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year :-President : Dr. Henry D. Littlejohn. Vice-Presidents : Drs. David Wilson, J. Batty Tuke, and John Duncan. Councillors : Drs. George Hunter, J. JamieGraham Brown, J. M. Cotterill, Rattray, A. Moir, Mr. aon, At a congregation Johnson UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. Symington, and Dr. Macbride. Treasurer: Mr. held on the 6th inst. the following degrees were conferred :- A. G Miller. Secretaries ; Drs. MacGillivray and James. M.D.-Herbert Tyrrell Griffiths, Trinity. Editor of Transactions : Dr. William Craig. M.B.-Charles Arthur Morris, Gonville and Caius. B.S.-Charles Arthur Morris. DEATHS DURING ANÆSTHESIA.-An inquest was The following gentlemen held on the lOth inst. at Spitalfields on the body of a boy APOTHECARIES’ HALL.
accepting certain conditions.
Medical News. -
passed their examination in the Science and Practice of Medicine, and received certificates to practise, on Nov. 6th:Barrett, W. Peard, Bunwell House, Cheltenham. Bell, W. Howard, Myddelton-square. Dagg, Trevor Augustus, St. Bartbolomew’s Hospital. Farr, Ernest, Gloucester House, Barry-road, East Dulwich. Jones, Herbert Charles Walter, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. The following gentleman also on the same day passed the
Primary Professional Examination :-
who had died whilst under the influence of ether administered at the Metropolitan Free Hospital for the purpose of performing an operation for bronchocele. The jury returned a verdict of death by misadventure. At Derby, too, on the 10th inst. an inquest was held on the body of a boy who died in the infirmary from paralysis of the heart immediately chloroform was administered. The jury exonerated the medical men from all blame.
Jones, Herbert Josiah, Middlesex Hospital.
of the course of six lectures which will be delivered by SIR LYON PLAYFAIR has been appointed President- jects Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson, the Emeritus Professor of Clinical Elect for the next meeting of the British Association, to be Surgery, are as follows :-Monday, Nov. 24th, " Oa the Art held at Aberdeen in September next. of Note-taking and other Matters ;Wednesday, Nov. A COPY in bronze of a marble bust of the late 26th, " On the Surgery of the Receiving Room ;"Monday, Dr. J. Marion Sims has been presented to the New York Dec. Ist, " On Head Injuries, Hernia, and other Matters ;" Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, "On Dislocations and Fractures;" Academy of Medicine by Dr. H. Marion Sims. Dec. 8th, "On the Treatment of Wounda," &c. ; THE Mayor of Leamington, in commemoration of Dec. 10th, "On Retention Cases, Injuries to Wednesday, his re-election, has presented the local hospital with a dona&c. The lectures will be delivered at 3 P.M. &c. Viscera," tion of one hundred guineas. each day. SUPERANNUATION ALLOWANCE. - E. N. Sison, MEDICAL MAYORS.-The following members of the medical officer of the eleventh district of St. Luke’s Union, medical profession have recently been elected chief magishas obtained a superannuation allowance of 970 ayear. trates of their respective towns :-Arundel : Mr. Philip SANITARY INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN.-At an Hubbert, M RC.S., L.S.A. Bacup : Dr. W. J. Clegg. examination held on Nov. 6th and 7th, twenty-seven can- Btackpool: Mr. W. H. Cocker, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Gla8tondidates presented themselves, eight as local surveyors and bury : Mr. J. A. Bright, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Grimsby : Mr. T. B. Keetley, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Hanley: Mr. J. Charlesnineteen as inspectors of nuisances. Mr. J. Rawlings, Mn. GLADSTONE has recommended that a grant of worth, M.R.C.S., L. R. C. P. Hartlepool Honiton : Mr. J. C. Macaulay, M.R.C.S., M. R. C. S , L.S. A. i300 be paid from the Royal Bounty Fund to Mr. George L. S. A. Liskeard : Mr.W. M.R.C.S, L.S.A. Smith, of Coalville, as an acknowledgment for his great ser- Southport : Mr. G.A. Pilkington, Nettle, M.R C.S.,L.S.A. Tewkesvices on behalf of the brickyard, canal, and gipsy children. bury : Mr. J. H. Boughton, M.R.C.S. West Bromwich: SEAMEN’S HOSPITAL.-The work of erecting a new Dr. T. Underhill. Wilton : Mr. C. R. Straton, F.R.C.S. chapel and of laying down fresh drainage has been comLOWER THAMES VALLEY DRAINAGE.-The Local menced at this ho-pital. The cost will, it is estimated, Government Board have announced their intention to hold reach the sum of f8850. an inquiry at Kingston-on-Thames on the 19th inst., with SALOP INFIRMARY.-At the anniversary of the reference to the proposed dissolution of the Lower Thames infirmary held on the 6th inst. at Shrewsbury, it was Valley Main Sewerage Board, and to hear the applications anncouncedthat a legacy to the institution of 99000 had been of the constituent authorities seeking separation from that board. Sir Joseph Bazalgette has submitted his report on btqueathed by the late Mr. Henry Spence, of Shrewsbury. "
IN consequence of the
the city, the authorities of Durham University have intimated to the students that
as soon as
necessary to enable them
they can commence the Christmas completed the forty-six days to keep term.
his scheme for the sewerage of the united district. It is proposed to collect the sewage of the various contributory places by sewers converging to a pumping station situated either on the east of New Malden, or on a still more eligible site near Sutton-common-road; there to be raised into a tunnel sewer, the dimensions of which will be 6ft. 6’n. by 4ft. 4in., and through which it will be carried by gravitation, the sewer having a fall of nearly 3ft. to the mile, right away to a piece of land already provisionally secured at Crossness,
SANITARY ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION. At the ordinary Council meeting of the Sanitary Assurance Association, 5, Argyll-place, W., on Monday last, Sir Joseph lectures to be lower down but immediately adjoining the metropolitan Fayreronin the chair, it was arranged for fouraud given sanitary subjects during November December, reservoir, there to be disposed ot in conjunction with the -
to which admission will be free.
sewage of London.