must be confessed that sometimes the diagnosis is not easy. This very difficulty adds urgency to the rule which should be established, that in all equivocal cases medical aid should invariably be sought. Apoplexy is, indeed, a disease in which little can be done, but that little is of the highest importance. There is no other condition in which minute care is more amply
Correspondence. "Audian
MEETING OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. To the Editor of THE LANCET. SIR,-A preliminary meeting of the medical profession, for
rewarded by success. The evidence at the inquest in these cases goes commonly to show that death was not accelerated the purpose of forming a committee to consider the clauses of by the error. It is very certain, however, that the kind of the new Medical Act, and to take such steps as may be consihandling which a drunken man receives at the hands of the dered necessary to protect the interests of the great body of police is not by any means that which is adapted to a case of ,qe;2eral practitioners of the United Kingdom, will be held at apoplexy, where the slightest jar, or the most trifling vibration, the Freemasons’ Tavern on Tuesday the 5th of October, at may cause an accession of cerebral haemorrhage, and stamp the seven r.M. Gentlemen taking an interest in the subject are invited to attend. decree of death. I am desired by the promoters of this movement to request the insertion of this notice in your forthcoming journal I am, Sir, your obedient servant, CHARCOAL IN THE SEWERS. HARRY WM. LOBB, Hon. Sec. pro. tem. A VERY simple and practical solution is offered by Dr. Letheby 63, Gloucester-terrace. Hyde-park, Sept. l7th, 1858. to the difficult and much -vexed question of destroying the noxious effects of the sewer gases. This problem, as our readers HARTLEPOOL MEDICAL REGISTRATION may remember, has puzzled the wisest and most ingenious of ASSOCIATION. our sanitary engineers; and various plans have been proposed To the Editor of THE LANCET. for adoption, many of which involved an outlay of many hunSIR,-I beg to forward you a copy of the resolutions passed dred thousand pounds, while not one appears to satisfy the the ’’ West Hartlepool Medical Registration Association," by necessities of the case. Here is Dr. Letheby’s suggestion, and instituted for purposes therein explained, held at the Royal we are glad to know that the City Commission of Sewers are Hotel, West Hartlepool, on Wednesday, 23rd September, 1858. about to adopt it. It is of great practical importance, and It was resolved,-" That an Association be formed of the medical practitioners in West Hartlepool, to be called the will, we hope, be productive of immense good. " "We have in common wood charcoal a powerful means of ’West Hartlepool Medical Registration Association.’ " "That Kirk be Mr. it to be the foul of How is sewers. appointed honorary secretary." applied is destroying gases " That the object of the above-named Association be for the a question of but little embarrassment. Ventilate the sewers as you will, either by the open gratings in the streets, or by purpose of supplying to the Medical Registrar information rethe rain-water pipes of the houses, or by the pillars of the gas- specting the known qualifications of medical men practising in lamps, or by tubes carried up at the landlord’s expense from the this" town." That in order to obtain the requisite information, it is redrains of every house, or by special shafts in the public streets - in fact, let the gases go out of the sewers how they will and quested that all qualifications be submitted for inspection by where they will, you have but to place a small box containing the secretary." a few pennies worth of charcoal in the course of the draught, My views are, that each county ought to form a distinct and the purification of the air will be complete. As far as we Registration Association, and the principal town be the centre know, the strength and the endurance of this power are almost of operation. Let the practitioners in such town divide the district having its own branch Assounlimi’etl; so that when once the air-filter has been set up it county into districts, each will last continuously for years. Its action also upon the ciation and secretary, who would communicate all matters perdraught is not particularly injurious. The temperature of the taining to the complete carrying out the intentions of the Act. sewers, and the agencies which are now at work in circulating This central committee might be able thus to correspond with the air and ventilatingthem, will be sufficient to keep up a different committees, and obtain much useful information by current of foul air through the filters; and if these were multi- making inquiries into such cases as might be necessary, without the local secretaries in any unnecessary squabblings plied to a large extent, the friction of the gises upon the char- involving with brother practitioners residing within the district, who coal would be reduced to an insignificant amount." may be reported as either having no diploma, or practising with diplomas which they never underwent examination to obtain-in fact, false certificates of license to practise. THE FIDELITY OF NATIVE SURGEONS IN INDIA I am, Sir, yours most respectfully, GGEO. EOGEO. . KIRK, L.R.C.S. Edin. & L.S.A. Lond. KIRK, DURING THE LATE REVOLT. L. R. C. S. Edin. Edin. & L.S.A. L. S. A. Lond. KIRK, L.R.C.S. West Hartlepool, Sept. 1858. DR. G. G. CHUCKERBUTTY, of Calcutta, who was well known in England as having a few years ago, in conjunction with some SOUTHPORT AND ORMSKIRK MEDICAL REGISothers of his countrymen, completed his medical education, TRATION ASSOCIATION. and taken his diplomas in London with a considerable amount PURSUANT to a circular, a meeting of the medical profession of credit and distinction, has forwarded to us a copy of his of the Southport and Ormskirk L nion was held in the Boarddiscourse on "Native Education in India," read at the Bethune room of the Strangers’ Charity, Southport, on Wednesday, the Society, Calcutta, July Sth, 1858. In it he makes the satis 22nd ult.: present-Chas. Clough, Esq. (Chairman), Dr. Ashfactory statement. that out of the large body of native doctors ton, J.P., Dr. Palmer, Mr. Marsden, Urmskirk, Dr. M’Nicoll, and sub-assistant-surgeons who have issued from the Calcutta Dr. Longton, Mr. Woods, Mr. Scowcroft, Mr. Lees, Dr. Seyar, Medical College, "only two or three havebeen proved to have Dr. Goodman, and Mr. Mathias. A long conversation ensued upon the various clauses of the Act, and it was generally actually joined the ranks of rebellion, although the vast ma- considered that although it did not accomplish all that was jority of them were exposed to the same temptations as the desirable, still, as the Chairman remarked, " the thin edge of of their regiments."" the wedge had been inserted." It remains, therefore, for the profession to unite in carrying out its provisions to the fullest SANITARY STATE OF THE CITY.-Dr. Letheby, in his extent, and thus avoid losing the advantage already gained. The subjoined resolutions were unanimously passed :report before the Common Council, stated that during the past week 150 houses had been visited by the inspectors, 17 of Proposed by Dr..M ’Nicoll, and seconded by Woods,-" That which required orders of the Court for their sanitary improve- the medical practitioners of the Southport and Ormskirk disment. He also asked for further orders in some cases where trict gratefully accept the recent Medical Act, and will assist previous orders for improvement had not been attended to. in carrying it out to the best of their ability." The health of the City was represented as being in a highly Proposed by Mr. Marsden, and seconded by Dr. Longton,satisfactory state, the deaths during the week having been only ‘‘ That a Society be formed, and that it be entitled,The ’37. a number far helow the average. Southport and Ormskirk Registration Association."’