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chemical processes, medical electronics, automotive, shipborne tests, rocket engine and aircraft testing programs are just a few of its uses. The Mobidae system also has use in quality control and process monitoring operations, he declared. Analog represented parameters such as density and pressure can be digitized and recorded on Mobidac for later computer analysis of standard deviation, variance, quantities, mean values and others. The standard Mobidac accepts 48 input data channels directly from transducers at full scale levels at low millivolts. These inputs are multiplexed and digitized into binary or BCD codes and then recorded on magnetic tape. Output tapes from Mobidac are compatible with all major computers with computer compatibility guaranteed. The Mobidac consists of the Systems Engineering Laboratories' model LL-1 low level multiplexer, the ADC1B Analog-to-Digital Converter, a logic/control unit, and a tape transport. Except for the tape unit, all these components were developed on a company-sponsored development program, and all are marketed as standard proprietary products. According to S.E.L. engineers, Mobidac brings new levels of economy and reliability to the data acquisition field. Its low-level commutation technique results in elimination of individual d-c amplifiers on each channel. Cost savings over conventional systems for these components alone is approximately $50,000 and $100,000 respectively for 50 a n d 100 channel systems. The standard Mobidac has 48 channel capacity but is supplied with over 100 channels on an option basis. Easy to operate, Mobidac is designed for flexible field, plant or laboratory use.
Medical X-Ray Gloves.--A superior medical X - r a y protective glove made of lead-coated neoprene is an outgrowth of atomic energy work and offers three outstanding advantages: 1. It is the first X-ray glove to be to be sold with a six months' w a r r a n t y on performance. 2. It not only provides superior protection to the radiologist or technician wearing it but allows greater dexterity, freedom of motion and manipulation during t h e r a p y because of its flexibility and tactility. 3. It can be disinfected or cleaned with soaps, detergents or chemical solutions without damage. The new Rad-Bar medical X-ray gloves are made of Du Pont neoprene in a series of seamless plies, by an exclusive process developed by Charleston Rubber Company, Charleston, S.C. Smooth neoprene outer and inner surfaces surround the middle plies of lead-loaded neoprene. The outstanding protection of the gloves is provided by permanently and evenly dispersed lead particles that insure homogeneous opacity to diagnostic x.radiation (guaranteed lead equivalent 0.5 mm minimum). The balanced properties offered by neoprene make possible m a n y of the new glove's qualities. Neoprene's superior resistance to deterioration from ozone is a major advantage in its use around x-ray machines. Its flexibility contributes greatly to the increased sensitivity of these gloves. Doctors m a y actually handle syringes and hypodermic needles while wearing these gloves during therapy. Unlike ordinary X-ray gloves, the Rad-Bar medical X - r a y glove will not crack despite repeated flexing and it has no seams where cracks can occur. The old style gloves, often made with layers of leather, lead
rubber, and flannel, or leather and lead foil, are bulky, clumsy and unwieldy to wear. The Rad-Bar gloves are contour shaped to fit the hand for maximum comfort. Red in color, the gloves have a black lining, and are offered in four sizes, including an extra small size for women, the first time such a size has been available in x-ray gloves. Two pairs of absorbent cotton innereliners are supplied with each pair of gloves.
Dynaquad, New Switching Device. - - T h e development of the T y p e 2N1966 Dynaquad, a germanium, alloy junction P N P N switching device with triggered turn on and turn off at its base, has been announced by Tung-Sol Electric Inc., Semiconductor Division. The operation of the Dynaquad can be compared to the circuit equivalent of two complementary transistors, an N P N and a P N P , connected together. Because of its inherent bistable nature and its switching speed in the megacycle range, the D y n a q u a d can be used very efficiently in computer and control circuits or wherever circuits employing digital techniques are used. In a simple flip-flop circuit, one D y n a q u a d can replace as m a n y as seven conventional components. The alloy junction design of the D y n a q u a d makes possible a minimum emitter-to-base breakdown rating of 20 volts. Peak collector current is 3 amperes with a minimum pulse width of 100 usec and a maximum repetition rate of 300 pps. Collector dissipation is 120 milliwatts. With an It of 50 ma and Rbe at lk, base turn on current is 0.5 ma maximum ; base turn off current is 12 ma maximum with an It of 20 ma and Rbe at 10k. Both turn on and turn off times are in the 0.1 usec range. D y n a q u a d sustaining current is 20 ma maximum.
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T h e T y p e 2N1966 D y n a q u a d is available in a standard hermetically sealed TO-5 package that has the semiconductor base element connected directly to the case to increase thernml efficiency. Operating temperature of the unit is from - 6 5 C. to -t-75 C.
Packaged P o w e r . - - U n i q u e uses of "packaged power" in science, research, and industry were exhibited by the Ramset Fastening System at the recent American Rocket Society Show in the New York Coliseum. "Packaged power" is the application of the energy of a fired cartridge to perform a specific job. Cartridgeactuated devices are used to drive studs into steel or through other surfaces; shape and punch holes in metals; start jet engines; eject seats from airplanes; separate the stages of launched missiles. One of the applications illustrated at the Ramset exhibit is metal forming. In metal forming, cartridges generate gases directly into the volume of the part to be formed and force the metal into the shape of the surrounding die. The principal commercial application of "packaged power" is the powder-actuated fastening tool used extensively in the construction industry. Ramset tools utilize the energy of a fired blank cartridge to set threaded studs or drive pins into concrete or as much as one-inch of steel by a simple pull of the tool's trigger. Ramset, part of the WinchesterWestern Division, Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, pioneered the commercial use of powder-actuated tools in this country in 1947. T h e varied applications of "packaged power" are described in a 36page technical bulletin available from Ramset Fastening System, Winchester-Western Division, New H a v e n 4, Conn.