Meetings on futures

Meetings on futures

90 Meetings on Futures MEETINGS ON FUTURES February 17-March 14, 1975, Dubnmik, rug&via Inter-university centre of post-graduate studies’ course i...

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Meetings on Futures



February 17-March 14, 1975, Dubnmik, rug&via Inter-university centre of post-graduate studies’ course in FUTURE STUDIES, directed by Professor Pave1 Apostol and Dr Eleonora Ma&i. Four weeks, each devoted to a specific topic, Week 1: Developing theory; Week 2: Developing methodology; Week 3: Strategies for the future; Week 4: Critical review and constructive outputs. g&&s: The Interuniversity Centre, Frana Bulica 4, 50 088 Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Januaty-Sef&mber 19Y5, Salzburg, Austria SALZBURG SEMINAR IN AMERICAN STUDIES. Seven sessions on aspects of life in the USA and on problems common to North America, and Western and Fastem Europe. Topics for 1975 are: International Economic Policies (January 5-25); Urban Problems and Planning (February 2-March 1) ; Comparative Views of the American Revolution (March 9-28); Manpower Policies and Career Development (April 27-May 17); Energy, Population, and AffIuence: The Future of the Earth’s Resources (June 15-July 5) ; American Law and Legal Institutions (July l+August 9); Contemporary American Literature (August 17-September 6). Enquiries: Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, Schloss Leopoldskron, Box 129, A-5010 Salsburg, Austria Ajki 9-Zf, 1975, ague n. C~~~f~d~ Essex~ UK MOTORWAYS-ENVIRONMENT AND THE COMMUNITY. An interdisciplinary approach to local and natiodal decision making. Enquiries: Motorway Research Project, North East London Polytechnic, Waltham Forest Technical College, Forest Row, E17.

May 21-24, 1975, San Francisco, Cal~onzia, USA PLANNING FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER CENTURY. Sponsored by the International Afliliation of Planning Societies (LAPS) and the Planning Executives Institute (PEI). Corporate planning for resources and environment; planning systems and technology; effectiveness and appraisal techniques; plannints andgovernment. En(luiricsandaabs~~ts: Dr S. H. Achtenhagen, Conference Program Central Chairman, Staanford University, 720 South Catifomian Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94386, USA

May 30-3une 6,1975, Castine, Maine, USA CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS: advanced seminars in the optimal allocation of capital funds (summer session). Object: to train manage= to perform resources allocation effectively. Enquirk: Patricia Olson, IMC Inc, 1411 West Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, USA.

Juna 8-13,1975, Cadne,Maine, USA 25th short course, summer session, on TECHNOLOGY FORECASTING, a workshop in principles, applications and practice organised by the Industrial Management Centre, Inc. Enquirk: Patricia Olson, IMC Inc, 1411 West Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, USA. JURS 15-20,1975, Castiue~ Maim, USA TECHNOLOGY FORECASTING: an advanced seminar on sociopolitical forecasting and technology (summer session). Enquiries: Patricia Olson, IMC Inc, 1411 West Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701, USA.

April 9-11, 1975, Nottingham, UK International Conference on AUTOMATION IN WAREHOUSING. Aims to discuss present applications and future trends against a background of rapidly rising costs of manual operations. Enqukies: Mr T. E. Brock, Organising Secretary, 1st ICAW, International Fluidics Services Ltd, Carlton, Bedford MK43 7JS, UK

JMa 28-3&y 4,19Ys, Belgrade, ~ugos&ia 6th International “Science and Society” Conference: COOPERATION AND INTERDEPENDENCE IN THE MODERN WORLD. Themes : cooperation as a condition of progress ; interdependence of economic development; developing countries; new ways of cooperation. E@&r : Jugoslovensko Udruienje “Nauka i Dr&vo”, Organiaacioni odbor 6 KND, 11061 Beograd, PO Box 163, Yugoslavia.

A@ 21-23,1975, London, UK International symposium on EUROPE 1980s: organisational, socio-political and industrial structure and infix-structure. To bring together ideas from different sources and identify forces, trends and patterns of integration. For policy makers and strategic planners. Enqtriria: Ian Priban, APD Associates, 90 Portland Road, London Wll 4QL, UK.

August 18-30, 1975, Vancouver, BC, Canada PACIFIC SCIENCE ASSOCIATION CONGRESS sponsored by the National Research Council of Canada. Theme: Mankind’s Future in the Pacific. &qui&s: Professor W. S. Hoar, 13th Pacific Science Congress, University of British Columbia, 2075 Westbrook Place, Vancouver, Canada, V6T 1W5


February 1975